Island Fishery

Chapter 426 Treasure Hunting Journey

Chapter 426 Treasure Hunting Journey

At night, the wind and rain in Neverland stopped, the dark clouds dispersed and bright stars appeared in the sky, and the originally silent crickets began to rustle in the grass again, quiet and serene.


The big orange cat jumped from one bush to another, watching secretly.

After finding nothing abnormal, it came out of the grass, stood on the stone road and looked back to the second floor of the villa, and found that the light in Li Shu's bedroom was still on, and Li Shu was writing at his desk.

"Meow~" [I really want to see what Li Shu is writing... Well, I don't know human characters. 】

In the bedroom.

The tip of the pen scratched across the paper and made a rustling sound, and Li Shu wrote down today's diary on the paper:

June 9, 2018, at 11:30 p.m., the rain turned sunny

Ever since I saw the 100 kilograms of gold in the morning, my mood has been hard to calm down. Just imagine that a box of gold weighs 100kg. How much gold would there be in a sunken ship full of gold?

Now that everything is ready, I am going to look for such a wreck tomorrow morning.

I found that the box of gold was located at a depth of 600 meters in sea water. Before, my maximum diving depth was less than 400 meters. Every 10 meters of water depth increased by one atmosphere, which suddenly increased by almost 20 atmospheres. Can my body bear it?

My heart is full of tension, but I also look forward to it. After all, all 206 bones in my body have been refined into white jade bones. In theory, it seems that I can swim freely at a depth of 1,000 meters.


Li Shu put his hand on his chin and thought for a while after finishing the pen, and then added a line of small words below: I hope that I will not encounter any danger during this trip, and even if I encounter danger, I can avert danger.


Covering the pen cap, Li Shu stood up, and suddenly saw the big orange cat standing on the stone road outside the window looking at him through the glass, even opened the window and laughed loudly: "Big orange cat, remember to close the door when you return to the villa in the morning.".

"Meow~"【Got it. 】

The big orange cat turned around and disappeared into the bushes.

Li Shu put away the notebook, turned off the lights and went to bed.

8 o'clock the next morning.

The helicopter carrying Li Shu, Boss Jing, Second Jing, and Third Jing first flew to Danguan City, and then flew directly to Kanga City after filling up the fuel, and then flew to Mandi Island after filling up the fuel again.

The sky is very blue, fluffy white clouds are floating between the sky and the earth, and the sea breeze is slowly blowing the waves. It is really a rare good weather.

buzz buzz~

The helicopter flew over the sea at low altitude, and a white light appeared in Li Shu's eyes. Through the small glass on the window, he could clearly see schools of fish swimming in the sea, and even saw a small great white shark less than two meters long.

The little great white shark also has a kingly air. It swims leisurely and leisurely, and the fish automatically avoid it and make a way.

Not long after, the outline of a bare rocky island appeared in the distance, and the sea water rolled up and overflowed the island with white waves.

buzz buzz~

At 5 a.m. after 11:00, the helicopter landed on the rocks in the west of Mandy Island. Li Shu, Jing Boss, Jing Lao Er and Jing Lao San jumped off the plane one after another.


Several large packages were removed from the plane, and after unzipping the zippers, Jing and the three began to quickly set up the tent.

"Set up the tent firmly. The wind on Mansha Island is very strong. If the tent is not erected firmly, there may be a risk of being blown away by the wind." Boss Jing said, not only his clothes were blown, but even his hair They were all blown into chicken coops.

"Okay." Jing's second son and Jing's third son agreed, straightening and tying up the ropes one by one.

The three tents were also placed in the shape of "品". Some pots and pans were put into the tents, and the charcoal they brought was extremely precious. After all, there was no firewood to pick up on this bare rocky island. They wanted to make a fire. The words depend entirely on these charcoals.

Li Shu stood on the shore, looking to the north with binoculars. The sea is vast, and the sea water is turning light waves under the sunlight. There are sea eagles with sharp eyes skimming the sea surface, and their sharp claws directly grab a half of the sea from the sea. meter long sea fish.

The big sea fish twisted its body and struggled, but everything was in vain. It could not escape the fate of becoming the sea eagle's meal after all.

"Awesome, there are still sea eagles nearby?" Li Shu laughed, and he put away the binoculars and looked east again.

The terrain of Mansha Island is high in the west and low in the east. The beach on the east is overflowing with seawater. The seawater area is 100 meters long, and the depth of the seawater is just below the ankle.

"The gap between the west and east of Mandy Island is really big, but the sea in the east is so shallow, you can go to the sea to pick up some seafood, um, let's talk about it when we have time.".

After confirming that there were no potential safety hazards around, Li Shu went back to help pack the tent.

After packing up everything, Jing's second son drove the helicopter to buzz away, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

"Buy pots and make food, and later we will go to the sea to look for sunken ships." Li Shu said.

"Okay." Boss Jing and Boss Jing agreed.

After eating and resting for a while, the three of them changed into black swimsuits, and each of them carried a storage bag containing satellite mobile phones, electronic markers and other small bits and pieces, and then jumped into the sea to swim north.

Sunlight can only penetrate the sea surface, and when the three of them dived into the bottom of the sea, it would be pitch black, but Li Shu's eyes can see through the sea water, which is not afraid, and Boss Jing and the two can easily achieve night vision.

While swimming on the bottom of the sea, Li Shu secretly said in his heart: "The current depth is about 550 meters, and I don't feel any pressure. After training all 206 bones in my body into white jade bones, my physical fitness has really improved a lot. ".

The seawater in the dark seabed was cold, and there were algae growing. Dongdongdong~ Li Shu and the three quickly swam past, and a few ten-centimeter-long prawns quickly hid in the sandpit and observed secretly.

They should have regarded the three of them as carnivorous fish.

More than an hour later, the three of Li Shu came to the vicinity of the wooden box containing the gold that the second and second Jing had found before. They first checked the approximate location with an electronic marker, and then looked for the stone marker on the third floor.


The three of Li Shu came to a cone made of 10 reefs, Jing Laosan gestured in sign language and said: [Boss, this is it! 】

Li Shu saw some broken wooden fragments next to the stone pile, and the broken wooden fragments were scattered in the form of moving southward. He gestured in sign language: [The overall flow of the seabed water flows southward. Look at these broken wooden fragments, that’s it. Okay. , let's go south to find it. 】

【no problem! 】

The three of them swam to the south. Just after swimming, Bailaimi was the first trench. The trench was several kilometers long and more than 300 meters deep. The plum tree felt slightly numb.

【Walk! 】

While diving again and paying attention to the changes in his body, Li Shu decided to leave and stop diving as long as his body felt uncomfortable. After reaching the bottom of the sea a little bit, Li Shu breathed a sigh of relief: "The sea water here is about 900 meters, and ordinary people come here I am afraid that he will be crushed to death by the strong water pressure in an instant.".

The three of them started to swim in the sea. Suddenly, Li Shu saw a broken plank on the bottom of the sea.

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