Island Fishery

498 Chapter 498 Eye disease and falls

498 Chapter 498 Eye disease and falls

The little seagulls are small in size, in the shape of a ball, and have a lot of small fluff. They don't look very smart.

Boss Jing picked up the trunk of the dead tree, looked back at those little dumplings who were curious about the world, and said with a smile: "Seagulls were fun and cute when they were young, but they won't be so cute when they grow up.".

Li Shu nodded.

The two stepped on the thick humus, pulled the bushes away from the forest, and split the trunk into strips on the stone road outside.

Each stick is not very regular, not as neat as a desktop chainsaw, but the advantage is that it is easy to operate, and it can be used just by hand.

The two came to Baicao Garden with the sticks in their arms, just in time to see the big yellow dog eating tomatoes, and there was some tomato juice on the edge of the dog's mouth.

"Hmph, chirp~" The big yellow dog ran over wagging its tail. You allowed me to pick tomatoes, you can't scold me, I just ate a few.

"Eat, let's eat." Li Shu saw that the red tomatoes on a tomato seedling had been eaten up, leaving only a few green eggs the size of walnuts hanging on it.

He patted Rhubarb on the head: "Remember to eat a whole tomato if you want to eat it, don't waste it, go and play.".

The big yellow dog ran away happily, but he didn't run far. Instead, he ran to the cucumber bed and began to eat cucumbers.

"This big vegetable dog, anyway, can't finish the vegetables, so the dog can eat a little if he wants to eat, or he will be fed to the fish in the end." Li Shu thought in a flash.

On the east side of the shack on land plot No. 1, Li Shu planted a kiwi tree, set up a shelf and watered some chalcedony spirit water, and instantly, like a time accelerator, the kiwi tree began to stretch its branches and leaves, and grow vigorously.

1 meter, 1.2 meters, 1.5 meters, 2 meters.

Finally, it stopped growing when it grew to about two meters. The big leaves began to rattle under the blowing of the wind, and small white flower buds began to emerge.

Boss Jing adjusted the sticks and tied the kiwi branches to each stick so that the sticks could support the branches.

The flowers bloomed, and the plum tree and Mr. Jing began to artificially pollinate. Some kiwifruit trees have dioecious flowers, and some have monoecious flowers. The one planted in Baicao Garden is monoecious.

"Artificial pollination is really delicate work." The plum tree carefully walked around the kiwi tree. To the east of the tree is the No. 2 plot where huge cactus is planted. The branches of the cactus have grown to the top of the stone road. The scalp of the person who looked at the hard spikes was numb.

Li Shu was careful not to get stabbed by the cactus thorns, and said to Jing Lao Dao: "I have time to clean up the big leaves of the cactus. The leaves have grown to the stone road, and it is a bit dangerous to come over.".

"Okay, boss." Boss Jing promised to quickly pollinate the flowers. Time is running out. If the flowers are not pollinated, kiwi fruit will not grow.


Some large yellow flowers that have not been pollinated start to fall, and the soil under the tree is dotted with dots, showing a sad beauty, while the ovaries of the flowers that have been pollinated begin to swell, and small kiwis begin to reveal their embryonic forms. The passage of time continues to expand.


The little girl took a nap on the giant panda doll, and when she woke up, she found that the little crocodile doll had been kicked under the bed by her, and even crawled to the bed to pick up the crocodile doll.

"Huh, it's almost 4 o'clock? Have I been asleep for so long?" The little girl put on the rabbit slippers and got out of bed, opened the pearl curtain and left the bedroom, ding ding dong dong~ the round and jade-like pearls collided and made a pleasant sound .

When she reached the stairs and was about to go downstairs, she saw Li Shu going upstairs with a plate of kiwi fruit, 8 hairy potatoes... no, it was kiwi fruit on the plate, and a faint but unique sweet smell permeated the air into the air.

"Kiwi!" The little girl shouted in surprise.

One of the happiness in life is seeing the fruit you want to eat after waking up.

"You wake up, come down and eat kiwi fruit." Li Shu said with a smile.

The two went downstairs to the sofa in the living room. Pata~ Li Shu cut open a ripe kiwi fruit with a fruit knife. The green flesh was full of juice, and a sour and sweet smell permeated the air.

He dug a piece of kiwi fruit with a small round spoon and handed it to the little girl's mouth, who ate it with joy.

"Delicious! Sweet and sour! Hee hee~".

"Is Big Brother treating you well? If you want to eat kiwi, buy tree-grown kiwi immediately.".


"Then be obedient and obedient from now on.".


The little girl thought for a while, and said: "When did you go to the city, I'll buy you ice cream!".

"Ahem~" Li Shu was helpless, the little girl remembered the ice cream.

Since the little girl slept for a long time in the afternoon, she was still not sleepy until late at night. Li Shu had to agree to play a few more backgammon before coaxing him to sleep.


Li Shu walked through the corridor to the study, and as the door closed, the study filled with the aroma of books became quiet.

He sat behind the big desk, took out a large ball of chalcedony spirit water from the white jade ring, put it into the cup, and then drank from the cup, sweet and clear.

After the chalcedony water entered his body, it turned into an air current, and began to swim in his body, nourishing the flesh and blood, just like a sudden heavy rain on the long-drought and cracked earth, every cell in his body was eagerly absorbing the chalcedony water and turning it into airflow.

I feel warm all over.

It's like soaking in a hot spring, very comfortable.

The airflow finally flowed into the eyes, and Li Shu felt his eyes were slightly itchy. He rubbed his eyes and didn't care. He took out a book about marine life from the bookshelf behind him, opened it and read it while writing and drawing on the draft paper.

The study room was very quiet, only the rustling sound of the pen nib scratching the draft paper occasionally sounded.

"I'm just an ordinary biology undergraduate with little talent and little knowledge. I don't know much about many creatures in the ocean. I still need to study harder. I will only hate it when I use the book." Li Shu's thought flashed away.

Two hours later.

Feeling drowsy, Li Shu stood up and planned to go back to the bedroom to sleep, but when it was dark, he almost fell down, but fortunately he held onto the table.

"What's going on, why did my vision turn black just now?" Li Shu was startled in his heart, and said in fear: "Am I going to die suddenly!?".

"It's terrible, go to sleep quickly, staying up late to cultivate immortals is not something ordinary people can afford." Li Shu hurried back to the bedroom to sleep.

In the next few days, Li Shu's eyes would itch from time to time, and his vision would become dark, which made him seriously doubt whether he was sick.

In a hurry, I went to the hospital for an examination, but the old doctor said: "The diagnosis shows that there is no problem. Usually, be careful not to stay up late, relax your mind, eat more fruits and vegetables and exercise more. Let's see after a while.".

Li Shu: "......".

Reluctant to give up, he went for a full-body examination again, but the results showed that there was still no problem. After spending a day in the hospital, when he walked out of the hospital gate, the gorgeous sunset had covered the western sky.

Standing on the steps of the hospital, Li Shu's eyes went dark, and he fell directly to the ground, bang~ the pedestrians coming and going around suddenly exclaimed.

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