Island Fishery

536 Chapter 536 Goodbye Zhang Jinlian

536 Chapter 536 Goodbye Zhang Jinlian

The treasure stone box that had been discovered was gone, which was equivalent to the cooked duck flying away, which made Li Xiaomin very angry and seriously ill.

He regretted why he had to recuperate for a few days, and only went to find the stone treasure box when his injury was healed. He should have brought the injury back to bring the stone box back on the night Li Shu left his house!

For a few days, many people were using the water from the river to irrigate the land, and more people were going down the river to fish. Obviously, other fishers found the stone box and took it away.

Li Xiaomin lay on the bed hugging his dog son, crying: "I hate it so much~"

In fact, Li Xiaomin didn't know that when Li Shu left his house that day, the stone box had already been carried away by Boss Jing.

Even if he returned to the river immediately after the plum tree left, it would be impossible to find the stone box.

Another month later, after an autumn rain, the weather became colder and colder. Li Xiaomin's foot injury had healed. He went to the closet tremblingly to find thick clothes. After putting on a gray cotton jacket, he habitually put his hands in his pockets.

In an instant, his pupils shrank.

With a face full of disbelief, he took out his palms from his pockets, the left pocket was a wad of red notes, and the right pocket was also a wad of red notes.

"I'll wipe it! How can I have so much money in my clothes? The sum of the two pockets is 10,000. Could it be that I put it in my pocket and forgot?"

Li Xiaomin put the money on the bed, and even went to look in other pockets, surprised again and again, his whole body was shaking with excitement, and soon found money in the other three pairs of trousers and a coat, all of which were a thick stack of red notes .

After counting, all the money added up to 50,000! !

According to Li Xiaomin's temperament of not wanting to work, but just wanting to go for a walk every day and play, I am afraid that he will not earn 50,000 yuan in 3 to 4 years!

And he was also sure that the 50,000 yuan bills in his pockets definitely did not fall into his pockets by accident! Because all his bank card balances add up to less than 50,000 yuan.

"This is the God of Wealth coming home!?" Li Xiaomin could only think this way, and he kept rubbing his hands excitedly: "I'm going to buy it now... Bah, bah, I'm going to "invite" a statue of the God of Wealth back!"

Li Xiaomin happily went to invite the statue.

All these things about Li Xiaomin are for later.


After lunch, Li Shu went to Grandma Village by car. Grandma and Grandpa were eating, and he was "voluntarily" forced to eat again.

Inside the old hut.

Li Shu sat on the chair and looked at his grandpa and grandma. The two old people seemed to be in good spirits. He smiled and said, "After taking the nutrient solution I sent, how do you feel recently?"

"Excellent!" Grandpa said with a smile. The wind and frost of the years carved his face into gullies, but his smile revealed innocence and kindness: "I used to sleep very lightly. I woke up very early every day and then sat all the time. Until dawn, every day my head is dizzy like a rusty machine, and I can't remember things.

It’s different now, the quality of sleep is super good every day, the food is delicious, and I can remember things much faster. "

Grandma said: "That's true, and my physical fitness has improved a lot. In May, the county held a half-marathon, and your grandpa ran it and won a silver medal."

"So amazing!!" Li Shu was surprised: "There is still a marathon in Ling County?"

In Li Shu's impression, the small county in his hometown seems to be very good, but he ignores that his memory of his hometown seems to have stayed in the past few years. After that, he went to the city to study, went to Yanjing to study, and returned to the county The number of times is less.

Even if I come back, I will stay in my hometown village, and I have very little understanding of the changes in the entire Ling County.

"Yes, deputy county magistrate Jiao said at the closing ceremony that a marathon will be held every year in the future." Grandpa laughed.

Grandma brought out the washed oranges, and there were drops of water on the skins of the big oranges. Li Shu really wanted to say that oranges don't need to be washed. They are just like bananas and oranges. After all, they don't need to eat their skins.

But grandma can wash it if she wants to. He peels a big orange and takes a bite. It's so sweet!

The grandma answered, "Here, here is the silver medal, and your grandpa is even on the TV station in the city! You can't make your grandpa so beautiful."

"Hahaha." Li Shu took the silver medal. It was quite big and had a rope on it. The year and group were engraved on it. He weighed it and it should be silver-plated.

The silver medal for a recreational marathon in a small county is pitifully low, but it is also a symbol of honor. At least among the old people who like sports in this county, there should still be some gold content, and that is enough.

Chatting with grandma and grandpa, Li Shu asked Bingzi and Zhang Jinlian about being anchors, grandpa smiled and said: "You can go to her house to see, they shoot and edit videos almost every day, it's quite interesting of."

"Okay, I'll go and have a look." Li Shu left grandma's house, and went directly to Zhang Jinlian's house with Boss Jing.


They had just reached the door of Zhang Jinlian's house when the door of the latter's house was suddenly opened, and the soldiers poked their heads out from inside.

"Ashu!!? When did you come back?" Bingzi asked in surprise.

"It's been a day or two since I came back. I heard that there is a big anchor nearby, so I'll come and take a look. Are you the anchor or Zhang Jinlian?" Li Shu laughed.

"Ashu, don't bury me. I'm not an anchor. I'm Jinlian's manager. Jinlian is an anchor. Besides us, there are my cousin "Xu Ling" and Jinlian's cousin "Sun Han" , there are only 4 of us in this team.”

Bingzi opened the gate and drove out a relatively new van, and three people came out of the yard—Zhang Jinlian, a man and a woman.

The two men and women who act as assistants are very young, only 17-18 years old, immature and full of vigor.

"Brother Li Shu!?" Zhang Jinlian was very pleasantly surprised. She didn't expect to see Li Shu from the gate of her house.

Xu Ling and Sun Han also looked at Li Shu curiously.

"Are you going to make a video? Can I go and see it?" Li Shu smiled.

"Of course! Ah Shu, get in the car!" Bingzi said with a smile.

Zhang Jinlian also nodded, Li Shu once saved her grandfather's life, she is still very grateful to Li Shu, besides, the latter is very handsome and seductive.

Li Shu and Boss Jing got into the car, and then drove towards the wilderness with Bing Zi and a group of six people.

The scenery on both sides of the road reversed rapidly, everyone was chatting in the car, and Li Shu also watched Zhang Jinlian's Dou Le account, and she already had 3.42 million fans.

Almost maintain the speed of updating one video every day, and the number of likes of each video ranges from millions to more than 200,000.

Li Shu held Zhang Jinlian's pink phone and looked at the background data of each video: "The number of likes is not particularly scary, but the number of views is really scary. At least the number of views is over 1.5 million?"

Not seeing each other for half a year, Zhang Jinlian has grown a lot.

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