Island Fishery

Chapter 572

Chapter 572

The tropical rainforest has abundant rainfall and lush vegetation, but occasionally there are some open spaces in the forest.

Li Shu, Zou Jie, Tao Ziqing and the others sat beside a big rock in the open space to rest and replenish water, while Jing Boss and Jing Lao Er were guarding the surroundings.

The white jade ring has been hidden in the flesh and blood of the finger, other people can't see it, but Li Shu can see it.

He stared at his fingers and thought to himself: "Why does the white jade ring get hot? I remember the last time I had a fever, it was when I met that stone box in the river in my hometown.

At that time, it was because there was a mysterious item in the stone box, and the white jade ring could melt into flesh and blood after absorbing that mysterious item. Could it be that similar mysterious items appeared around? ".


Li Shu was overjoyed and at the same time a little helpless, in the vast tropical rainforest, where would he go to find that mysterious thing?

Mr. Xu Sheng was sitting on the right, he watched Li Shu staring at his fingers, and said:

"Little tree?".

"Ah, what's the matter, teacher?".

"I remember that you have a white jade ring on your finger. In my impression, the white jade ring is very extraordinary. The quality of the jade is very good. It seems to be an old item. Why don't you have a ring on your hand now?".

"Oh, my grandma gave it to me, and now she's going back again." Li Shu said nonsense.

However, he also lamented that it was fortunate that the white jade ring was hidden in the flesh and blood, otherwise it would be difficult to escape the eyes of some masters.

Never underestimate human curiosity.

Maybe others will be able to find out what is suspicious.

Now that the white jade ring was hidden in the flesh and blood, it undoubtedly eliminated a hidden danger.

Grandpa Xu Sheng nodded, he didn't say anything, he just asked casually, and then he chatted with Tao Ziqing and Zou Jie about the ingredients in the forest - from leaves to roots, grass stems, wild fruits, moss and so on.

Huang Yun and Sun Cheng went to work, so Li Shu had already cut off the video call with them.

He stood up and walked around the boulder he had sat on, frowning in thought.

"The white jade ring is hot, so the closest stone is this stone. Could it be that there is a treasure in the stone?" Li Shu thought in a flash.


Li Shu caressed the big orange cat sleeping on the stone, and pulled the latter's small ears.


The big orange cat lay down directly, pawed at Li Shu's palm, and opened its mouth to bite Li Shu.

Why are you pulling my ear, do you want to be bitten? Don't beat me!

"Big orange cat, smell this rock and see if there is any treasure inside?" Li Shu laughed.

Big Orange Cat: "...".

Zou Jie, Tao Ziqing and Mr. Xu Sheng all looked over with surprise on their faces.


How can I smell what's in the stone? Let that big silly dog ​​come! I can't do this job.


The big yellow dog ran over and actually circled the boulder a few times, sniffing this and that, then shook his head.

Can't smell it, just a stone smell.

"No, forget it." Li Shu also felt that his thoughts were a bit absurd, and said with a smile: "I just thought for a moment, since there is emerald in the original stone, is it possible that there is emerald in this stone?".

Tao Ziqing was taken aback, she looked heroic in a camouflage outfit: "It should be possible.".

Zou Jie's face was full of black lines: "There's a ghost~ It's a special case to have emerald in the rough stone. If there is emerald in this broken stone, I... I will eat this stone.".

The beaten Tao Ziqing reached out to pinch Zou Jie.

Li Shu smiled and said: "Brother, I suspect that you are cheating on food and drink.".

"Haha~" Everyone laughed instantly.

After resting for a while, everyone continued to set off, and soon saw a wild rabbit again. This time, the Mork Brothers did not shoot arrows. The big yellow dog flew over, bit the rabbit and brought it back.

"Hey, hey, hey~".

Praise me quickly, see if I'm good or not!

"Good dog!" Li Shu patted Rhubarb on the head.

Tao Ziqing smiled and said: "This dog is really powerful, but why are there so many wild rabbits in the forest?".

The others didn't speak.

Li Shu thought for a while and said, "Hey~ It should be that the entire ecosystem in the forest has been severely damaged.

A complete ecosystem should have vegetation, herbivores, carnivores, and microorganisms.

Carnivores don't need many, just a few, but it seems like those are being hunted now.

No predators overpower rabbits.

The rabbits with super reproductive ability will make nests frantically in the left litter, right litter, front litter, and rear litter, and give birth to little rabbits crazily. After the little rabbits grow up, they will regenerate into little rabbits, and the number of rabbits will explode! ".

"Haha~ The little rabbit is quite cute." Tao Ziqing laughed.

Li Shu: "......".

Are we talking about a topic? Talking about the number of rabbits, how did it get cute?


"Senior Sister is right! The little rabbit is really cute, and it tastes very delicious, hehe." Li Shu laughed, he would not go after Senior Sister like Zou Jie, it would definitely lose favor.



Zou Jie on the right suddenly let out a scream, and jumped up immediately. Everyone looked at it and found a small vegetable snake about 40 centimeters twisting its body under a small tree about 80 centimeters high.

It was still whispering slightly.

"It's a small vegetable snake, non-poisonous." Li Shu slapped the ground with a wooden stick, and the little snake quickly escaped.


Zou Jie swallowed hard, and stared blankly at the direction the snake left. If it had been a little later, the little snake might have crawled onto his instep.

Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

Zou Jie said dryly: "Most children are surrounded by adults, right?

Then the appearance of this little snake means that there is likely to be a big python around? We have hunted quite a few rabbits, let's go back. ".

Li Shu and the others laughed instantly.

But it is true that a lot of rabbits have been hunted, and they entered the woods in the afternoon, and they need to go out before dark without a tent.

Come sooner rather than later.

So I plan to go back.

Everyone went back the same way, the big yellow dog ran ahead, and the big orange cat was hugged by Tao Ziqing, it was too lazy to walk again.

When he reached the exit of the woods, the second Jing who was holding a machete suddenly shouted to the right: "Who! Come out!".


Everyone stopped and looked at the bushes on the right.

The warm wind is blowing, the setting sun dyes the forest light red, and countless small insects are chirping in the grass nest.

The surroundings fell silent for a moment.

a long time.

"Ahem~ I'm pulling s, what are you shouting for?" A person emerged from the dense grass on the right, and it was the "Brother Xiong" I saw at the hotel before.

Li Shu noticed that the latter's shoes and trouser legs were wet, and instantly frowned.

Brother Xiong was furious, but when he saw the sharp machete that Jing's second child was carrying, he immediately pursed his mouth and left towards the hotel without saying anything.

Old man Xu Sheng said in a low voice: "This man is weird!".

"I also think he's weird." Zou Jie squeezed the fat on his chin and muttered: "When you go to the mountains, you have to camp or hunt. You need a tent for camping, and you need a shotgun or a bow and arrow for hunting, but this man didn't bring anything.".

Li Shu shook his head slightly.

When everyone returned to the hotel, the second senior brother Zou Jie rented a small kitchen in the hotel, and he was in charge of making rabbit meat.

After returning to the room, taking a shower and changing clothes, Li Shu went to the restaurant for dinner.

Ask for a recommendation ticket.

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