Island Fishery

Chapter 501: 501 Li Yu Goes to Neverland

Chapter 501: 501 Li Yu Goes to Neverland

Shapi Island.

As the night was getting dark, Li Sha and his wife talked and laughed, then stood up and straightened their coats. It seemed that they were about to go out.

Li Sha's wife frowned and said, "Since you are on vacation, you have been going out every night, what have you been doing?".

Li Sha thought for a while, then stopped hiding and said: "I have been squatting at the door of Li Yu's house for the past few nights. I feel that he will go to the place where he found the porcelain plate at night, but I didn't expect that this turtle grandson has never been there. Go! Terrible!".

Li Sha's wife opened her mouth slightly, and then said: "So that's the case, so you still have to go tonight?".

"I'm not going to stay here tonight. I'm going to inform Li Yu to let him go to Neverland with me tomorrow morning. Our boss said that he wants to see his broken plate with his own eyes." Li Sha walked out:

"I'll be back later, you can take a shower first, wash for nothing and wait for me to come back.".

Li Sha's wife's pretty face turned red: "Smelly ghost, get out of here!".

Li Sha smiled and left the house.

The night wind was very cold, the moonlight covered the ground like a veil, and the shadows of the trees swayed like ghosts.


Li Sha lit a cigarette and smoked, the dots of sparks were so obvious in the night, he was thinking about his speech while walking on the bumpy dirt road.

When he was about to reach Li Yu's house, he urinated directly at the base of the wall of a nearby house, and then slammed the wooden door of Li Yu's house.

"Who is it?" An old voice sounded in the courtyard, and then there was the sound of the door opening.

"Uncle, I'm Li Sha, I'm here to find Brother Li Yu." Li Sha smiled, and it was Li Yu's father who answered him.

"It's so late at night, what's the matter, we'll talk about it tomorrow, Xiao Yu is already asleep." Father Li Yu bent over to open the latch, and said from the door.

"He asked me to contact our boss before, and our boss agreed to see him. I'll go back to work tomorrow morning and plan to take him to Neverland. I'll inform him tomorrow morning because I'm afraid it's too late." Li Sha took two puffs of his cigarette, laughing explained.

He shouted into the courtyard at the top of his voice: "Li Yu! Our boss agrees to see you!".

Hearing that it was summoned by the big boss, Li Yu’s father walked away with joy on his face. He thought he was going to let Li Yu go to work on the island. Because of Li Sha’s bragging, most of the islanders on Shapi Island They all really want to work in Neverland.


Shirtless Li Yu came out of the house without even shoes on, and his face was full of joy. He really wanted to sell that plate for a high price, after all, he was too short of money now.

Li Yu's mother "Aunt Li" also came out, chattering and pulling Li Sha to ask non-stop. She mainly asked if Li Yu should also go to work in Neverland, what is the salary, where to live and what to eat? What to bring and so on.

Li Sha muttered only one sentence: "Ask Li Yu, he knows everything.".

He said to Li Yu again: "Wear clean tomorrow, bring everything you need, and then wait for me at my house at 7 in the morning, don't be late.".

Li Sha left as if fleeing.

Looking at the back of Li Sha leaving in a hurry, Li Yu felt a sense of gratitude in his heart, and he thought to himself: "Before the plate is sold, it's better not to tell parents the news, so that they won't be able to sleep because of worry.

This guy Li Sha squatted outside my house for several nights, he must have wanted to know in which sea area I found the plate, but for the sake of keeping a secret for me, please forgive him. ".

Obviously, Li Yu knew that Li Sha was squatting next to his yard every night in the middle of the night.

After a few words from his parents, Li Yu swayed back to the house. He felt that tomorrow would be a day that would change his destiny.

Hundreds of thousands!

That's a lot of money!

Early the next morning.

In the twilight of the morning, the cicadas that had been silent all night began to sing, majestic~

Li Yu put on half-worn short-sleeves, shorts, scrubbed and faded sneakers, and came to Li Sha's house early to wait with a backpack with plates on his back. When Li Sha was full, the two left together.

"When you arrive at Neverland, send me a message!" Li Sha's wife stood by the dilapidated pier to say goodbye, eyes full of reluctance.

Chat software does not require money for sending messages, but calls for money.

"Understood, let's go back!" Li Sha untied the Range Rover, and drove the ferry to the distance.

Li Yu stood on the boat full of energy.

It wasn't until the ferry boat turned into a black spot in the distance that Li Sha's wife turned her head back with a slight sigh. She was looking forward to meeting her husband next month.

Chaoyang, stretched her shadow very, very long.


da da da da ~

The ferry boat was sailing on the sea, with two white waves extending to both sides at the stern, and the sea breeze messed up Li Sha's hair. He turned his head and smiled and said, "Let's go to Danguan City to pick up my uncle and Yan Zhang, and then return to Dreamland together." island.".

"Oh, no problem." Li Yu sat in the boat shed carefully holding his bag tightly, and said with a smile: "This boat is good, fast speed and low noise.".

"Of course! When our boss buys a boat, he buys it!" Li Sha said proudly, "The boat in my house is not only slow as a turtle, but also very noisy. I wish I could deafen people's ears." !”.

Li Yu laughed.

Shortly after.

The ferry boat docked at the pier, met Uncle Hai, and the four of them took a taxi to the largest fresh food supermarket together. They ordered 15 catties of ribs from Nanshan Farm directly at the meat stand, and Li Yu couldn't help but click his tongue.

RM80 per kg!

Li Yu feels the same as stealing money. If the salary is 40 yuan a day, it means two days' salary to buy one kilogram. I can't afford it, so I slipped away~

"It's just basic operations, don't make a fuss." Li Sha patted Li Yu's shoulder and smiled.

At this moment, Li Sha's cell phone buzzed and rang, and when he took it out, he saw that it was Li Shu calling, and he even suppressed his smile and answered respectfully: "Brother Li Shu, I've already bought ribs, and I'm planning to go to the pier What, is there anything else to buy?".

"No, there is a man on the pier, you drop by and come to the island, I will give you his mobile phone number... ".

"Okay ok.".

The 4 people took a taxi back to the pier with the spare ribs. Through the mobile phone number given by Li Shu, Li Sha quickly found the person Li Shu mentioned——Tian Dian, 45 years old, with a mustache. He came from the capital of Malaysia Porcelain appraiser.

Five people boarded the boat and returned to Neverland all the way.

The proud Tian Dian seemed to look down on Li Yu and the others, and he spoke to them no more than 3 sentences. Li Yu and the others were also very arrogant, and the four talked and laughed and ignored Tian Dian.


After the ferry docked, he saw Li Shu waiting at the pier in person. Tian Dian, who had a serious face just now and seemed extremely proud, suddenly showed a flattering smile: "Mr. Li, hello, I'm very glad that you can hire me." .

Li Shu shook hands with him and nodded lightly.

"Boss Jing, cut up the ribs and stew them." Li Shu greeted: "Li Yu, Tian Dian, let's go to the study and talk, and the others will take a rest first.".

Everyone responded one after another, and it wasn't until Li Sha and Li Yu realized that Tian Dian was a porcelain appraiser.

Ask for a recommendation ticket.

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