Island Fishery

Chapter 422 Chapter 422

Chapter 422 Chapter 422

It rained continuously for the next two days, until the afternoon of June 8, 2018, when the rain stopped.


Pushing open the glass door of the villa, Li Shu, the little girl and the big yellow dog came outside the villa, and the cold air rushed in.

"Hiss~" Li Shu took a deep breath of air, "There is so much water vapor in the air, but the weather hasn't completely cleared up yet, maybe it will continue to rain at night.".

The little girl looked curiously at the thin dark clouds in the sky, and then looked back at the villa: "Hey, the big cat hasn't come out yet, I'll go hug it!".

The big orange cat was lying on the floor beside the door with its paws hooked, looking sadly at the cold world outside.

"The big orange cat loves its hair, and if it doesn't want its hair to get wet, just leave it alone." Li Shu said, and walked to the beach with the big yellow dog, and then walked along the stone road around Neverland .

clatter clatter~

The big yellow dog ran in front with its tail up, paws patting the ground, smelling this and that from time to time, and then went to pee under a coconut tree.

In the distance where the sky meets the sea is dark, the cold wind is howling, and the sea is bursting with waves. A white light flashes in Li Shu's eyes to see through the sea water instantly, and big grouper fish swim around with their tails flicking.

There is a 1.6-meter-long large grouper rumbling~like a small submarine, chasing and killing a large yellow croaker crazily. The large yellow croakers in the Dream Island fishing ground are very shrewd. The large yellow croaker does not swim in a straight line, but rushes forward Turn right quickly after a few tens of meters, and then turn right after advancing more than ten meters.

The big grouper fish can't stop, and often swim tens of meters and come back again, which is extremely uncomfortable.

"The big yellow croaker is almost mature, but chasing and chasing will help consume the fat on the fish and make the fish more delicious." Li Shu stood by the sea, looking at the giant grouper and large yellow croaker on the bottom of the sea. with.

He thought that the large yellow croaker would not be able to catch the big yellow croaker, but he did not expect that the large yellow croaker suddenly made a "forecast". It seemed to hit his mouth straight.

The giant grouper fish took a bite of a large yellow croaker weighing more than 2 kilograms and began to eat it, and a little bit of fish blood spilled into the seawater.

After eating the fish, the giant grouper left with its tail wagging.

Some small mayfly creatures and bacteria in the water gathered to decompose and absorb fish blood and fish mince.

"It's amazing, it's even predictable." Li Shu was surprised, and he continued to walk on the stone road with the big yellow dog with a smile: "Well, I underestimated these sea fish, they are all authentic "dried rice fish", In order to make a meal, you must be smarter than your prey, and a stupid fish is not worthy of a full meal.".

Li Shu and the big yellow dog came to the woods, and groups of silly seagulls shouted in the woods, and the noisy sound enveloped the whole woods.

They are hungry.

Boss Jing just went to the sea to catch a lot of yellow bearded shrimp and small sea fish, and he is feeding seagulls in the woods.

Before Li Shu came to Neverland, these seagulls were naturally not fed, and there were no man-made cabins to live in. At that time, they starved to death under the hunger and cold.

"Boss." Seeing Li Shu walking into the woods, Jing Lao Dao, who was naked and strong, held a cuboid basket with holes in the bend of his right arm, and took out handfuls of fish and shrimp from it with his left hand to feed the seagulls.

"Well, are there too many little seagulls?" Li Shu came in stepping on the wet humus, and also grabbed a handful of fish and shrimps and threw them to the seagulls.

"Yeah~" The seagulls were like a flock of pigeons, scrambling for food, and some flapped their wings and flew up to eat food.

However, compared with ordinary domestic pigeons, seagulls are mostly thinner and longer, which may be related to their need to rely on themselves to find food, too much fat is not conducive to survival.

"Yes, some little seagulls can fly, and some can only stay in their nests." Boss Jing showed a silly smile of iron man tenderness, and he pointed to the wooden bird's nest on the branch.

Li Shu looked in the direction of Boss Jing's finger, and saw a few little seagulls huddled inside at the entrance of the bird's nest, poking their furry little heads out to observe secretly, their eyes full of curiosity about the world.

"These little seagulls are fat and big, like fluffy meatballs." Li Shu was happy.

Only Boss Jing will feed the seagulls in rainy days. Seagulls can’t find food in heavy rain. If Boss Jing doesn’t feed them, these little guys will only be hungry.

After wandering around the plum tree, he came to the Baicao Garden again, and picked a big red tomato from the tomato seedling. The big yellow dog wagged his tail and looked at the tomato in Li Shu's hand, his head tilted and his eyes full of longing.


The tomato was broken in half, the pulp was covered with a layer of light sand, and a sweet and sour smell unique to the tomato permeated the air.

"This half is for you, you big vegetable dog." Li Shu threw the right half to the big yellow dog, and the latter caught it with his mouth, and ate it happily, while Li Shu ate the other half of the tomato and walked back and forth. blocks or land where vegetables or fruits are grown.

"The large amount of fruit grown in Baicao Garden is really too much to eat, so let's just sell some. I remember that when I went to Baisha Town to catch the sea, I met a guy who bought high-end fruits. I looked back to find the contact information." Li Shu thought Thoughts are fleeting.

After eating half a tomato, he came to the 36th piece of land, where a durian tree grew. Golden durians with thorns on the surface grew on the tree, and the leaves rattled under the blowing of the blower system.

"Pick a few more durians. These durians are really delicious, but the tops of the durians will crack when they are ripe. It is too easy to attract mosquitoes, and it is too difficult to store and transport." Li Shu climbed the tree.

Climbing up to the tree to stabilize his body, Li Shu took out a large thick transparent bag from his pocket, hooked the branch carefully with his legs, and picked durians with the bag in his left hand and right hand.

swipe swipe~

Soon three durians fell into the bag.

"Hiss~ the durian on the top of the head is growing too high, no way, go back and get the long-handled scissors with a net bag." Li Shu's thought flashed away.


buzz buzz~

The cell phone in his pocket rang, and the sudden sound startled Li Shu, who was focused, his body trembled and almost fell off the tree.

"I'm sorry, whoever is unlucky should call me at this time." Li Shulian climbed down the tree, took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Xu Qian, a high school student.


"Senior, I've finished the college entrance examination. I guess I did very well in this exam!" Xu Qian said excitedly. I can clearly feel their relaxation.

"Uh." Slightly stunned, Li Shu thought for a while and asked, "Is this year's topic easy?".

Xu Qian: "⊙﹏⊙".

"That's not true, I did well in the test based on my strength!" Xu Qian snorted, and then changed the subject: "Senior, what are you doing, I heard the rustling of leaves.".

"Oh, I'm picking durians. The durians I plant are soft and delicious, but unfortunately you can't eat them." Li Shu laughed.

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