Island Fishery

Chapter 724: 724 New Year's Day (1)

Chapter 724: 724 New Year's Day (1)

It is extremely rare for a submarine volcano to burn for a year without extinguishing it.

Li Shu pinched his chin. He suddenly wanted to go to the area with submarine volcanoes. According to the newspaper, some fish have begun to adapt to the high temperature nearby due to the long-term environmental changes. A unique ecosystem seems to be slowly developing. Slow forming.

"When you come back on New Year's Day, let's go there and have a look, maybe there will be unexpected gains." Li Shu said slowly.

Time is like the flowing water~

On the morning of December 31, 2019, Li Shu took the little girl, the big orange cat and the white squirrel back to China by plane. As for the pilot of the plane, it was Jing's second child.

When the plane flew smoothly in the sky, the little girl immediately unfastened her seat belt and started chasing and playing with the big orange cat.

"Big cat, don't run away! Hehe~"

"Meow~" The big orange cat jumped up and down, very energetic.

"I caught you~ Hey, you ran away again."


"Slow down, don't fall." Li Shu said with a smile.

"Know it!"

"I called your teachers before, and they praised you for being serious about your studies recently. That's good, but you must maintain a serious attitude. For example, you must complete your homework on New Year's Day this time!"

"I know, Big Cat, I got you!"

Li Shu no longer paid attention to the little girl. He looked at the sea of ​​clouds churning outside the window, and suddenly looked forward to seeing Huang Yun soon.


The white squirrel climbed onto Li Shu's shoulder with a peanut in its mouth. She also looked curiously at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window.


The plane landed at Yanjing Airport at 11:00 in the morning. When Li Shu walked out of the airport with the little girl and Jing's second child, he immediately saw Huang Yun and Xu Xiaoxiao who came to pick him up.

Li Shu exuded a sense of calmness and confidence, with a strong aura, and people around him consciously dodged away.

Huang Yun, who was wearing a black winter coat, a black scarf, and a pink thread hat, also saw Li Shu, and immediately flew over and hugged Li Shu.

"I miss you so much!" Huang Yun said with a smile on her face.

"I miss you too." Li Shu bowed his head and gave her a long kiss.

After parting her lips for a long time, Huang Yun's little hand pulled away a little bit of Li Shu's coat.

Seeing that he was wearing the light gray sweater she knitted herself, she instantly smiled happily.

Xu Xiaoxiao also came over, bent over and greeted the little girl with a smile.

It was freezing cold, and he let out a puff of white air when he opened his mouth.

Li Shu smiled and said, "It's almost noon, let's go for a walk and have dinner together."

Everyone agreed, everyone walked out, Xu Xiaoxiao looked back curiously: "Hey, don't you have any luggage?"

"Oh, the luggage has been delivered to the hotel just now." Li Shu lied and didn't bring drafts. In fact, he put the luggage in the white jade ring.

Long-distance travel with a lot of luggage can be really troublesome, but now it's easy to go empty-handed.

A blue Beijing Maybach was waiting quietly outside.

After seeing Li Shu and others, the young male driver wearing white gloves got out of the car and walked around to open the door for Li Shu and others.

"Hello boss, I am sent by Li Shaba and Li Dong. I will be in charge of your travel for the next few days. Just call me Xiaoyong."

The young driver in white gloves looks humble.

But looking at Li Shu, who was about the same age as him, he couldn't help feeling envious.

He thought to himself: "It's true that people have different fates."


When everyone got into the car, Xu Xiaoxiao looked around curiously. This was her first time riding in a Maybach. She wanted to take out her mobile phone to take a picture, but she felt a bit out of place and had to give up. She secretly thought it was a pity.

Everyone went to a nearby restaurant to finish dinner together, and then separated.

Jing Lao Er took the little girl to the nearby Hilton Hotel to rest. In the afternoon, Jing Lao Er took the little girl to the playground to play, and the little girl took the cat away.

Xu Xiaoxiao made a clever excuse to leave because she had something to do, and before leaving, she smirked and winked at Huang Yun.

Huang Yun's pretty face flushed slightly, and she reached out to pinch her.

Xu Xiaoxiao chuckled and left quickly.

Li Shu smiled and kissed Huang Yun's cheek, and said, "Take me to where you live."


The blue Maybach restarted, and the scenery on both sides of the car was rapidly reversed. Yanjing in winter felt dry and cold.

The passers-by were all wearing thick cotton clothes, and some stood by the side of the road laughing and talking, breathing whitely, stamping their feet from the cold.

Huang Yun and Li Shu were sitting in the back row of the car, her little hand was holding Li Shu's big hand tightly, her eyes were full of smiles, and the white squirrel was sleeping in her arms.

Huang Yun smiled and said, "I feel that there is a big difference between Yanjing and Danguan City?"

Li Shu squeezed Huang Yun's little hand, feeling warm and soft, and said with a smile: "It is indeed a huge difference, Yanjing is cold in winter, and Danguan City is still hot in midsummer.

One side is wearing a cotton coat and a cotton hat, and the other side is wearing short sleeves with arms and legs exposed. "

"Should you all be on annual leave soon?" Li Shu asked curiously.

"It's coming soon, January 10, 2020 is officially a holiday in the Gregorian calendar, and tomorrow is January 1." Huang Yun said with a smile: "But I have already dealt with the things at hand, so I can say that I can leave school now."

Li Shu nodded.

The blue Maybach drove into the vicinity of the university town, the road narrowed, and the trees on both sides were bare.

The car entered the "Huafu Haoting Community". After stopping, Li Shu and Huang Yun entered Building 6 hand in hand, and took the elevator to 651.

On the carpet at the door was written "Entry and Exit Safe", Huang Yun took out the key to open the black door.

Li Shu looked to the right and found several pairs of men's leather shoes at the door of 652.

There are only two houses on this floor.

Huang Yun opened the door, brushed the hair beside her ears and said: "Come in, Xiaoxiao should have gone to the library, Bingbing went shopping with her boyfriend, there is no one else at home."

She saw Li Shu looking in the direction of 652, and said with a smile: "Room 652 lives in a few juniors, seniors, and postgraduates. I have met them a few times."

Li Shu nodded and said with a smile: "Students who are preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination? They are very rich. This house is 40,000 yuan a month, and ordinary students can't seem to afford it."

"They seem to be shared by 6 to 7 people, and the price is much lower after sharing."

"Even after apportionment, it's not low anymore."

When he entered the house, there was a porch first, and then a large living room.

The passage on the left connects two bedrooms, a study and a gym.

The passage on the right is also connected to two bedrooms, a smaller living room, kitchen, small reception room and so on.

The entire house is 140 square meters, with exquisite and elegant decoration, and there is an oversized fish tank in the corner of the living room.

Currently, Huang Yun, Xu Xiaoxiao, and Yu Bingbing live in this house.

This house was rented by Li Shu to Huang Yun for the convenience of Huang Yun to practice the Chalcedony Nourishing Heart Sutra. It was really inconvenient for her to live in a dormitory before.

Li Shu took off his jacket and sat down on the sofa, patted the position on the left and smiled, "How is your practice recently?"

Huang Yun hung Li Shu's coat on the hanger, and then hung her own scarf, hat, and coat on the hanger. She said helplessly: "Hey~ I feel like I have encountered a bottleneck, and I haven't made progress for a long time."

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