Island Fishery

548 Chapter 548 I am an innocent civilian

548 Chapter 548 I am an innocent civilian

Senior Yan San's senior "Sun Cheng" tried her best to get Li Shu out, but Li Shu was helpless. He had to admit that what Sun Cheng said was right.

Because No. 3 "Wu ​​Tian" died, so Jin Yuan, No. 4, spoke next. She also supported Sun Cheng, but she said that Li Shu had "exaggerated expressions and poor acting skills", and his eyes wandered and his tone was weak, so he decided to Focus on Jin Yuan.

Then Huang Yun on the 5th made a speech. She withdrew her hand from Li Shu's, said something but also expressed her dislike for Li Shu, saying that he might indeed be a wolf.

Li Shu laughed secretly in his heart: "Is Huang Yun deliberately disassociated from me, so as to prevent the whole pack of wolves from being taken over by someone after I am judged to be a wolf?".

Generally, after a person is determined to be a wolf, then whoever spoke in support of this person just now has a high probability of being a wolf! Therefore, many wolves need to cover up when they speak, and dare not support their wolf teammates too blatantly.

Huang Yun is number 5 and Li Shu is number 6.

After Huang Yun finished speaking, Li Shu said, he spread his hands and said helplessly: "The stupid wolf on the 3rd stabbed himself, he is already dead, the current situation on the field is very good for us humans!

But if I die, it will be broken, because if I die, I will be a prophet and exchange them for a wolf, then we humans will lose! After all, a prophet is more important than a wolf! ".

Li Shu paused slightly, and everyone nodded, as if they agreed with his words.

"I will verify number 5 Huang Yun tonight. She just stepped on me lightly. I think she might be a wolf. I suggest that we vote for number 4 Jin Yuan during the day." Li Shu said very confidently, as if he was really a prophet :

"Just now on the 4th, Jin Yuan's eyes wandered and her tone was weak. This is a sign of guilt! She is probably a wolf. I have an 80% probability that she is a wolf! You listen to me, we will vote for her." wrong.".

Jin Yuan opened her mouth in shock. She just waved her hand and said two "No, no..." Then she covered her mouth and spoke in order. She couldn't speak.

After that was No. 7 Wang Ben, who supported Sun Cheng's idea.

Number 8 is Yu Bingbing, she supports Li Shu, and as the last person, she also votes for number 4, Jin Yuan.

Xu Xiaoxiao looked at Yu Bingbing. As roommates who knew each other well, she felt that Yu Bingbing shouldn't be as quiet as he is now, and immediately felt suspicious.

The host "God" Feng An said: "Okay, the speech is over, and the voting will start, and the one who gets the most votes will be out!".

swipe swipe~

Everyone indicated numbers with gestures, and Li Shu got 3 votes from Sun Cheng, Wang Ben and Jin Yuan.

And Jin Yuan got 4 votes, besides Li Shu's 3 wolves, the fourth vote came from Xu Xiaoxiao, she also felt that Jin Yuan's tone was suspicious, like a wolf.

Jin Yuan was helpless.

In an instant, there were 6 people left on the field, 3 wolves, 1 witch, 1 hunter, and 1 small civilian.

The host "God" Feng An said: "It's going to be the next night, okay, please close your eyes when it's dark, please open your eyes for werewolves, please kill werewolves.".

Feng An is an empathetic host who doesn't belong to the wolf camp or the human camp.

Of course, the two "dead people" don't need to close their eyes, they are Wu Tian and Jin Yuan.

When Wu Tian saw Li Shu, Huang Yun, and Yu Bingbing opened his eyes, his face was full of helplessness.

And Jin Yuan was very shocked.

As for who she wanted to kill, Yu Bingbing gestured to the number 2, and number 2 was Sun Cheng, who had just taken the lead in stomping on Li Shu, who was almost crushed by her.

And Huang Yun gestured to the number 6, which is Li Shu, obviously wanting him to kill himself, because if Li Shu is a real prophet, the werewolf is likely to kill him, and the witch has an antidote in her hand, so it is very might save.

Li Shu's brain was running fast, analyzing various situations. In addition to their three wolves, there were No. 1 Xu Xiaoxiao, No. 2 Sun Cheng, and No. 7 Wang Ben.

He said in his heart: "It is not advisable to kill No. 2 Sun Cheng, she just pissed me off, and if I kill her now, wouldn't that mean that I am a wolf?

If I am judged to be a wolf, then Huang Yun, Yu Bingbing, and Xu Xiaoxiao will support me, and there will be two wolves among them! Moreover, Sun Cheng is Jin Shui (absolutely a good person), and the witch will save her with a high probability.

As for the self-knife... Who is the witch among the remaining 127 three people? Everyone has a 33.33% probability of being a witch, and the probability of a witch coming from one of 2 and 7 is as high as 67%

These two people can't wait for me to die now. I'm afraid that the witch will not save me in this round, but will feed me poison! If I do it myself, I'm afraid he won't even save the poison. ".

Thousands of thoughts changed in his mind in an instant, Li Shu glanced at the crowd with closed eyes, and then slowly stretched out his hand and gestured a "1".

Number 1 is Xu Xiaoxiao, she is the only human who believes in Li Shu! Neither Wang Ben nor Sun Cheng believed him.

Huang Yun and Yu Bingbing were shocked. They didn't understand why they killed Xu Xiaoxiao? Isn't Xu Xiaoxiao one of his own?

"Meow~" The big orange cat got up on the table, leaned close to Sun Cheng, who lowered his head slightly and closed his eyes, and snorted~ While snoring, he smelled Sun Cheng's face. It remembered the woman who gave it fish just now.

Why are you closing your eyes, are you sleeping?

Sun Cheng still had her eyes closed, but she heard the voice and touched the big orange cat, whose hair was as soft as silk.

The reason why Li Shu "killed" No. 1 Xu Xiaoxiao was because he wanted Xu Xiaoxiao to think that she was on his side, so the wolf killed her, so the wolf was Sun Cheng and Wang Benzhong.

Sun Cheng can't be a wolf, that wolf is Wang Ben.

And he felt that the witch would use the antidote. The witch might not save him, but there was a high probability of saving Xu Xiaoxiao.

Li Shu vigorously compared "1" a few more times. Huang Yun and Yu Bingbing had no choice but to change the gesture to 1.

The host "God" Feng An said: "Werewolves please close your eyes, witches please open your eyes, he died last night.".

Feng An gestured a "1" and continued: "You have a bottle of antidote, do you want to save it?".

Xu Xiaoxiao looked confused, why did the wolf kill himself? I didn't do anything myself!

She nodded her head, expressing that she wanted to save herself.

The host "God" Feng An nodded, and then said: "Do you have a bottle of poison to use? To whom?".

Xu Xiaoxiao quietly made a number 8.

“Okay, witch please close your eyes.”.

"Prophet, please open your eyes. Prophet, please choose a player to check your identity. A good person is up..." Even though the real prophet is completely cold, Feng An will still pretend that he is still alive, and will still say the same.


"Okay, it's dawn the next day. Number 8 died last night. Please ask Number 8 to deliver his last words and specify the order of speeches." Feng Andao.

"I... I'm dead?" Yu Bingbing's eyes widened, her shocked expression was still cute.

"Haha." Her appearance instantly amused the others.

Sun Cheng frowned, and she couldn't figure out why Yu Bingbing died.

"I'm an innocent civilian~" Yu Bingbing said pitifully. She quickly guessed that she should have been poisoned by a witch, but she could only be said to have been killed by a wolf: "I just supported No. 6 Li Tree, it should be the reason why the wolf wants to kill me.

There is a high probability that the wolf did not support No. 6 Li Shu. Sun Cheng is a good person, so the wolf is Wang Ben! There are 3 wolves in total, I think 2 wolves are already dead, throw Wang Ben out, and we will win. ".

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