Island Fishery

Chapter 467 Grape Seedlings

Chapter 467 Grape Seedlings

The night was windy, and in addition to the bright moon, countless stars appeared in the sky.

Hearing Li Shusheng said to take them to see the big watermelon, Xu Qian, Liu Jie and the others became excited, and even Lao Ma felt curious.

"Come with me, the big watermelon grows in the Herb Garden, which is the big house not far away." Li Shu led everyone to the Herb Garden.

The old horse looked at the towering house not far away and exclaimed: "This house is so tall! It's almost as high as a three-story building?".

"Approximately, the Baicao Garden is 10 meters high, 30 meters long and 30 meters wide, and some vegetables and fruits are planted in it." Li Shu turned back and smiled, and then opened the door of the Baicao Garden.


A gust of cool air rushed out in an instant, and everyone entered the Baicao Garden, and what they saw was a scene of verdant greenery and fruitful fruits.

Red tomatoes, green cucumbers, yellow melons, red strawberries, purple and black eggplants, deep red peppers... and flowers of various colors, this is really a refreshing vegetable garden.

"Phew~ the air here is really nice.".

“So many vegetables, fruits!?”.

"Hey, what's this? Why are the roots sticking out of the ground?" Eva asked curiously in Malay. She was trying to learn Chinese, but her progress was slow and now she could only use Malay.

"That's a radish, with big radish cherry seeds on it." Li Shu laughed in Malay.

Xu Qian and the others didn't understand Malay, and they looked at a loss. Li Shu explained in Chinese again, and they suddenly realized.

Xu Qian walked into the radish field, touched the protruding part of a big radish, and said with a smile: "It's really hard, this is... a big radish with a flower heart?".

Plum tree: "-_-||".

"No, it's just an ordinary green radish." Li Shu walked over and pulled out a big green radish. The radish is 30 cm long, the upper part is blue, and the lower part buried in the soil is white. The whole is similar to a cone.


Li Shu cut off the radish directly from the middle, sticking a little bit of wet soil on his palm, and let Boss Jing hold the smaller half, holding the half radish with cherry seeds in his left hand, and took out a knife from his pocket with his right hand. Peel the radishes.


The movements are skillful, carefully keeping the radish meat from getting a little bit of dirt.


The peeled radish is cut into 1 cm thick slices, and each person who is interested in the radish can take a slice.

"Try it, the cognition of a vegetable should not be limited to the shape you see, but also the sense of touch, smell, taste, etc." Li Shu said with a smile.

Xu Qian first took a piece of green radish and said with a smile: "I haven't seen a green radish growing in the ground for many years. In my impression, the last time I saw a green radish was when I was at my grandma's house seven or eight years ago. I like to grow vegetable gardens, and I grow radish fried vegetarian meatballs to eat.".

The old horse also took a piece of radish, and said with a smile: "My old lady really likes to plant a vegetable garden. Her legs and feet are not convenient, but she can't be idle.".

Eva took a piece of radish and licked it with her tender tongue. In an instant, her face wrinkled in pain, and she said in Malay: "It's so spicy~".

"Haha~ Radishes are like this." Li Shu stuffed a piece of radish into his mouth and chewed, a moist and crisp taste with a little bit of spiciness permeated his mouth.

Except for Li Shu who ate the radish, the old horse also ate the radish, and the others vomited the radish after tasting it.

Xu Qian felt hot in her mouth, watched Li Shu put away the knife and said suddenly: "Senior, why do you still carry a knife with you, it's really too small for self-defense.".

"Well, it's not for self-defense." Li Shu laughed.

"What's that for?" Xu Qian suddenly became curious.

Liu Jie, Wu Ke and others also looked at Li Shu.

"The big yellow dog likes to eat vegetables. Every time he comes to Baicaoyuan, he will argue to eat cucumbers or tomatoes. With a knife, he can cut vegetables into pieces and feed them to him." Li Shu laughed.

The air was quiet for a moment.

"Eh." Xu Qian's face was full of black lines, and then she said helplessly: "The knife for cutting vegetables for dogs, now cut radishes for us to eat? And senior, why did you swallow the radishes?".

"What's the matter, you discriminate against dogs?" Li Shu laughed.

"Hahaha~" Instantly Liu Jie and the others burst out laughing, and the short little girl giggled non-stop, her voice as clear as a silver bell.

"Come on, the watermelon patch is over there, let's go and see the big watermelon." Li Shu led a few people to the watermelon field, and a huge watermelon could be seen lying on the edge of the field from a distance.

The light hangs down from the top of the 10-meter-high watermelon, illuminating the black-skinned watermelon black and bright.

"By the way, everyone, be careful of black mosquitoes. When I came to the watermelon field last time, I met a big black mosquito and got bitten! Don't make the same mistakes again!" Xu Qian reminded me of the mosquito last time.

“I don’t have mosquitos on me.”.

"So there are mosquitoes in this vegetable garden.".

Everyone even looked at themselves and was relieved to find that there were no mosquitoes. In fact, Boss Jing had been following everyone. He had been vigilant for the appearance of black mosquitoes, but today there were no black mosquitoes.

Immediately afterwards, everyone's attention was focused on the big watermelon, and they were amazed:

"This watermelon is too big!".

"It's about to grow into the ancestor of watermelon, no, it's the essence of watermelon.".

"Such a big watermelon weighs 100 catties, right? The dozen or so of us may not be able to eat it.".

Hearing everyone's discussion, Li Shu squatted beside the watermelon field and gently touched the black watermelon rind: "It should not weigh 100 catties. It was said to be 85.6 catties before. It is already ripe. Let's pick it.".

"Okay, boss." Boss Jing was about to walk over, but was stopped by the little girl.

She stared at the 5 cm tall plants next to the watermelon field and said, "Hey, Brother Jing, don't step on these plants. What are these plants? They don't look like ordinary weeds.".

Boss Jing touched the back of his head, but he didn't know either.

Li Shu rubbed his chin and said slowly: "The leaves should be some grape seedlings, but how could grape seedlings grow in the watermelon field?".

Xu Qian, who had a ponytail, was moved in her heart, and said uncertainly: "That day when I came to Baicao Garden to see watermelons, I seemed to eat a bunch of grapes with you, senior, and threw the grape seeds in the watermelon field." .

"Oh, that's right, it should be the grape seeds that grew at that time." Li Shu said with a smile: "There is no shortage of grapes in Baicao Garden, so pull out these few seedlings that are like weeds.".

Boss Jing bent down and was about to pull it out, but the little girl stopped her anxiously: "Don't, don't, don't pull it out, won't you be able to grow bunches of grapes when you grow up?".

"It is indeed... If you want it, just find a flower pot and plant it in a flower pot, don't grow it in the watermelon field.".

"Okay!" The little girl immediately ran to find the flowerpot.

When the little girl came back, the huge watermelon had been picked and placed on the 1-meter-wide stone road, and a little watermelon juice was still flowing from the broken stem.

"How do I plant a small vine into a flowerpot?" The little girl squatted next to several vines growing together, frowning and said. The big orange cat also came to Baicao Garden and rubbed the little girl with its furry body. The girl's calf.

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