Island Fishery

Chapter 339: 339 A bastard exploded from the river

Chapter 339: 339 A bastard exploded from the river

The village in winter is very dry and cold. Li Shu’s family eats dinner relatively early. He, Gangzi, Ergou and others had already eaten when they went out for a stroll. Running back and forth in front, sniffing and smelling.

"Ashu, there are fishers in our river!" Ergou suddenly said after a topic ended.

"That's right, that's right, I also saw the traces left by the fisherman." Gangzi, Laosha, Bingzi, Daya and others all echoed.

"Fishing? Isn't the river frozen now?" Li Shu said as he walked.

"It's frozen, but the fisherman breaks the ice and catches it." Er Gou added, with a look of longing on his face.

After turning the last corner, the moat river tens of meters away came into view. The bare willow branches by the river swayed in the wind, and a group of old and young men really stood by the river talking and laughing.

There are a few loud laughter that can be transmitted far away, and it is quite magical. After Li Shu and other 6 people walked over, those who knew them greeted them one after another. Some middle-aged people did not know him, but they were reminded by people around He is the "grandson of the Sledgehammer family", and he suddenly realized it.



"Ashu, when did you come back?".

"I saw the BMW in front of your house just now, I guess it's either you or your dad is back.".

Li Shu also responded with a smile to everyone's greetings, and he also called uncle or elder brother to the cousins ​​who hadn't released the fifth service.

"Huh, so you were playing with a spinning top?" Standing by the river with willow trees, the withered grass under your feet is swaying in the cold wind. On the ice surface of Hanoi with a width of about 8 meters, most of the dozen or so children are playing with spinning tops, big and small. , or a wooden or plastic top spinning rapidly on the ice.

swipe swipe~

One by one the children were whipping tops with whips, and they were pumping very vigorously. Occasionally, two tops collided with each other and were bounced away several meters away.

"Ashu, I remember that when you were young, your family had a tree stump that was thick enough for one person to hug. Later, that tree stump was made into a big spinning top. At that time, all the children in the village envied you." Ergou stood beside Li Shu, his face full of memories. laughed.

Gangzi answered: "Yes, yes, that spinning top is really too big. I am still deeply impressed by that big spinning top. After it spins, when a few people whip it with a whip, they feel very fulfilled. Li Nan's grandson still wants to Steal your top, we will beat you up.".

Li Nan's family is also relatively rich, but Li Nan's father and Li Shu's father are at odds, which directly makes Li Shu and Li Nan also at odds.

When Cao Cao arrived, Li Shu, Ergou, and Gangzi were discussing Li Nan, Li Nan rode a Kawasaki N inja400 motorcycle from the south. It was nailed to the car.


The tire left a trail on the road, Li Nan thought it was a beautiful flick, got off the car, took off his helmet and walked towards the crowd: "Are all the young and old playing here? Huh, Li Shu?

Isn't your family bankrupt? Why at noon I saw a Beijing-brand BMW Seven Series in front of your house. Is it yours? ".

Li Nan saw Li Shu walking around before, and when he heard that Li Shu's family went bankrupt, Li Nan was so excited! Directly booked out at the bar in the county seat, and heard the MC yell, "Young Master Li will pay for tonight's consumption".

At that time, although Li Nan acted calm and breezy, his heart was already soaring—that kind of situation where everyone in the audience looked at him, envious and jealous, and the beautiful women approached him actively, made him feel ecstatic. fairy.

But—half a year ago, he suddenly heard that Li Shu's family had made a comeback, and instantly dropped his phone angrily. He was so angry that he didn't eat for a whole day.

He thought that Li Shu's family would be in a slump from now on, but he didn't expect to get up again so soon, but Li Nan still didn't want to believe that Li Shu's family was rich again.

"None of your business." Li Shu rolled his eyes.

"You——" Li Nan was furious for a moment, and what made him even more angry was that Li Shu seemed to have become more handsome and stronger, as if he had become what he imagined, and said: "I have no quality, I care about you , the dog bit Lu Dongbin.".

"Fuck your grandma, you should still care about yourself. A motorcycle rider is flying in front of you and chasing after him. When the soul can't catch up, you will be finished." Li Shu laughed.


A loud roar in the distance interrupted the bickering of the two people, and it was Ergou's second uncle who ran over, and he brought three Kaitian mines.

"Kai Tianlei is here! Don't you guys want to test how thick the ice in the river is? Come and see if Kai Tianlei can blast the ice.".

"I come!".

“Give me one, I’m smoking a cigarette right now.”.

Everyone walked west for a certain distance, and then the first sky-opening thunder was ignited and thrown into the river, buzzing ~ the fuse was sparking, the round sky-opening thunder bounced on the ice a few times, and then instantly exploded.


"Wow!" Many people turned their backs and didn't dare to look at it. When they looked again, they found that cracks had appeared on the ice.



The second Kai Tianlei was thrown into the river, and the cracks on the ice surface were more and denser, and it seemed that the entire ice layer was already crumbling.


The third sky thunder exploded on the ice, and the ice layer more than half a meter thick suddenly burst, and a column of water was directly blown up and drenched the surrounding ice.


“There are fish and there are fish!”.

“There is a big fish, oops~ It’s a pity that it ran away!”.

"Hey, there's another bastard!".

Everyone exclaimed, Li Shuxun looked around and saw a big carp weighing more than 2 jins falling on the river bank, but he returned to the river after a few pokes, staying on the ice for a few days in total. seconds.

A carp weighing more than 2 catties is considered a big fish in this small river.

In addition to the big carp, a 5 cm long small carp was blown onto the ice on each of the south, north and east sides. It was freezing cold. They jumped a few times on the ice covered with river water and stopped moving. Frozen into ice sculptures.

And a slap-sized bastard that was green but with brown stripes was blown over on the ice, twisted its neck and turned over in an instant, and quickly ran into the river and disappeared.


The big yellow dog ran to the ice with its big tail wagging, its ears pricked up, and it looked very handsome, but the instant it hesitated looking at the river flowing on the ice, the slap-sized bastard jumped into the river and escaped in an instant. The big yellow dog groaned and chirped dissatisfied.

"Fuck, are there any big bastards in our small river?".

"Maybe it came from the Jiangziya River. The Jiangziya River is bigger.".

"But this bastard, why is this bastard, a mutated bastard?".

"This bastard runs really fast, doesn't it mean that bastards run very slowly?".

Everyone was discussing, the setting sun was shining, and the evening air was warm, but Li Nan, who was wearing a motorcycle suit, did not pay attention to the fish and bastards, but to the big yellow dog: "Zhi Liu~ This big yellow dog is quite fat, sprinkle it on!" Stew a pot of dog meat with seasoning, absolutely delicious!".

Li Shu's face darkened instantly, he looked at Li Nan and sneered: "Oh, a bastard exploded in the river.".

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