Island Fishery

457 Chapter 457

457 Chapter 457

Li Sha was wearing a "foot hook" lying on the coconut tree pole to pick coconuts. The metal foot hooks on his feet fixed him firmly on the tree. He happened to see Li Shu coming out of the sea with two conger eels.

"Brother Li Shu, awesome! You can catch such a big moray eel." Li Sha said with a smile. There was a bold breath in the exhaustion.

"I was lucky enough to meet a few moray eels." Li Shu carried the moray eels and walked towards the villa. Boss Jing, who was wandering not far away, came to help him pick up his clothes on the beach.

“Eat eel bowl at night.”.

"Okay, then we're in luck.".

During dinner, gorgeous fire clouds appeared in the sky. Pieces of red fish scale-like clouds seemed to form a big fish spanning more than a thousand miles, which looked very charming.

There was a burst of stinging sound in the kitchen, and a faint aroma floated from the window to the fantasy island with the fireworks. The rhubarb dog playing with hermit crabs on the beach was stunned for a moment, and raised its long dog nose to sniff Sniff, then shake the big ears and run quickly to the villa.

The dog's paws flipped a burst of sand, long shadows passed over the grass beside the stone road, and crickets flapped their wings and chirped.

clatter clatter~

The big yellow dog rushed into the kitchen, tilted its head, fanned its big tail, and occasionally raised its nose to sniff the aroma in the air.

Li Shu served the delicious eel out and said to the big yellow dog: "The little girl is sleeping in her bedroom on the second floor, you go upstairs and call her, it's time for us to eat.".

"Woo~" the big yellow dog barked in a low voice, then quickly ran upstairs, paws collided with the dark stairs and made a crackling sound.

The setting sun dyed the living room on the second floor red through the window. There was dust floating in the sky above the ground. The figure of the big yellow dog flickered in the light and shadow. When he came to the little girl's door, he found that the door was slightly open.


Gouzuipa opened the door, pushed the pearl curtain with his head, and the latter made a round and jade-like tinkling sound.

No one was in the house.

The big yellow dog sniffed the little girl's breath fiercely, and then quickly ran to the third floor. As soon as it poked its head out from the stairs, it saw the little girl standing by the railing of the balcony, gently stroking the big orange cat.


Pulling open the door leading to the balcony, the big yellow dog walked up to the little girl and quickly shook his head in the direction downstairs.

The breeze blows over the spacious balcony, and the one-meter-high jujube trees planted in flower pots rustle. On the balcony railings, from left to right, there are big orange cats, white squirrels, and thrushes.

Among them, the big orange cat is lazily yawning with its paws in its mouth, and the tip of its tail is wagging lightly; while the white squirrel is frantically shaking its fluffy white tail and fanning the wind;

"What's the matter, Rhubarb, do you want to eat?" The little girl stroked the dog's head gently.

The big yellow dog stuck out the tip of its tongue, then nodded.

"Okay, then let's go eat." The little girl went to open the door, and then one person and four pets went downstairs chattering, running or flying.

When they came to the restaurant, they found that eel rice bowls had been placed on the table, and the heat was rising. Yan Zhang, Li Sha, and Uncle Hai, who had simply washed and changed their clothes, were also talking and laughing.

"Go wash your hands, we're going to eat." Li Shu said with a smile.

"Okay!" The little girl went to wash her hands quickly, came back and sat on the chair to the right of Li Shu, took a bite of rice and ate a mouthful of eel meat, her face was full of happiness: "It's delicious~ there is a fresh fragrance in the soft fragrance.".

"Eat slowly, look at the rice grains on the corner of your mouth." Li Shu dotingly squeezed the rice grains from the right corner of the little girl's mouth. Watching his sister grow up happily and lively every day, he also felt a sense of pride in his heart.

It's similar to playing QQ pets, but the sister in reality is much more difficult to raise than QQ pets, but his big brother takes care of his sister very well, just like playing a very difficult game well, how can he No sense of accomplishment?

Uncle Hai, Li Sha, Boss Jing and others also praised:

“This eel meat is really thick and delicious~”.

"I haven't eaten eel meat for several months. I didn't expect to eat it today.".

"Brother Li Shu, do you have any tips for making eel? I want to go back and make it for my wife.".

Li Shu smiled at Li Sha: "You love my wife... There are many techniques for making eels. For example, eels have a layer of mucus that is difficult to remove. It is much easier to remove after scalding with 90-degree water... ...... ".

Li Sha listened very carefully, turning on his phone to take notes from time to time.

Everyone chatted while eating, and after a topic ended, Uncle Hai suddenly said: "Little tree, the leaves of an apricot tree in the north of Baicao Garden are withered and yellow, and the disease seems to be dying. Do you want to saw it off?".

"Is it completely dead?" Li Shu was taken aback.

"Not yet, it seems that I almost died." Uncle Hai said.

Yan Zhang said slowly in a piercing voice: "That apricot tree was eaten by worms. There were several piles of light yellow sawdust powder at the bottom of the apricot tree. I searched for a long time but couldn't find the worms. How about spraying some medicine? I can save it.".

The dinner table became quiet, and the few people chewed and lowered their food voices, waiting for Li Shu to make up his mind.

"I'll go and have a look later." Li Shu said as he swallowed the delicious food in his mouth.

After dinner, he left the villa and walked to the north of Baicao Garden, the big yellow dog ran in front, the little girl, Li Sha, and Yan Zhang followed.

The sky had completely darkened, and a bright moon appeared. The little girl picked up a piece of dogtail grass and walked bouncingly. She was just going to join in the fun.

buzz buzz~

Li Shu's cell phone rang while walking, and he took it out to see that it was called by Wan Yao, the "fruit taster". He left Wan Yao's cell phone number at Cao Cao's birthday party.

"Hello? What's up?".

"Brother~ Didn't you just talk about fruit trading? When do you have time?" Wan Yao's tone was respectful and cautious. After eating the fruit from Neverland once, he really Is already insane, out of mind.

Now he really wants to eat some fruit from Neverland again. Of course, he also realizes that this fruit must have huge market potential.

"I just came back from Caocao's manor this afternoon, so how about meeting at the tennis court of Danguan City Gymnasium at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning?".

"Okay, I will definitely arrive early." Wan Yao said with a smile.

Li Shu changed the subject and said with a smile: "Didn't you always call me little brother before? Why did you call me big brother this time?".

"Er..." Wan Yao was silent for about ten seconds, and then slowly said: "Because I found out that you are older than me?".

Li Shu: "⊙▽⊙?".

"No, no, I didn't say that you are older than me, but that you do things with great style, and I feel that I can learn a lot from you......".

"so be it.".


After hanging up the phone, Li Shu went to the half-dead apricot tree and squatted down, pinching a small pile of sawdust on the ground with his fingers and twisting it, a faint woody aroma wafted.

"Most likely it was bitten by bugs, Li Sha, go get a basin of water." Li Shu said slowly.

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