Island Fishery

Chapter 577: Chapter 577

Chapter 577: Chapter 577

Li Shu rubbed the big yellow dog's head, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll give you fish and meat later!"

The Mork brothers came out of the wood, carrying three fat rabbits.

Counting the rabbit held by the big orange cat, there are 4 rabbits in total.

But Li Shu and the others had eight of them, and they had to save some rice, so they still had to catch some fish.


Boss Jing came back with four sharpened wooden sticks. Li Shu took off his shoes and socks, rolled up his trouser legs, took a wooden stick, and waded into the stream.

"Little tree, be careful!" Tao Ziqing stood on the shore and said with concern.

"Okay! Do you want to come down? I'll teach you to spearfish!"

"Huh? I won't."

"Come on, come on, once you learn it!"

"Haha, I'm afraid I'll be useless as soon as I learn."

Unable to resist the temptation, Tao Ziqing still took off her shoes and socks, rolled up her trouser legs, and took a wooden stick into the water.

"Oh~ it's a bit cold!"

"Water has a relatively large specific heat capacity. It absorbs the same heat and the temperature rises little. It's normal to be a little cold. Come to me, and I will support you."

Tao Ziqing grabbed Li Shu's arm and walked towards the middle of the river, the rushing stream flooded her knees.

But maybe it's because she often wears long trousers and her legs don't see the sun. Tao Ziqing's legs are really white. Li Shu saw it last night.

"Look carefully, do you see the big fish in the water? The one with the blue-black back!"

"There are really fish!" Tao Ziqing opened her eyes wide in surprise, she hooked the hair by her ear with the little finger of her left hand, and the diamond earrings on the crystal earlobe reflected the sunlight.

very beautiful.

"Master, there are really big fish in the river!" Tao Ziqing turned around and shouted to Mr. Xu Sheng.

"Haha, then catch them, we are in charge of cooking rice and roasting rabbit meat." Mr. Xu Sheng said.

Li Shu smiled at senior brother Zou Jie: "Senior brother, do you want to spearfish together?"

"No." Zou Jie really wanted to work with Tao Ziqing, but in the end reason prevailed.

He felt that he couldn't do the spearfishing job, and if he fell into the stream again, it would be over.

"You can fork the fish, I can cook with the master, you have to fork more fish, otherwise there won't be enough for you!

Moreover, you have to be careful of leeches, those things suck blood and it hurts! "Zou Jie laughed.

"Ah~" Tao Ziqing shuddered and looked at Li Shu in horror: "Little brother, there are leeches in the water?"

"Don't listen to Second Senior Brother talking nonsense, he's scaring you." Li Shu laughed.

"Because of the refraction effect of water on light, the real position of the fish is different from the position where we see him. The real position should be more forward and lower than the position we see."

Li Shu said: "So when spearing a fish, you have to go forward a little bit, like this."


The tip of the sharp wooden stick pierced into the stream, easily forking a fish.

"It's amazing!" Tao Ziqing admired.

"Small idea!" Li Shu said proudly.

In fact, he learned the spearfishing technique from Yan Zhang, and his employee Yan Zhang is the real spearfishing master.

"I'll try too."

Tao Ziqing put the wooden stick into the water, swiped~ the fish tail threw a splash, and swam away.

"Again! Don't lose heart!"


After letting go of three fish, Tao Ziqing finally caught a fish. He was so excited that his eyes were bent into crescent moons.


"It's better that you teach!"

"We have to speed up, or the second senior brother will be hungry later."


Li Shu and Tao Ziqing brought up ten fish, exactly one for each of them, and the big yellow dog and the orange cat also ate some.

After going ashore, they help to cook together.

Boss Jing and Second Jing brought back a lot of firewood and set up several fires, some for grilling fish, some for roasting hare, and some for cooking.

11:45 p.m.

The fish and rabbit were grilled, and the rice was cooked, and everyone sat down to eat.

“This rabbit meat is delicious roasted!”

"Yes, it's very tender! The younger brother sprinkled cumin, and the level of chili powder is really good."

"Smells so good!"

Li Shu handed a blackish grilled fish to the big orange cat, and the other grilled fish to the big yellow dog. The two pets ate happily.

After dinner, everyone enjoyed the cool under the tree, rested, and continued on their way until two o'clock in the afternoon.

They walked up the river, not fast, occasionally stopping to look at the scenery and take pictures.

4:00 p.m.

Li Shu felt the heat from the white jade ring increase sharply, and his heart moved for a moment. He secretly said in surprise: "The white jade ring suddenly became surprisingly hot. Could it be that the mysterious thing that caused the white jade ring to heat up is nearby?"

This is a shoal, the stream is much wider than where they stayed at noon, and the current is not so fast.

There are a lot of big stones weighing hundreds of catties by the river, and there are many pebbles in the river.

There is a dark cloud floating in the northern sky.

"Master, brothers and sisters, let's set up camp near here today, the dark clouds are coming up from the northwest, and it's likely to rain later!" Li Shu said.

In fact, they can still go forward.

But Li Shu wanted to stay here, he felt that the mysterious substance that caused the white jade ring to heat up was nearby.

The reason is that the white jade ring has been slightly warming along the way, but when it got here, the heat emitted suddenly increased!

"Okay! Let's set up a tent nearby." Mr. Xu Sheng said: "We need to set up the tent before the rain comes, and find enough firewood. It is best to be able to eat the food, and then cook when the rain comes." It will be troublesome."

"That's true, Master is right." Zou Jie said.

"Then my junior brother and I will go spearfishing." Tao Ziqing volunteered.

Worried that the water level of the river would skyrocket after the rain, everyone chose to camp a little away from the river.

miso miso ~

The eldest brother Jing and the second eldest Jing set up tents skillfully, which were all practiced when they were surviving on a deserted island.

Brother Mork went hunting with his big yellow dog.

Old man Xu Sheng and Zou Jie collected firewood and cooked rice.

The big orange cat was lying on the big rock by the river with its paws in its mouth, watching Li Shu and Tao Ziqing catching fish in the river leisurely.

It swung its big tail gently, looking at the rapidly approaching dark clouds in the sky, its big fat face was full of sorrow.


Is it raining in Neverland too? Is the ant nest about to be washed away again?

"There are river prawns here? And river mussels?" Li Shu was surprised: "But there are so few fish. In this section of the river, a fish weighing one or two is considered a big fish."

"Then let's fish for river prawns and river mussels." Tao Ziqing said with a smile.

"Well, these mussels are the size of a fist, which is not bad."

Picking up things is always fun, and the two had a great time picking up mussels.

Crash~ Throwing the picked mussels onto the bank, the big orange cat was jumping up and down happily, smelling this mussel, sniffing that mussel.

The two picked up more than 60 mussels before going ashore, but only a dozen of 13cm long prawns were caught, which is not easy to catch.

The prawns were peeled off and put in the rice porridge, while Mr. Xu Sheng planned to fry all the mussels, kaka~ opened the mussels one by one.

When he opened the fortieth mussel, he was taken aback suddenly, and there was a round bulge in the mussel meat.

With a slight squeeze, a round pearl was exposed to the air!

"Oh~ there are pearls in this river clam!"

"Where where?"

"Wow, there really is a pearl!"

"The diameter is not small, and it is rare that it is quite round."

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