Island Fishery

Chapter 554 Chapter 554

Chapter 554 Chapter 554

"The air in Baicao Garden is still so fresh!" Li Shu stood at the gate of Baicao Garden and took a deep breath.

With the continuous practice of the Chalcedony Nourishing Heart Sutra, his control over his body became stronger and stronger, so when the big black mosquito landed on his leg, he found it instantly.


A slap directly slapped the mosquito, and the air was torn apart and made a whining sound.

It seems that the big black mosquito that has become a spirit has a dead soul, swiping ~ like a lone boat in the sea, it wobbles and takes off at a very fast speed.


It flew away almost clinging to the palm of the plum tree, then flew high and far away, and disappeared into the lush green bean bed in the blink of an eye.

"This mosquito is really about to become a spirit." Li Shu murmured slightly: "But I can fail countless times, as long as I can succeed once.

This silly mosquito can successfully escape countless times, but if it fails once, it's over!

At that time, I will let it know what it means to be smashed to pieces! ".

Entering the Baicao Garden, close the wooden door casually.

In the past few days when Li Shu returned to China, Jing's second son, with the help of Uncle Hai, Li Sha and others, introduced a water pipe into Baicao Garden.

A limestone sink was built two meters to the left of the entrance. The height of the sink is 30 cm, and the length and width are about half a meter. There is a downpipe in the middle of the sink, and the water pipe is connected to the underground drainage system of Neverland.

These have no pollutants, but the water with some mud will be directly discharged into the sea without causing pollution.

"Wow~" Li Shu turned on the faucet to wash his hands, and said with a smile, "The water flow is quite suitable. In the future, if you pick a melon or strawberry, you can wash it here, and you don't need to take it to the villa.".

He turned off the faucet, and saw the big yellow dog lying on the tomato vegetable bed not far away through a bed of vegetable leaves. The latter quietly pressed his head to the ground, observing in secret.

"Big silly dog! What are you looking at?" Li Shu laughed.

"Hmph, chirp~" The big golden retriever ran over in an instant, wagging its tail, its eyes were full of spirituality, and there was a little red tomato juice at the corner of its mouth.

Why did you come to Baicao Garden? I was so scared that I didn't dare to eat tomatoes.

"Eating tomatoes again, aren't you full for dinner?" Li Shu walked slowly to the tomato bed with the dog, and saw that there were only blue tomato eggs left on some seedlings, and there were no red ripe tomatoes.

"Dasha dog, how many tomatoes have you eaten? Planting some tomatoes is not enough for you to eat." Li Shu scolded with a smile, and patted the dog's head lightly.

"Hey, hey, hey~" That's strange, how do you know that Ben Rhubarb ate a lot of tomatoes? I didn't leave any traces, some juice dripped on the ground, and I buried it with soil.

The big yellow dog tilted his head suspiciously, puzzled.

Li Shu didn't care about the rhubarb. He walked around the Baicao Garden a few times and saw the abundant harvest. He was very satisfied. Then he went to plot No. 1 to pick some winter jujubes, plot No. 2 to pick some cactus fruits, and I went to plot 36 to climb a tree and picked two "smiling" durians.

The basket made of palm leaves carried the fruit outside, and the big yellow dog curiously wanted to smell the fruit in the basket, so Li Shu directly picked up a durian and brought it to the big yellow dog's mouth.



The big yellow dog quickly backed away in shock, looking at Li Shu in disbelief, why does this person still love Xiang so much?

Li Shu looked at Rhubarb's eyes and scolded with a smile: "If you look at me with that kind of eyes again, be careful I'll rub your dog's head.".

"Hey, hey, hey~".

The big yellow dog ran in front, ran to the door and stepped on the green pedal inside, click ~ the wooden door opened and it ran away quickly.

Back to the villa in the north along the stone road, the little girl is still sitting in the living room watching the cartoon "Journey to the West", and the big orange cat is rolling on the sofa next to her, looking silly.

“Brother? Is there any fruit to eat?”.


Li Shu washed the winter jujubes, and then put all the fruits out on plates, one plate of winter dates, one plate of cactus fruit, and one plate of durian.

The little girl took a completely red winter jujube and chewed it in her mouth: "It's crispy and sweet, delicious!".

After spitting out the date pit into her hand and putting it on the tea table, she immediately picked up the second one and ate it.

"The jujube skin is difficult to digest, so don't eat too much." Li Shu broke open the durian and picked up a piece of golden flesh to eat. He hadn't eaten durian for many days, and he thought it tasted really good.


The little girl agreed, and then picked up the third winter jujube and ate it: "This kind of winter jujube that has all turned red is the best, sweet and crisp, but the taste is much worse when it is only a little red, like some If it’s not red at all, it’s not sweet at all, and it’s particularly unpalatable.”.

"Haha, your mouth is getting more and more tricky, and you still provoke it?" Li Shu laughed.

He was originally sitting on the right side of the big orange cat, but the big orange cat couldn't stand the smell of durian, so he jumped to the left of the little girl, avoiding the plum tree.

The thrush has a strong enough tolerance to the smell of durian. It stands on the tea table with its wings folded, and uses its sharp beak to pull out the sharp thorns on the cactus fruit.


Feeling that it was too slow to pull out the thorns one by one, the thrush jumped up to the plum tree with a cactus fruit in its mouth, put down the fruit, and flapped its wings.


Can you help me, I want to eat it!

Li Shu touched the thrush's small head with the belly of his left index finger, then took out a small knife, and brushed~ cut two knives at both ends of the cactus fruit, then made a knife in the middle, and peeled it lightly.

The sweet-smelling pulp is exposed to the air.


The thrush was very happy, jumping and jumping, and then pecked at the flesh to eat, with a full face of enjoyment.

At this time, an episode of the animated version of Journey to the West was over, and the little girl sang along with the singing on the TV: "The white dragon's horseshoe is facing west, carrying Tang Sanzang and following the three apprentices~

Take the scriptures from the west and go to the main road~ It will be tens of thousands of miles~


Eighty-one is difficult to block the way, seventy-two changes control the enemy~

What kind of magic is vicious, its own tricks are magical~


The little girl's milky voice was a bit pleasant to sing, and she smiled after singing: "This cartoon is really good-looking, and the song is also good-sounding, just after watching "The Legend of the Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit", let's watch this one." "Journey to the West"!".

After Li Shu finished eating a piece of durian, he ate the crunchy and sweet winter jujube and said with a smile: "This "Journey to the West" animation seems to have been produced in 1993, and it was released in 1999 after six years.

It has been 25 years since the year of production. It is very rare to be able to produce such an excellent and completely domestically produced cartoon 25 years ago. ".

The little girl was at a loss, let alone her 25 years ago, when Li Shu was not even born.

"Go to sleep after watching two episodes, this day is tiring enough." Li Shu said.

"Hmm." The little girl nodded repeatedly.

Cartoons are resources downloaded from the Internet, and you can watch them whenever you want.

buzz buzz~

Li Shu's cell phone rang suddenly, and he took it out to see that it was Master calling.

"Hello, Master?".

"Xiao Shu, we have already booked our flight tickets. We expect to arrive in the capital of Malaysia at 4 am the day after tomorrow." The old man's angry voice came from the phone.

"Okay, I'll go to the capital to pick you up then." Li Shu smiled.

Ask for a recommendation ticket.

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