Island Fishery

Chapter 583: Chapter 583

Chapter 583: Chapter 583

Breakfast is rice porridge, and there are some smooth and tender fish in the porridge. Everyone squats next to the pot to eat and chat.

It rained last night, the soil on the ground was wet, and water droplets were still falling from the grass stems.

"We're going back after dinner, but this wild boar is too big, how do we transport him back?" the fat Zou Jie said.

He was also very excited to hunt such a big wild boar this time.

Tao Ziqing was also drinking porridge with a bowl. She looked at Zou Jie on the left, then at the plum tree on the right, and said, "Why don't you cut it up? Take some wild boar?"

Mr. Xu Sheng pondered slightly, and then said: "If you cut it open, it will waste a lot, that's really a pity,

This wild boar is so big, it is really rare, so I suggest that if it is not a last resort, it is better not to cut it open. "

"Then we carry it out?" Boss Jing suggested.

Seeing Zou Jie, Tao Ziqing and others looked at themselves in shock, Boss Jing said weakly: "Boss Jing and I should be able to lift it together."

"Damn it, Hercules!"

Zou Jie said in shock.

Tao Ziqing also muttered curiously: "Little Junior Brother, where did you find such a fierce bodyguard like you?"

Boss Jing patted his head foolishly.

His resilience is very strong, the arm injured last night is still slowly recovering, itching.

Li Shudao: "I think it's better to use a helicopter, tie a wild boar with a rope and hang it under the helicopter, and let the helicopter transport it out of the forest."

"This person has a good idea!" Zou Jie was the first to agree.

The others also nodded.

It was finally decided to use a helicopter. After eating, Boss Fanjing left the tropical rainforest on foot, and it was already 11 am when he came back by helicopter.

There is no way, this is already him running away from the tropical rainforest.

buzz buzz~

The helicopter hovered in the sky, and the two ropes were automatically ejected from the rear cabin.

The big wild boar weighing more than 450 kilograms has been firmly tied up with a rope. Just tie the rope hanging from the helicopter with the rope that binds the pig.

It took less than two minutes from the helicopter hovering to tying up the wild boar.


The helicopter flew the wild boar to the distance.

"The pig flew away!"

Tao Ziqing blocked the sun with her palms and watched the helicopter go away.


The big orange cat stood on the stone by the river, gently shook its big tail, and nodded in approval.

Just waiting for the helicopter to arrive, everyone not only caught fish from the river, but also grilled the fish, and now they started eating lunch directly.

Take a short rest after eating, and then start to rush back.

I was not familiar with the terrain when I came here, and it was a waste of time to stop and go looking for wild boar traces. Now I just rushed back on the way back, so everyone walked out of the forest at 5 o'clock in the evening.

"Hey! There are so many people at the hotel!"


"It seems that the boar we killed caused a stir!"

"Go, go and have a look!"

Everyone came to the outside of the hotel, pushed away the crowd outside and entered the small courtyard of the hotel.

The helicopter stopped in the small courtyard, and Boss Jing stood in front of the big wild boar, looking pitiful.

A few burly men surrounded Boss Jing with vicious expressions on their faces. Among them, Brother Xiong had the most trouble, and his finger was already on Boss Jing's nose.

Words such as "stupid criticism", "good luck", "you don't want to leave here alive if you don't sell the wild boar", "shameless to die" and other words spewed out of Brother Xiong's mouth.

Boss Jing didn't want to cause trouble for Li Shu, he clenched his fists with a gloomy face, and silently endured.

There were a large number of people around, all watching the excitement, and many people were gloating.

There are also a few bosses who are also hunting nearby chatting. From their words, it can be known that these potbellied, wearing famous watches, and extraordinary temperament bosses have already divided the wild boars.

They decided to keep a pig's hind leg for Brother Xiong, and you will have a piece of the rest, and the bosses will divide the whole wild boar completely.

They looked at the wild boar with fiery eyes.

Now they are waiting for the owner of the wild boar to show up.

After all, the wild boar owner's helicopter is parked next to it, which shows that the wild boar owner still has some strength.

They want to find out the background of the wild boar owner first. If the wild boar owner is average, they plan to buy the wild boar by force.

Yes, several bosses never planned to forcibly "grab" wild boars, what they planned was to forcibly "buy".

In the case of "robbing", it is clear who is right and who is wrong, and the police are likely to deal with them.

But "buying" is different. They will bite back that Li Shu agreed to sell it to them, because they feel that the money is too little, so they regret it.

This kind of "economic dispute" can't be controlled by the police. They can only sue themselves in court. A lawsuit can take as short as one or two months, and as long as one or two years.

Li Shu walked over with a gloomy face.

A bald boss with sharp eyes saw that Li Shu was the owner of the wild boar. Seeing that Li Shu was so young and had a fresh face, he immediately felt contemptuous and said condescendingly:

"Little brother, we give you RM45,000, this wild boar is ours.

Don’t think it’s too little, it’s almost equivalent to RM100 per kilogram, and now domestic pigs are only 9 yuan and 5 per kilogram, and the price we’ve offered is already……”

Before the bald boss finished speaking, he was pushed aside by Li Shu, who was full of anger.

Li Shu was also very angry.

Boss Jing is just like his brother of the opposite sex. The insults he receives make him feel humiliated, especially Brother Xiong's arrogant and arrogant face, which makes him full of anger.


Walking behind Brother Xiong, Li Shu kicked out like lightning.

Brother Xiong actually saw Li Shu out of the corner of his eye. He knew Li Shu, but his brain gave the command to avoid, but his body hadn't had time to respond.


Li Shu kicked Brother Xiong's ass.

Brother Xiong was like a bow, flying forward with his hips on his hips, Boss Jing dodged, and Brother Xiong lay on the big wild boar and kissed the pig's mouth.

"You fucking..." Brother Xiong spit crazily.

"Call me these people!" Li Shu said directly. Just now there were several strong men surrounding Boss Jing, and they were the subordinates of those bosses.


With Li Shu's order, the boss Jing and the second brother Jing who had put down their backpacks rushed towards the bodyguards together, their fists flew horizontally and they fought into a ball.

Li Shu walked up to Brother Xiong, punched after punch, and cursed at the same time: "I let you disturb my sleep, I let you disturb my sleep, I let you disturb my sleep..."

Brother Xiong was stunned.

When did he disturb the other party's sleep! ?

He feels wronged~

Li Shu was very measured, he let go of Brother Xiong after a beating: "Get out of here! He~ tui~"

Brother Xiong was sprayed all over the face, full of resentment, and ran away. After running seven or eight meters, he turned around and said harshly: "You wait for me, if I don't kill your whole family, I will..."

"Come back to me!"

Li Shu ran faster, caught up with Brother Xiong who was running away, picked him up and beat him up.

Cheers erupted all around.

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