Island Fishery

Chapter 419

Chapter 419

Baicao Garden is 30 meters in length and width, and 10 meters in height. The internal space is divided into 36 small plots. Except for a few plots that are still empty, most of the plots have been planted with various vegetables and fruits.

Li Shu squatted on the ground holding a long cucumber in his right hand to feed the dog, while holding a mobile phone in his left hand to talk to Xu Qian.

"Yes~ Today is June 6th, 2018. June 7th and June 8th are the days of the college entrance examination, and it is the time of the college entrance examination for another year. I remember that many college entrance examinations failed in that year. Examination certificate, and then the traffic police helped to send the test admission ticket. ".

There is nostalgia in Li Shu's eyes, and it has been 5 years since his college entrance examination.

In the past 5 years, many things have changed.

"Ah, are there any exam admission tickets left behind?" Xu Qian said: "It's only noon, and my mother checked the exam admission ticket for me three times, 2B pencils, erasers, writing pens, etc.".

"Have you returned to Cangshi?".

"No, I have a registered permanent residence in Yanjing, so of course I have to take the exam in Yanjing. Our family has a flat in Yanjing. Now I live in this flat with my dad and mom. I will go directly to the exam room tomorrow morning." Xu Qian said with.

"Wow, it's really rich to buy a house in Yanjing." Li Shu said with a funny smile.

"Hee hee~ Don't laugh at me, senior. Our family's money is nothing compared to you." Xu Qian smiled.

"Well, it's good to smile, and you won't be so nervous when you smile.".

"Thank you, but I'm still a little nervous. After tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, my high school career will be officially over, and if I fail in the last three years of high school... ".

"Actually, you don't need to be nervous at all. Your current mentality is the same as those top academic masters." Li Shu smiled slowly.

"Huh? How do you say it?" Xu Qian became curious in an instant.

"Ahem, the top academics know all kinds of questions. The college entrance examination is like a simulated training. Naturally, you have a relaxed mind. But you, a college scum, can't do any questions anyway. It's useless to be nervous. You also have a relaxed mind." Li Shu haha laughing out loud.

"I... I can do anything in a hurry!".

"Hmph~ I don't believe you can solve the math problem.".

"You, you, you... If you are in front of me, I will definitely beat you up!".

"Blu, blu, pity you can't hit me.".

The air was quiet for a moment.


Xu Qian chuckled on the phone: "Senior, you're right, I haven't studied hard at ordinary times, so it's useless to be anxious now.".

Li Shu knew that Xu Qian's personality was very cheerful, so she didn't care if he said she was a scumbag. If she cared, he wouldn't call her a scumbag.

After chatting for a while, the two hung up the phone.

Li Shu held a bamboo basket in his left hand and a clip in his right, and went to the second plot to pick up some cactus fruits to eat. On the land of 3.8 meters by 3.8 meters, a huge cactus grew. The latter is about 6 meters high, and the lateral branches are thicker All, there are a lot of tender flowers, young fruits and ripe fruits on the whole cactus.

"A large number of prickly pear fruits are ripening every day. It's really a delicious fruit to enjoy." Li Shu said.

After picking half a basket of cactus fruits, Li Shu stood a little farther away to take a photo of the whole cactus, and then posted it on Moments. The 6-meter-high cactus looks quite spectacular.

Tropical weather is like a child’s face, it changes at will. In the evening, as soon as Boss Jing flew to buy some mutton, a black cloud floated over, and the rainstorm came in an instant.

"Meow meow meow~" The big orange cat was lying on the railing on the third floor, squinting its eyes and basking in the sun, but the sudden rain directly blinded it, and even jumped off the railing and ran frantically into the house.


After entering the living room on the third floor, it did not forget to turn around and close the sliding door. After the sliding door leading to the balcony was closed, the wind and rain were blocked out instantly, but the big orange cat looked at itself again:

The hair all over his body was dripping with water, and soon a puddle of water stains gathered on the ground. The flowing water stains were like a mirror, and the big orange cat could see his own reflection.

"Meow meow meow~" [I'm so mad, why is it raining suddenly? Did God deliberately want to shower my poor little kitten on purpose? 】

boom boom boom~

The little girl hurried upstairs and saw the big orange cat's wet appearance, and laughed heartily: "Giggle, big cat, why are you so miserable, you've been drenched too thoroughly.".

"Meow~" The big orange cat rushed to the little girl angrily, and pushed the little girl's skirt with its wet head. The latter ran fast but was still pushed a little to the skirt.

"Ah, don't make trouble, I'll get you a towel to wipe your body." The little girl looked at her slightly wet skirt, and then ran downstairs to get a towel without being annoyed.

The little girl was very strong, and soon ran up again, and wiped the big orange cat's body with a soft big white towel, and the white squirrel who followed came up behind the little girl to observe secretly.

And the big yellow dog that followed up jumped around the big orange cat and called: "Wow, woof, woof~" [Silly... cat! I'll just say you're dumber than me! ? 】

"Meow~"【Smelly stupid dog who gloats at others' misfortune~】

After wiping off the water droplets, the little girl went downstairs with the cat in her arms again, and asked Boss Jing to help dry the big orange cat's hair with a hair dryer.

"Thank you Brother Jing."

"It's okay, it turns out that the big orange cat is really fat, and the meat is really solid.".

Big Orange Cat: "..."【Are you polite? If I can beat you, I will definitely give you a paw. 】

"Sister, it's time to eat!".

"Okay, here we come!".

Today, we can’t see the gorgeous Huoshaoyun. The dark clouds roll outside the window, the dull thunder rumbles, and the heavy raindrops hit the glass of the window with a crackling sound.

Inside the restaurant.

Li Shu, his younger sister and Boss Jing sat around the table to eat, and because of the heavy rain, Uncle Hai ate at the villa in the south by himself.

There are two villas on Fantasy Island, one is located in the northeast, where Li Shu, the little girl, Jing Lao, Da Jing, the second Jing Lao San live, and the other is located in the southeast, where Hai Shu, Li Sha, and Yan Zhang live.

The distance between the two villas is more than 100 meters, and it is indeed difficult to travel between the two villas in rainy weather.

"Li Sha, has Yan Zhang left?" Li Shu put on thin transparent gloves, picked up a braised chicken leg and ate it. The rhubarb dog is almost drooling.

"I left before the rainstorm." Elder Jing laughed loudly: "If they hesitate for two minutes, I'm afraid they won't be able to leave.".

"Yes." Li Shu nodded.

In addition to a large plate of stewed chicken legs, there are stir-fried tenderloin, diced eight-treasure meat, stir-fried eggplant, and stir-fried beans on the dinner table. There are 5 dishes in total. The staple food is rice grown by ourselves.

The little girl likes to eat stir-fried tenderloin very much. A mouthful of meat and a mouthful of rice flew up happily, and there were still a few grains of rice sticking to the corner of her right mouth.

While eating and chatting, Li Shu suddenly said to Jing Lao Dao: "Jing Lao Er, Jing Lao San found the sunken ship in the past few days?".

Ask for a recommendation ticket.

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