Island Fishery

Chapter 651: 651 Big Tiger Shark

Chapter 651: 651 Big Tiger Shark

The moment the big shark went out to sea, the big tortoise crawled forward quickly. I'm afraid the big tortoise never thought that he could climb so fast one day.


The thrush bird that was originally standing on the back of the big tortoise was stunned for a moment, and it was full of one thought - escape!


The thrush flew forward with all its strength, and the strong wind brought by the big shark made it wobble, like a flat boat in a storm.


A large amount of sea water carried by the big shark fell on the beach, and the originally dry beach seemed to have experienced a heavy rain in an instant.


The big shark jumped with its tail, returned to the sea, and swam to the bottom of the sea.

Obviously, it missed a hit, and it decisively chose to return to the sea and leave.

It also dared to sneak attack on the coast. After all, it is not a land creature. If it stays on the shore for a while, it may not be able to go back to the sea.

The sun was shining brightly and the sea calmed down as if nothing had happened.

Old Jing still carried a bamboo recliner in his second-hand store, and he said in horror: "Boss, it' shocking!"

Holding the closed parasol in his hand, Boss Jing was also shocked and said: "Fortunately, the big tortoise and the thrush escaped quickly, but if they were slower, they might be swallowed by the big shark."


The thrush flew back from dozens of meters away, landed on Li Shu's shoulder, and screamed in shock, with crying in his voice.

Scared me to death scared me to death! It was almost eaten!

"Don't be afraid don't be afraid."

Li Shu also felt that it was thrilling just now, but he was just using his mobile phone to record the thrush bird and the big turtle, so he recorded the whole scene from the big shark jumping up to the shore and falling back into the sea just now.


Li Shu took out a ball of chalcedony spirit water from the white jade ring and sent it to the thrush bird's beak. The latter swallowed the chalcedony spirit water, and a soft light flashed slowly on the feathers.

The thrush is more emotionally stable.

Li Shu clasped his hands together to hold the thrush bird in his palms. After being excited, the little guy became exhausted and fell asleep in Li Shu's palms.

"In the scene just now, it's good that the thrush didn't get scared to death." Li Shu said.

The three walked to the beach.

The originally dry beach has been soaked by sea water.

The big turtle was lying not far away, casting a pitiful look at Li Shu.

But the big turtle is also an old turtle, and has experienced many near-death situations in the sea.

So although he had the joy of remaining alive, he didn't look like the thrush frightened like that.

"Boss, it's fortunate that the sea turtle reacted quickly, otherwise it would have become a tonic for that shark." Second Jing said.

"This big turtle seems to have experienced many battles, and has a lot of experience in dealing with various dangers." Jing's second child also said.

Li Shu used his consciousness to take out a ball of chalcedony spirit water the size of an apple from the white jade ring, and fed it to the big tortoise.


Consciousness gathers in the eyes.

The line of sight sees through the sea water with a radius of 3 nautical miles in an instant.

The terrifying 5-meter-long shark did not leave the fishing ground. He was hunting large yellow croakers on the bottom of the fishing ground.

He has never seen such a rich sea area after traveling in the sea for many years, and he has never eaten such delicious sea fish.

For a moment he wanted to stay here and not leave.

Li Shu looked at the big shark in the sea, and said slowly:

"Look at the shark's short, wide mouth, thick torso, spindle-shaped body, and grooves above and below the tail...  

This should be an adult "Weasel (you) shark", with a cruel temperament, ferocious, greedy, and one of the top predators. "

Boss Jing and second brother Jing were stunned: "Weasel shark? I haven't heard of it."

"The first time you are born, the second time you are acquainted. I haven't heard of it this time, but I will hear about it next time I meet again."

"Hey, that's true."

"The shark hasn't left at the bottom of the sea, you two go into the water, beat the shark to drive him away, almost eat my little bird, it's really disgusting, you have to show him!"

"Okay, boss."

Jing Boss and Jing Lao Er put down their parasols and deck chairs, jumped into the sea and swam to the bottom of the sea.

After a little searching they spotted a tiger shark.

The big ferret shark's eyes were cruel and bloodthirsty, he thought that Boss Jing and the two were here to bring him warmth, so he rushed towards Boss Jing and the two domineeringly.

The big mouth was open, and the white teeth were extremely sharp, like sharp swords.


The sea water was tumbling, and the big ferret shark rushed towards Boss Jing and the two like a train moving at high speed.

Boss Jing and the two looked at each other.


One floats up and the other dives.

Boss Jing swam to the top of the big shark.

Jing's second child swam to the bottom of the big shark.

The two punched up and down at the same time.


The fist tore through the sea water and hit the big shark directly.

The latter suffered from pain, and his eyes almost popped out for a moment. I am afraid that he will never forget the piercing pain in his life.


The big shark backed away extremely fast, and it wanted to rush up to take revenge so aggressively, but Boss Jing rushed up to Bangbang and punched him twice.


The big shark opened its mouth in pain and spit bubbles. It no longer dared to be arrogant, and looked at Boss Jing with a touch of fear in its eyes.

boom boom boom~

Looking at the indifference in the eyes of the two little humans, the big ferret shark actually felt that the god of death was approaching him, turned around and fled, and disappeared into the southern sea in the blink of an eye.

Li Shu's line of sight kept seeing the big shark escape from the range of 3 nautical miles, and then he couldn't see the shark anymore.


The sea water was tumbling, Boss Jing and the two emerged from the sea water, and then waded to the shore.

Boss Jing said with a big smile: "Boss, that big shark looks big, but it's so delicious that you can't help but hit it."

Li Shu clasped his hands together to hold the thrush bird, and the little guy chirped a few times, but Li Shu's warm hands gave the little thrush a sense of security.

Little Thrush was not so afraid anymore.

Li Shu said with a smile: "It's not shark food, it's because you guys are too good at fighting. Well, you don't have to sleep on the beach anymore, go back to the villa and sleep."

The two carried the parasols and deck chairs and followed Li Shu back.

Second Jing muttered slightly: "Just kill that ferret shark, then we will have shark fins to eat."

Shark's fin is also called "shark's fin", which is the "fin" of sharks. Common sea fish or freshwater fish also have "fins", but they are not worth much.

Not all sharks are protected animals. For example, blue sharks and blue sharks, which have a relatively large population, are hunted and killed in large numbers every year. After harvesting shark fins, they are supplied to luxury hotels and restaurants in some big cities.

Some hotels and restaurants will have a continuous and steady supply of shark fin.

In Malaysia, almost all sharks can be killed, and the fishery administration does not care.

However, Li Shu still did not kill the shark. There are not many tiger sharks, and the number of tiger sharks up to 5 meters is even rarer, so Li Shu planned to let him go.

Go back to bedroom and sleep.

Two hours later, Li Shu was awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.

Ask for a recommendation ticket.

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