Island Fishery

Chapter 411: 411 Jellyfish Swarm Appears

Chapter 411: 411 Jellyfish Swarm Appears

The night was getting dark, and the cicadas that were singing outside the window had long since stopped. A large number of insects were singing in the grass, and the quiet atmosphere penetrated into the living room.

Vecna ​​and Xu Hao sat facing each other on the sofa, while Li Shu and Feng Yaqian accompanied them.

Vecna ​​brushed her hair around her ears, and said with a smile: "This Jade Buddha looks good from the photos, and I'm more interested, but I don't know how it looks in real life.".

"Cough~" Xu Haolian sat up straight and carefully considered his words: "Don't worry, the pictures are definitely not beautified. How about this, I will ask my staff to start a video call now, let's take a look from the video first."

Xu Hao immediately called his staff, and the other party took out the Jade Buddha from the safe according to the password he provided, and then made a video on the mobile phone, so that Vecna ​​could see the appearance of the Jade Buddha now.

The Emerald Buddha looks like Maitreya Buddha, smiling and vivid, with an overall height of 51.3 cm, warm and moist, and looks extremely beautiful.

Vecna's snow-white chin lightened, obviously quite satisfied with the Jade Buddha.

Seeing this scene, Xu Hao was overjoyed. He hoped so much to sell the Jade Buddha to get back the funds. His current cash flow was about to break.

"Don't worry, we will trade after appraisal. How about setting the trading place in Hong Kong City? The port city is very developed and has many appraisal institutions. After the appraisal is completed, you can transport the Jade Buddha to wherever you want." Xu Hao asked carefully.

"Don't call me "you", just call me Vecna, let's discuss this jade Buddha now, you transport the Buddha to the port city, and we can go to the port city to check the price." Vecna ​​agreed.

"Hiss~ That's really great." Xu Hao looked at the beautiful Vecna, and felt that she was glowing all over her body for a moment.

Afterwards, the two chatted about the selection of materials for the Jade Buddha, the carvers, etc., and the atmosphere was relaxed, while Li Shu, who was sitting next to him, was eating grapes while watching the big orange cat and the flower cat playing.

The cat is the black and white cat that Vecna ​​picked up yesterday. The back, tail and head of this cat are black, while the mouth, four paws and the underside of the abdomen are white, as if wearing a white mask and white gloves .

"Meow~" The big orange cat pushed away a pink ball of wool, and the fist-sized ball of wool rolled to the flower cat's feet, and then pushed it back with its big head.

Then the big orange cat pushed again, and the tabby cat pushed it up again, and the cycle went on and on. Once the tabby cat failed to push it up, the ball of thread rolled out several meters and fitted the bedroom door, making a soft bang.


The tabby cat hops and chases the ball of wool, then picks up the ball of wool and continues to play with the big orange cat. It is simple and relaxed in its childishness.

Feng Yaqian ate a durian petal, she rarely bought durians in Yanjing, and thought it was too expensive, but there were endless durians at Li Shu's house, so she naturally wanted to eat as much as she could.

She asked: "The black and white cat is really pretty after the bath, but what are they two doing?".

Li Shu said with a smile: "Let's play football.".

Feng Yaqian: "......".

Xu Hao and Vecna ​​also looked over: "Although it feels a little strange, but it is indeed playing football, hahaha.".

After playing for a while, Vecna ​​left with the cat in her arms. The tabby cat lay on Vecna's shoulder, looking at the big orange cat not far away, with a reluctant expression on its face, but unfortunately the big orange cat had already jumped onto the window sill , began to appreciate the moon.

Time passed, and the day after tomorrow Xu Hao flew to Hong Kong City by himself to make a detailed appraisal. Li Shu didn't know the details of the transaction, but he knew that the final transaction price was more than 1.55 million points in RMB, and Xu Hao was very satisfied.

After the transaction, Xu Hao flew back to Danguan City.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to May 31, 2018, the night.

There are bright and beautiful stars in the sky, and the crescent moon sprinkles the light on the entire fantasy island, as if covering the villas, trees, and stone roads with a layer of soft gauze.

“Let’s go, let’s go fishing!”.

“Take two buckets and catch more fish.”.

"Being in Neverland has really disturbed you for a long time. Tomorrow, Xiaoqian and I will go back to China. This period of time has been really good. I feel that my body and mind are much more relaxed.".

"Xu Hao, don't talk about outsiders, you are welcome to come to Neverland anytime in the future.".

The crowd walked along the stone road towards the pier. When they passed the big leatherback turtle, the latter followed them. The hard leather carapace reflected the moonlight. The big leatherback followed them and stopped climbing after twenty meters. Come down and rest.

huh huh huh~

The ferry boat started and carried several people to a place slightly away from the island. In addition to Li Shu, Xu Hao, there were also Feng Yaqian, Jing Laosan and Bai Squirrel on board.

Li Shu originally wanted to bring the mascot "Big Orange Cat", but this guy climbed directly onto the coconut tree and didn't want to get on the boat, probably because he wanted to see its ant nest.

Throwing a pole to fish, Xu Hao quickly caught a 40 cm long golden pomfret. The water splashed everywhere, and the scales of the fish reflected the faint moonlight.

"Wow~ a good start! I will definitely have a good harvest today!" Xu Hao was very excited: "I haven't caught fish for several years. I remember my grandfather took me to fish, touch shrimps, and catch crabs almost every day when I was young.".

Soon, Li Shu also caught a sea bass, about 30 centimeters long, struggling violently and being very active. The white squirrel wagged its big tail and watched it closely, its eyes full of curiosity.

"Give me some of the walnut you gnawed." Li Shu put the fish into the bucket, then wiped his hands and picked up the white squirrel, which was gnawing on the walnut skin.


One-fifth of the walnut skin has been gnawed, and the white squirrel directly handed the whole walnut to Li Shu. Kaka~ Li Shu squeezed the walnut open and divided the walnut kernel into two halves. He ate half and gave the other half to Bai Shu. squirrel.

"Squeak~"【Delicious! 】

The white squirrel took the other half of the walnut and ate it happily.

Time passed, and the sea breeze was blowing a bit cool, Xu Hao took off his thick coat and put it on Feng Yaqian, who smiled happily.

Li Shu, Xu Hao, Feng Yaqian, Jing Lao San and Bai Squirrel, 4 people and 1 pet, were on the 8-meter-long ferry boat. They had already put a lot of sea fish in their fish buckets.

Among them, Jing Laosan caught the most, about 20 fish, while Feng Yaqian caught the least, except for two gray pomfrets weighing 1 catties, there was only one small sea crucian carp 7 cm long.

"It's a pity." Feng Yaqian sat on Xu Hao's right, wearing the latter's wide coat, she felt much warmer.

"It's really a pity. The big sea bream was half a meter long just now. I wanted to copy it up, but at the last moment it broke free from the hook and escaped.".


Feng Yaqian looked at the sea in the distance, a large number of blue luminous bodies were moving forward one after another, very beautiful.

"Wow! Look at what that is?" Feng Yaqian shouted excitedly, her voice was so loud that even Xu Hao who was sitting next to her jumped.

"It's a swarm of jellyfish!" Li Shu's eyes brightened, and he asked Jing Laosan to set off to chase the jellyfish.

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