Island Fishery

Chapter 521 Chapter 521

Chapter 521 Chapter 521

Bring fish, shrimp, fruits, and vegetables, and the helicopter buzzes up into the sky and flies to the west.

Li Shu was sitting in the helicopter cabin, overlooking the vast sea through the small window on the right, and a small transport ship was quickly heading towards Neverland.

It was the porcelain and jade ship contacted by Cao Cao, and Jing's second son was in charge of receiving it, so Li Shu didn't have to worry.

The little girl was holding the big orange cat in her arms, and she whispered into the big orange cat's ear: "Big orange cat, you are getting fat again, I can hardly hold you anymore.".

"Meow~" the big orange cat protested softly.

"Hee hee~ But I also like you when you get fat.".


Li Shu withdrew his gaze from the window, leaned on the seat and fell asleep.

buzz buzz~

The helicopter quickly landed on the apron attached to the Sea God Community. Li Shu, Boss Jing, the little girl and the big orange cat lying on the little girl's shoulder entered the Sea God Community, and they directly pressed the elevator to the floor of Vecna's house.


The elevator door opened, and Vecna ​​and several maids were already at the door to greet her.

"Welcome, welcome, come in~ The big orange cat is so cute.".

"Meow~" The big orange cat got off the little girl's shoulders and ran straight at Vecna's house.

"Big Orange Cat, be honest." Li Shu was slightly embarrassed.

"It's okay, it's probably because it wants to see the cat, haha." Vecna ​​was holding the lady's hair in a bun, and her fair and delicate neck became more and more slender.

A few people went to see the cat under the leadership of Vecna, turned left and right to a door, and there was a huge cat's claw with a height of 50 centimeters on the pink door.

Under the cat's paw, there is a sentence written in Hindi, which translates as "cat hut".


Pushing open the door, there is a light gray cat litter in the middle of the pink carpeted floor, a fatter black and white cat is lying in it, and a few kittens who haven't opened their eyes are sucking.


The black and white cat raised its head, glanced at the people at the door, and meowed softly, with a maternal radiance on its body.

"Wow, there are so many kittens!" The little girl was full of surprise. She walked in and squatted next to the cat litter with the big orange cat. The big orange cat lowered its head slightly and looked down at the black and white cats in the cat litter. The back of its head became more and more round. .

"Meow~" [How did you give birth to so many kittens? 】

The black and white cat responded softly: "Meow~" [Yes, which one do you like? Give you one. 】

The big orange cat flicked the tip of its tail and shook its head slightly: "Meow~" [They will compete with me for delicious food when they grow up, which is not worthwhile. 】

Black and white cat: "...".

There are 6 kittens in total, except one is all black and one is all white, the remaining 4 are black and white, 6 kittens are 3 males and 3 females, and their meows are milky.

Li Shu looked around the house and found that there were some colorful lights hanging on the wall, pictures of cats, and there were special drinking fountains, feeding machines, cat climbing frames, etc. around, some of which Li Shu couldn't understand the specific functions of.

"Let's go, let's play games." Vecna ​​briefly introduced the kittens, and then asked a maid named "Rusa" to take care of the little girl, while she took Li Shu to play games.

"I can walk by myself, by myself." Li Shu was helpless.

Li Shu and Vecna ​​left, but the maid "Rusa" didn't speak again, and the room fell silent instantly.

The little girl looked at the feeding black and white cat, and suddenly said to the big orange cat: "Can you give birth to kittens, big cat?".

"Meow~" [Not giving birth, it will be troublesome if I give birth to grab my food. 】

As time went by, a brilliant sunset gradually appeared in the western sky, just like the skirt of a fairy.

After playing Forest Ice and Fire Man for a few hours, Vecna ​​was satisfied, and then helped Li Shu to cook together. Li Shu thought she was too good to help, so she went to cook pear water by herself.

prickly prickly~

The braised large yellow croaker and braised prawns came out of the pan quickly, and then Li Shu made a few vegetarian dishes such as fried eggplant and beans, which were ready to eat soon.

"It smells so good, thank you for your hard work, Ashu.".

"It's not hard, I'm used to it, the remaining big yellow croaker can be raised first, and I can cook it when I want to eat it.".

Several dishes were served on the table, and we ate and chatted with the crystal-like white rice. The tender and delicious fish meat made Vecna ​​full of praise: "It's really delicious! The aroma of this fish meat is simply irresistible! ".

"Eat slowly, there is enough fish." Li Shu laughed.

"Meow~" After the six little milk cats fell asleep, the black and white cats couldn't resist the aroma of the food after all, so they came out to eat the food.

It has its own cat food to eat, but obviously the cat food does not have the meals made by the plum tree to lure the cat.

"Meow~" The big orange cat was originally eating the yellow croaker meat that the little girl handed to it. When it saw the black and white cat, it directly put the yellow croaker meat in front of the latter.

You eat and you eat, you are really weak, you seem to fall when you walk.

"Meow~" The black and white cat nodded gratefully, then happily ate the fish and took care of the 6 kittens. It was obvious that the big cat was exhausted.

For a meal, the little girl no longer fed one cat but two cats, and also gave them delicious shrimps to eat. The black and white cats had a good meal and their spirits improved a lot.

After the meal, the leftovers were taken away. Several people were chatting, and Vecna ​​asked the servant to bring her boiled pear water, and then there was a plate of boiled "ripe pears".

Li Shu said with a smile: "Pears cooked in water are darker in color, but the smell is quite attractive.".

The little girl put on thin gloves, picked up the warm ripe pear and began to chew: "The taste is very pears can be boiled and eaten!?".

"Of course." Vecna ​​propped her chin with her right hand, looked at the little girl and then at Li Shu, and said with a smile, "Try it, Ashu, and see how it tastes.".


Li Shu took a big bite of the pear, and the sweet taste exploded in his mouth. He smiled and said: "After cooking, it will not be so crispy, and the sweetness will also decrease, but it also has a different flavor, and the taste is very good.".

"Haha, as long as you like it." Vecna ​​said with a smile.

Several people chatted and laughed, and in a blink of an eye it was already 8 o'clock in the evening, and Li Shu was about to leave. When he turned to look for the big orange cat, he found that the latter had disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, where's the big silly cat?" Li Shu looked under the table, but there was no orange cat.

The little girl shook her head, and she also searched curiously.

The two soon came to the cat hut, squeak ~ opened the door and went in, Li Shu's face was covered with black lines, and saw the big orange cat lying in the cat's nest that belonged to the black and white cat, and 6 little milk cats that hadn't opened their eyes yet. The cat is lying on the body of the big orange cat.

The cat mother, the black and white cat, lay on the window sill, looking at the beautiful night outside the glass window with her paws in her mouth, as cars drove past on the road.

There are trash cans in the shadows by the side of the road, and dirty stray cats rummage through them for food, occasionally fighting over a piece of moldy bread.

The black-and-white cat seemed to recall her wandering days. Of course she was very grateful to Vecna ​​for adopting her, and also thanked the big orange cat for stopping her that day. adoption.

"Big orange cat, we should go." Li Shu said with a smile: "You don't even have milk, what are you doing pretending to be lying in the cat's litter box? You can't do that job, come out quickly.".

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