Island Fishery

Chapter 665 Chapter 665

Chapter 665 Chapter 665

The Ace of Spades has a very strong reputation and is a sparkling wine made mainly from three grapes: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier.

In the dim bar, the dynamic music is stirring around, and the rotating and flashing lights on the roof make people feel dizzy.

Li Shu took a sip of the Ace of Spades and said slowly: "There is a faint peach flavor, and the taste is not bad."

"Haha, the aroma of peaches is right."

"How much is a bottle of this wine?"

"1288 SGD per bottle, 100 bottles is 128,800 SGD." Liu Yuan felt a little pain in his heart, and he said with a smile: "When the crabs in your fishing ground are bred, you must sell me some more big crabs."

Liu Yuan did so much, in fact, to buy the crabs raised in the Neverland Fishing Farm.

Li Shu said with a smile: "My crab seedlings will not be released until tomorrow. Are you eyeing my crabs now?"

"Hey, let's start early."

"The price of crabs may not be low by then, you must be fully prepared."

"No problem! I want it no matter how high it is!" After Liu Yuan said this, he circled back by himself: "Um, of course the price shouldn't be too high."

"no problem."

Li Shu poured himself another cup of Ace of Spades and drank it, then thought for a while and reminded: "Crabs will be available in about a week.

Of course, the crabs that will be supplied to you a week later are not raised now, but raised in the past, and then some wild ones are caught. There are some crabs on the bottom of the fishery. "

"There will be crabs in a week?" Liu Yuan was very surprised, but when he heard that the crabs were raised before the fishing ground, he was instantly relieved:

"No problem, you can just send the crab over."

"Well, I will send you 200 pieces at that time. You can try it yourself and try to sell it in restaurants. If it sells well, we will continue to cooperate." Li Shu smiled.

Liu Yuan nodded.

He didn't refute. If the crabs are expensive to buy and the diners don't agree, then he won't buy them in large quantities.

The two sat at the bar until eleven o'clock, then got up and went back.

The car drove slowly towards Liu Yuan's villa, the street lights on both sides of the street were dim, and from time to time, drunk young people could be seen on the side of the road, and some were leaning on tree trunks to vomit.

Liu Yuan sat on Li Shu's right and said with a smile, "How do you feel when you come to the bar this time?"

Li Shu shook his head slowly: "The lights are feasting, the people are drunk, and the hearts of many young people are completely lost."

ping pong ping pong~

There were also a few drunk men fighting on the sidewalk. It looked like two groups of sailors, and the sound of fists hitting flesh was very loud.

This kind of fight was too common, and Li Shu didn't intend to care about it. The car drove forward and quickly left the fighting crowd behind.

After hearing Li Shu's words, Liu Yuan laughed heartily, and he said: "Little brother, why do I feel that you speak a bit old-fashioned? You are also a young man in your twenties!

Life is not only about making money, exercising, fishing, etc., but also more advanced emotional satisfaction.

I think you should really find a girlfriend, hold her little hand to go shopping, watch movies, kiss little mouths, hug and talk about love, how wonderful! This is what you should do at your age! "

Li Shu was taken aback.

He could hear the sincerity in Liu Yuan's words, obviously Liu Yuan said these words because he regarded him as himself, if it was someone else, he probably wouldn't say these words.

Li Shu couldn't help but examine his own life.

The air was quiet for a moment.


Under the dim street lights outside the car window, a couple was kissing. Looking out of the car window, you could just see the profile faces of a boy and a girl.

Handsome men and beautiful women.

There was a throbbing in Li Shu's heart, and a wave of envy permeated the air.

He felt that his lips were a little dry, and he couldn't help sticking out his tongue to lick his lips.

Li Shu slowly said: "I always want to find a life partner, in order to make sure that the other party is my life partner, I warn myself to be careful when touching.

Understand each other as comprehensively as possible, and then let the other party fully understand yourself.

I have read many books, seen the emotional experience of many people, and thought about their love.

I feel that young people nowadays often don't fully understand each other at all, and then they get together in a hurry, doing everything that a husband and wife can do.

Waiting for a day to understand the shortcomings of the object, unable to accept it, and breaking up in a hurry.

Feel free to be together and share at will.

After that, they hurried to find the next one, found the shortcomings and broke up in a hurry, and then hurriedly continued to find the next one... so they fell into a vicious circle.

Thinking about it myself, I feel that the number of objects that a person's heart can accommodate is very limited, every breakup is a tear to the heart, and after several breakups, the heart has been completely torn to pieces.

They will never believe in love again.

Nowadays, many young people say they don’t believe in love. In fact, this is the reason. They seem to be playing with others, but they are actually themselves. Fate has already secretly marked the price of every indulgence. "

The air was quiet for a moment.

Liu Yuan frowned, then he thought for a while and said, "What are you talking about, I can't understand it~

Okay, I understand a little bit.

You said that nowadays young people fall in love too casually, and in the end they no longer believe in love, and the end is dismal, so you have to be conservative.

But what I want to remind you is, don't be too conservative! That would go from one extreme to the other! In that case, perhaps the result is also not very good. "


Liu Yuan's words seemed to be enlightening, and Li Shu's spirit was shaken.

He muttered to himself: "Am I being too conservative?"

Huang Yun's figure appeared in his mind for a moment. He had ruined Huang Yun's marriage, and it seemed that he really should pay him a boyfriend.

Li Shu sighed slightly: "I'm always worried that I was a very good friend, and then fell in love, and turned into an enemy after failure, and I didn't even have to be a friend."

Liu Yuan smacked his mouth and stopped talking.

"Oh, that's not right." Li Shu was taken aback, and said, "Senior brother, you are still single, and you are still advising me."

Liu Yuan looked at Li Shu strangely, and said with a smile: "Who says I'm single? Although I don't have a wife or girlfriend, I have a confidante.

There are not many, there are only a dozen confidante friends in total, all of them are very beautiful. "

Li Shu's pupils shrank: "Damn it, you scumbag."

"Hahaha." Liu Yuan laughed instantly, and said, "You don't understand, this is the embodiment of my personal charm, brother.

A very good beauty came up to me and asked me to give her a home, how could I have the heart to refuse? After all, you can't go against the wishes of women.

I can easily give her a home without breaking the law, so I will do it. "

The car stopped outside the villa.

Li Shu and Liu Yuan got off the car and went upstairs, the little girl was already asleep, but the big orange cat was still not asleep.

Seeing Li Shu, the big orange cat immediately came up and rubbed its round head against Li Shu's calf.


Scratch that itch on my chin.

Ask for a recommendation ticket.

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