Island Fishery

Chapter 494: 494 The Shocked Li Sha's Family

Chapter 494: 494 The Shocked Li Sha's Family

Shapi Island.

The afternoon sun scorched Li Sha's small farmyard, and the wind blew, and the dust on the ground was floating.

Li Yu, with hair like a chicken coop, carefully holds the treasured porcelain plate. The owner of the antique shop has bid for this plate to RM200,000! This is amazing, but be careful!


When Li Yu pushed the door, he found that the door had been plugged in from the inside, and his face was instantly depressed.

And Li Sha in the house seemed to be taken aback when he heard the sound of the door, and even shouted: "Wait a while, wait a while! Li Yu, wait for a while, and I will open the door for you later.".

"Okay." Li Yu responded, and then frowned and muttered in a low voice: "What are you doing.".

half an hour later.


The door of the room was opened, Li Sha opened the door a crack, poked his head out and asked, "What's the matter with Li Yu?".

Li Sha wore brand-new slippers on his feet, gray 5-point shorts on his lower body, and a sleeveless gray gown on his upper body. His chest was open to reveal his strong chest muscles and 8-pack abs.

Maybe it was because of the haste to put on, the collar of the gown was still folded inside, Li Sha stretched out his hand to straighten the collar.

Looking at Li Sha who was blocking the door, Li Yu hesitated and said directly: "Why don't you go in and talk?".

Li Sha sized up Li Yu for about ten seconds, focusing his eyes on the porcelain plate that the latter was holding, making sure that the other party was really busy, and then turned back to the back room to make sure his wife had cleaned up before opening the door completely. :

"Come in, Li Yu, you haven't been here for a long time. Don't leave tonight. Let's have a drink together. I have done a good job. The boss not only gave me two top-quality wild large yellow croakers, but also some big yellow croakers. Conch, make your sister-in-law fully cooked, let's eat some together, how exciting!".

"Conch!? Good thing, I remember my grandfather said that there were still conch in the sea near him when he was a child, but the surrounding ocean resources are exhausted, and now there are no more conch." Li Yu dealt with it casually, eyes wandering around.

When he saw that Li Sha's wife was alone in the back room, and the latter was blushing with eyes dodging, he instantly understood what Li Sha and his wife were doing just now.

Li Sha's wife noticed Li Yu's weird eyes, and instantly her ears started to turn red, she was so ashamed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

Li Sha felt that the more he hid it, the worse it was, but it was nothing if he said it, so he sat on the chair with a big grin and said with a smile: "I was kissing my wife just now, you came here, you really scared me One hop, it’s good to work anywhere on Neverland, but I only come back once a month, and I miss my wife in a panic.”.

"Pfft~" Li Sha's wife pinched him severely, and then ran out as if running away.

Li Sha chuckled: "A legal couple should kiss. Brother Li Yu can understand, isn't that brother Li Yu?".

Li Yu had some obscene thoughts just now, but now the obscene thoughts have dissipated, and he nodded sincerely.

He didn't talk nonsense, and started to get straight to the point, talking about the porcelain plate. Of course, he didn't say that the porcelain plate was worth more than 200,000 yuan, only tens of thousands, because he was afraid that Li Sha would be jealous.

But it was only tens of thousands, which was enough to shock Li Sha. He took the porcelain plate carefully, and swallowed hard: "Such a plate is worth tens of thousands!?".

Li Yu nodded heavily, his fists were clenched tightly, and the palms of his hands were already sweating.

He didn't even tell his mother the value of the plate. Even after getting the plate, he felt that everyone in the village wanted to steal his plate, so he was full of vigilance towards the people in the village.

But now I want to ask Li Sha to contact Li Shu, so I can't tell him.

"Yes!" Li Yu nodded heavily.

"Where did you find it?" Li Sha asked again.

"Haili." Li Yu spat out two words lightly.

"Which sea?" Li Sha stared at Li Yu.

Li Yu shook his head and did not speak.

Li Sha instantly understood that Li Yu didn't want to tell others, it was normal after thinking about it, if it were him, he probably wouldn't tell others.

After all, there is a high probability that a single porcelain plate will not appear in the sea for no reason, but a pile of porcelain will appear together.

"Li Yu, you're going to get rich! Tsk tsk, a porcelain plate costs tens of thousands, and whoever finds a hundred or eighty will become a rich man in an instant!!" Li Sha leaned back on the chair back carelessly, He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, lit it, and began to puff.

In Li Sha's subconscious mind, someone with a few million ringgits is a rich man.

Li Yu humbly evaded again and again, saying that he couldn't find so many porcelain plates at all.

The two chatted for a while, and Li Sha agreed to help Li Yu talk to his boss, but he added: "My boss is very busy, and I'm on vacation now, so it's inconvenient to call him to disturb him. Let me mention it to him when I go back.".

Li Sha recorded a video of the porcelain plate, and was about to show the video to Li Shu, but he was not optimistic about the deal, thinking that Li Yu was bragging about the price of the porcelain plate.

"Okay, okay." Li Yu nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude to Li Sha in his heart.

Li Sha wanted to keep Li Yu for dinner, but Li Yu was determined to leave, so he sent Li Yu out of the gate.

When Li Sha came back, he found his wife was washing his clothes. The latter curiously asked Li Yu what he was doing here. Li Sha told about the porcelain plate, and said, "Li Yu is really good in water, but he can get out of the water." I picked up an antique porcelain plate next time, it’s also a big deal!”.

Li Sha's wife nodded. She squatted by the basin while washing clothes and said, "You have been working for more than 20 days, and you haven't rested when you come back. If you are tired, go to sleep in the house. I will wait until dinner is ready." Call you.".

In the past when Li Sha was not earning money, Li Sha's wife annoyed him the most about sleeping in the daytime, but now it has completely changed.

"Okay then." Li Sha went back to the house and lay down on the bed, with the sound of the electric fan, and soon fell asleep.

The shadow of the sun slanted to the west.

Li Sha, who was lying on the bed, woke up slowly, and what he could hear was the sound of his wife and mother cooking vegetables in the outhouse. The sound of hot oil was so familiar.

He turned over and got out of bed, went to the outhouse and sat on a small stool, chatting with his mother and wife who were cooking.

After a while, Li Sha's father came in with a stick of dry tobacco, sat next to Li Sha on a small stool and talked with him, asked him some problems in his work, and told him to work hard and diligently, but also pay attention to his health.

The braised large yellow croaker came out of the pan quickly, Li Sha sniffed the aroma in the air, and suddenly said: "By the way, the boss has raised our wages. It used to be 2,000 yuan a month, but now it has risen to 3,000 yuan.".


Li Sha's understatement made Li Sha's parents and wife dizzy, and the tobacco stick in the old man's hand almost fell to the ground.

"What! A thousand salary increase per month?" The old man was shocked.

"Xiao Sha, don't you lie to us?" Li Sha's mother also said.

"Husband, you are amazing." Li Sha's wife bit her plump lips, her eyes glistened. She believed in Li Sha.

"Our boss thinks highly of me. He said that a monthly salary of 3,000 is not enough, and maybe the salary will increase next year..." Li Sha waved his hand and began to brag.

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