Island Fishery

Chapter 585: 585 The Amethyst in the Cave

Chapter 585: 585 The Amethyst in the Cave

Brother Xiong was carrying a big shriveled bag and was about to leave with a plastic bag containing two roast chickens.

Xiaojuan stood up while eating the chicken legs, "Brother Xiong, what have you been up to these days? Do you want us to help you?"

"Yes, yes, we can help." Another woman also said.

Looking at the sincere and expectant eyes of the two women, Brother Xiong hesitated slightly, but he still made up his mind and said:

"You can't help me, go back quickly. Occasionally, wild beasts will come to the village from the woods at night. Don't be caught."


The two women laughed for a moment, then nodded and left.

The sun had completely set, and the street lamps were lit up one after another, emitting a dim light, and the number of people walking around in the village gradually decreased.

Brother Xiong walked into the forest with his bag on his back. He was familiar with the road. After wading through the grass into the forest, he first rested at the foot of a big tree.


After lighting a cigarette, Brother Xiong took a deep puff, and then slowly exhaled a smoke ring.

When he finished a cigarette, he snuffed out the butt on a tree.

He took out the roast chicken in the bag and gnawed on it, and the aroma of the roast chicken slowly wafted around.

“It’s so fragrant and delicious!”

Brother Xiong tore at the roast chicken, devouring it hungrily. While eating, he looked at the way he came, and thought to himself: "It's strange, why does it feel like someone is following me today? Could it be that I was beaten up by that young man, and I feel like I'm going to die? problem?"


Brother Xiong yelled in the direction he came from: "Don't hide! I've seen you!"

The voice fell, only the sound of the wind blowing the trees.

woo woo woo~

Brother Xiong frowned slightly, and thought to himself: "Could it be that no one is following me, and I'm thinking too much?"

He was not reconciled, and directly said loudly: "Okay! You won't come out, right? Then follow if you want to, let's see who can spend more than whom!!"

Still no response.

Brother Xiong finished eating two roast chickens, and his fingers twitched.


"It's nice to have a full burp, let's go!"

For the next hour, Brother Xiong kept wandering in the woods, sometimes going left and sometimes right, and when he was finally sure that no one was following him, he began to go all the way west.

woo woo woo~

The woods at midnight are a bit gloomy, and the green trees now look black, like monsters from hell.

Brother Xiong is very courageous, but now he is holding a sigh of relief in his heart, and he can't help but relax his steps.

Shortly after.

He came to a dry waterfall.

The drop of the waterfall is 10 meters high, but there is no water flow now. There was originally a pool under the waterfall, but the water in the pool has almost dried up.

Brother Xiong carefully descended to the bottom of the pool along the edge, and after bypassing a large rock, a huge crack one meter wide appeared in front of him.

Brother Xiong turned on the flashlight and carefully entered the crack.

The wind blows through the woods, and there are only the sounds of small insects around.

Two minutes later.

Jing's second child walked to the front of the crack.

Jing Lao Er, who can see at night, was shocked, and secretly said: "It's amazing, there is a crack here, which should be caused by the change of the earth's crust.

Brother Xiong sneaked in, could there be a treasure inside? Should I notify the boss now? "

Suppressing the throbbing in his heart, Jing's second child finally decided to go in and have a look.

Jing's second son slowly entered it, and he could see Brother Xiong holding a flashlight in the distance.


Jing's second child opened his mouth wide in surprise, and said in his heart: "Crystal!? There are so many crystals!"

A hundred meters away, there are clumps of flower-like white crystals growing on the ground, reflecting the crystal light under the illumination of brother Xiong's flashlight, and a kind of noble air blows towards the face.

But Brother Xiong didn't stop for these white crystals, but continued to go deep.

Jing's second child followed Brother Xiong far away, and he tried to keep the sound of footsteps to a minimum.

When he came to the land of white crystals, he found that many white crystals on the ground had been knocked off and taken away, and the "stubbles" of the crystals were still left on the stones.

"Why didn't you knock out the rest after knocking out some of the white crystals?" Jing's second child frowned slightly, guessing: "Could it be that there are better things in the cave behind, and the white crystals are too cheap?"

Second Jing followed Brother Xiong to move forward, and soon came to the three forks, and he followed Brother Xiong into the leftmost fork without hesitation.

The ground here is bare, without any crystals, and more than a hundred meters ahead, there is a thin underground river flowing in the cave.

After walking for more than one kilometer, Jing's second child was shocked to see a piece of amethyst appeared in the distance.

Clusters of amethysts are so beautiful, just like the most beautiful treasures in the world, the kind of beauty that seems to be able to penetrate into the soul, making Jing Er Er stand on the spot for a moment.

"Boom boom boom~"

Brother Xiong has already started to knock on the crystal with a small hammer. At the same time, it seems that in order to strengthen his courage in the quiet and dark environment, he took out a small tape recorder and played:

"Good luck to you, good luck to you~

Good luck is here, hi and love~

Good luck, good luck to us~

Facing the good luck, prosper and prosper all over the world~


A piece of "Good Luck Comes" was played, and the festive singing echoed in the cave, which seemed to dispel the accompanying fear.

Brother Xiong put the knocked amethyst into his backpack, and then shook his head excitedly: "Haha, God has blessed me! This crystal mine is the first bucket of gold for my rise! Soon I will be a millionaire!"

not far away.

Jing's second child quietly exited the cave, thinking to himself: "Soon these amethysts will not be yours anymore."

Jing Lao Er left the cave all the way and came to the woods outside. There was a stupid and cute rabbit looking for food nearby Jing Lao Er was startled, finally gnawed a mouthful of turf, and then ran away bouncing.


Jing's second son dialed Li Shu's phone.

"Second Jing, did you gain something from tracking?" Li Shu asked expectantly on the other side of the phone.

"Yes boss, it's a super big harvest! Brother Xiong didn't know what kind of shit luck he had, but he found a cave. There are a lot of white crystals and amethysts in the cave!" Jing's second son trembled with excitement.


Li Shu also became excited.

Although he was rich, he still couldn't ignore the many crystals in the cave.

"Send the location, I'll go there right away."

"Boss, you'd better bring a few big bags, we'll knock all the crystals for him in one night."


In the mountain village hotel, the plum tree room.

He was chatting with Huang Yun just now, but he stopped chatting now, and went out to buy a bag and then went into the mountain.


The big orange cat ran over and rubbed against Li Shu's calf with its furry body.

What are you doing at night? Take me with me!

"Do you want to go together? Then take you." Li Shu wore a coat with a hood, and put the big orange cat in the hood.

Instantly felt heavy.

Ka~ Closed the door and left the hotel, bought 6 big backpacks in the supermarket and rushed to the forest.

buzz buzz~

Just when he was about to enter the forest, Second Jing sent him another message.

"Boss, Brother Xiong has already left the cave with the crystal on his back. He is walking back. You may run into him."

Ask for a recommendation ticket.

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