Island Fishery

Chapter 346 346 Nutrient solution.

Chapter 346 346 Nutrient solution.

Zhangjiacun, grandma's house.

Li Shu put three catties of fried fish on the dining table: "Grandma, grandpa, I went to the river to catch this fish yesterday, cleaned it up, wrapped it in bread crumbs and fried it, it was delicious and crispy . ".

"Oh? Then I have to taste it." Grandpa has a face with Chinese characters, and his figure is still burly even in his old age. He picked up a small fried fish and took a bite to chew. The crispy feeling mixed with the aroma erupted in his mouth. He couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction: "Very good! You really made this, Xiaoshu? Your cooking skills are good!".

Grandpa feels that he needs to get to know his grandson again. He has never discovered that this grandson can "fry fish". Well, in his impression, Li Shu can "fry fish". He doesn't use oil, but throws Kai Tianlei into the river to fry fish .

"I'll try it too." Grandma also took a piece of fish and ate it, full of praise as well, and said: "The taste is really good, the saltiness is moderate, and the story of you, Xiaoshu, who saved Zhang Baicai has spread in Zhangjia Village. , everyone is praising you!".

Grandma was very happy, and grandpa also said: "Xiaoshu, you did the right thing! When you meet someone who needs help, you must provide help within your ability. Saving a life is a great merit! And calm down when things happen, don't panic , which is even more rare!".

Li Shu was slightly embarrassed by the praise, he even said: "I also brought some special health care products, which are in the trunk of the car, I'll go get them.".

When Li Shu ran out of the house and walked out of the yard, he heard his grandma nagging in the house: "This kid comes here as soon as he comes, and he brings so many things, it's too much money.".

Grandpa suddenly laughed and said, "That's because my grandson came to see me. I bought it for his grandpa. What are you talking about here, grandma? You don't have your share. It's really annoying.".

Grandma: "......".

"It's all there!" Li Shu moved in two 60 cm long wooden boxes. There were exquisite patterns of green dragon, white tiger, red bird, and basaltic four beasts on the wooden boxes. The boxes looked very extraordinary.

"Hiss~ This box is so delicate, what's in it?" Grandpa immediately felt that the things in the box might not be ordinary.

"This is a special nutritional product for the elderly that I customized abroad. Young people and children should not drink it. Not only will it have no effect, but it may be harmful, and don't give it to the elderly in other neighbors.

I customized this thing based on the physical data of the two of you, including your blood pressure, blood sugar, cell aging, lumbar disc, rheumatism, and thrombus.

The raw materials are so weird that there are very few finished products. One bottle a day is given to others to drink or break up. Then you can't keep one bottle a day, and the overall efficacy of the medicine will drop significantly. "Li Shu repeatedly emphasized the preciousness of these health products.

There is no way, his grandma and grandpa are too generous. If they have good things, they will give them to neighbors and distant relatives who come to pay New Year's greetings.

This is naturally a good habit, but Li Shu's chalcedony spirit water is limited and can be drunk by neighbors or distant relatives who can't afford it.

Ka~ A mouthful of the box was opened, and instantly a glass bottle with a height of 7 cm appeared in front of everyone. The most amazing thing is that the golden phoenix pattern is outlined on the glass bottle, which symbolizes rebirth from the ashes.

And there are 8 small and bright artificial diamonds on each bottle cap. The artificial diamonds are worthless, and the price of gold is also average, but the combination of the two is enough to highlight the extraordinaryness of this nutrient solution.

"Hiss~ This little bottle is pretty delicate." Grandpa picked up a bottle of nutrient solution and said.

"Is this thing expensive? Is it external or internal?" Grandma also picked up a bottle of nutrient solution and said.

"The price is 30,000 yuan per bottle, for oral administration, and each person drinks one bottle per day." Li Shu said with a smile. He took out a bottle of nutrient solution from the left box, opened it, and handed it to grandpa, and took out a bottle from the right box to open it. Then hand it to grandma.

Grandma saw her bottle of nutrient solution, which had an old lady pattern on it, and grandpa's bottle had an old man pattern on it, and instantly understood who should drink which bottle through the pattern.

"It's too expensive! It's 30,000 yuan a bottle, and it's not so expensive if it's made of gold. Hey, it seems a little sweet and tastes good~" Grandma said.

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