Island Fishery

Chapter 321: 321 arrived in Greenland

Chapter 321: 321 arrived in Greenland

Earning 1,620 yuan a month, Li Shu thought it was too little when he first heard this figure.

But in an instant he came to his senses again, and said to himself: "I can't think about Huang Yun by my standard of earning money. After all, this is a part-time job, 2 hours at a time, only 3 days a week, 1620 yuan is enough.".

"Congratulations, you've made money again, so when I go to eat with you, I can consider spending a little more of your money." Li Shu laughed.

"You are really..." Huang Yun's white goose-egg face instantly showed a look of embarrassment: "My wallet is already shriveled, huh~".

"Then let me treat you to a meal first. How about the spicy crayfish? Are you here for 3 catties?" Li Shu took out another mobile phone and began to order food for Huang Yun who was far away in Yanjing.

"Ah, actually..... don't bother, I'm already full tonight, let's go~".

"Haha, wipe off the drool around your mouth, or it will almost flow to the floor." Li Shu laughed.

Huang Yun: "......".

What is this big straight man laughing at? She really wanted Bangbang to punch him twice, until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

The spicy crayfish was delivered quickly, a plastic box of one catty, a total of 3 catties, as soon as the bright red spicy crayfish was exposed to the air, a unique and alluring aroma emanated instantly, and Huang Yun's eyes flickered instantly. Yes, the tears of distressed crayfish flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Spicy and fragrant, the taste is awesome!" Huang Yun, wearing gloves, ate it, and she hadn't eaten crayfish for a long time: "Thank you, A Shu, for the crayfish you sent me.".

Normally, Huang Yun herself is reluctant to buy crayfish. When this kind of food is cooked, a natural fragrance will be blown by the wind.

"A Shu, when are you coming to Yanjing!?" While eating delicious crayfish, Huang Yun asked: "It is now January 24, 2018 in the Gregorian calendar, and I remember that February 15, 2018 in the Gregorian calendar is New Year's Eve Alright, we're going on vacation soon too.".

"Yes, the lunar year is coming." Li Shu sighed, feeling that too many things happened in the past 2017.

"I probably won't be able to go before the New Year. Let's see after the New Year. I plan to go skiing once, and then I can go home for the New Year." Li Shu smiled.

"Skiing, what skiing?" Huang Yun suddenly became interested.

"It should be to the cold zone in the north, Canada, Alaska, Russia, and Northern Europe are all possible." Li Shu laughed.

"Yeah, take a photo of me when the time comes." Huang Yun smiled.

"Yeah, I will definitely take a picture of you." Li Shu smiled.

After chatting with Huang Yun for a while, he hung up the video call.

After thinking for a moment, Li Shu sent messages to Su Zhizhe, Cao Cao, Qian Rongjie and others, asking if they wanted to go skiing in the north.

Su Zhizhe and Qian Rongjie were very interested.

Cao Cao had already gone skiing, so he didn’t go any more, but he recommended a place—Greenland.

"Greenland?" Li Shu was on the phone with Cao Cao: "I seem to have heard of this name, but I don't have much impression.".

"Haha, most of Greenland is within the Arctic Circle. It's in the northeast of North America, which is the northeast of Canada. Greenland is the largest island in the world, with an area of ​​2.16 million square kilometers, and there are only 60,000 people on it!" Cao Groove laughed.

“You can ski there, see polar bears and other snowy animals, there are also some cold zone fish, and of course the beautiful aurora!”.

After a slight pause, Cao Cao suddenly smiled mysteriously and said: "Of course, the local Inuit will also make a world-famous delicacy. You are such a good cook, you should pay attention to the world's famous delicacy, you may know . ".

"Food? Inuit?" Li Shu frowned, and said slowly: "It seems that there is no food, I don't have any impression.".

"Hey." Cao Cao said suddenly: "Pickled Puffin!".

"Ugh~" Li Shu retched slightly for a moment. He remembered that the Inuit really knew how to make pickled puffins.

The Inuit are a people living in the arctic frigid zone. Perhaps because of the lack of firewood in the cold weather, the Inuit like to eat raw meat.

The so-called salted puffins are to capture hundreds of puffins and seals, and after killing them all, stuff all the hundreds of puffins into the stomachs of the seals, seal them and bury the seals in the permafrost.

Let the puffins ferment naturally in the stomach of the seal, and after a year or several years, dig out the seal buried in the permanent ground and eat the fermented puffin meat in his stomach.

After retching, Li Shu suddenly wanted to try the pickled puffins, so he could better evaluate whether it was delicious or not.

"My cousin has a house in Gotthob, the capital of Greenland. If you want to have nothing to do, the house should be provided to you for free." Cao Cao said with a smile. His cousin bought a lot of them all over the world. Among them, the house in Haishen Community, which was sold to Li Shu, originally belonged to Cao Cao’s cousin.




After hanging up Cao Cao's cell phone, Li Shu called Qian Rongjie and Su Zhizhe. The two were also very interested in the mysterious Greenland. Afterwards, Su Zhizhe asked his girlfriend Yao Li's opinion, and Yao Li was also very willing to go .

Li Shu asked his younger sister for her opinion, and her younger sister also planned to go. In an instant, the team became Li Shu, Li Yao, Su Zhizhe, Yao Li, and Qian Rongjie, a total of 5 people.

It takes a certain amount of time and a lot of perseverance to apply for visas, check in pets, and train Jing's third child to fly a private jet.

On January 31, 2018, everything was settled. Everyone boarded the Helios private jet and began to fly across the ocean to London, England, and then changed the route and flew directly to Greenland.

Li Shu glanced at Qian Rongjie, Su Zhizhe and the others, and remained silent.

"Meow~" The big yellow dog was lying on the floor of the cabin, while the big orange cat was lying softly in the arms of the little girl.

Along the way, everyone is planning how to play in Greenland.

buzz buzz~

The huge passenger plane landed at the airport of the capital "Goth Hob", and an icy air flow immediately eroded out of the plane.

"Sha~" Li Shu opened his mouth slightly, and a puff of white air came out of his mouth in an instant. He looked around, and there were streets and wooden houses in the snowy ice and moon.

"Hey, the wooden houses here are all colorful." In a taxi, the little girl was lying on the back seat, carefully watching the scenery outside through the window.

The sides of the wooden houses were painted with red, green and other paints, which looked quite festive, and Li Shu couldn't help smiling.


The taxi took the group of people to a confusing villa complex, and soon found the house where Cao Cao said his cousin was.

It was a 3-story light blue small building. After everyone entered, they found that the decoration inside the small building was mainly green. After they divided the rooms, they left the small building.

Ask for an air ticket.

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