Island Fishery

Chapter 820: 820 Cicada and Going to Rabbit Island

Chapter 820: 820 Cicada and Going to Rabbit Island

The moon rises.

The rustling insects on the island became louder and louder, as if they were playing a concert.


A "cicada larva" broke through the soil and looked up at the sky. After several years of struggle, it finally saw the stars all over the sky for the first time.

The stars are so beautiful, like countless diamonds inlaid in the sky, the thin clouds float, and the low-hanging stars twinkle like blinking eyes.

"Cicada larvae" did not dare to slack off, and struggled to climb to the peach tree not far away, and climbed up along the peach tree.

Climb and climb.

Only one meter above the ground, he began to use the back of his head to arch the shackle-like shell, and the tender flesh was exposed from the shell.

bit by bit.

Be careful.

The movement is extremely slow, but it is extremely firm. This is an indispensable process if he wants to soar in the sky.

First the head, then the body.

When the sky was about to dawn, the cicada, which had gone through untold hardships, finally broke away from its shell.

The little guy just out of the shell is like a "jade cicada", white and tender with green, carved like the most beautiful jadeite in the world, and a delicate air is rippling.



The little girl got up half an hour early, Li Shu was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, and the little girl was running around the island with the big yellow dog, big orange cat and white squirrel.

The island is very big, just run around the stone road around the island, take a breath after the lap, and then walk around the island.

Pull a dog's tail, pick a wild flower, or catch a grasshopper.

"Hey~ Here is the skin of a cicada monkey!" The little girl looked at the brown cicada slough on the trunk of the peach tree, her face full of surprise.


The big orange cat looked up at the cicada sloughing off. The cicada flew away, and now there is only a shell left.


Her little furry ears trembled slightly, and she looked at a cicada lying on the trunk of a peach tree higher up.

With a black head and straight wings, he looks like a natural elf, or a general in a cloak, blending perfectly with the surrounding environment.

As soon as the cicada moved, the big orange cat spotted him.

far away.

A big sun slowly protrudes from the sea, the red one is as big as a car cover, and the vicissitudes of life are cool, when a beam of sunlight hits the cicadas on the branches.

"Wei Wei Wei~"

A cicada chirped instantly, as if he was sending out his voice to the world, so excited and so loud.


The little girl covered her ears with her white and tender hands, but she still looked at it with surprise on her face, and laughed loudly:

"Is this leather yours? You bark so loudly!"

"Wow woof woof~"

The big yellow dog felt offended, and swooped in place, looking at the cicada hidden in the leaves while shaking its big tail.

"Wei Wei Wei~"

The cicada fluttered its wings and flew to the west. He was like a general among the cicadas. As he flew all the way, all the cicadas on the surrounding trees began to sing.


In an instant, the breath of summer rushed over.

"Wow~ It's amazing!!"

"Hey, don't you want your shell?"

Slightly pondering, the little girl smiled again: "If you don't want it, then I will take it!"

Taking down the cicada slough carefully, the little girl happily ran to the kitchen of the villa, followed by the big yellow dog, big orange cat and white squirrel.

Grumbling, bringing up a cloud of dust.

The little girl ran to the door of the kitchen, holding the cicada slough in her hands like presenting treasures:

"Brother, look what I found!!"

Li Shu was taking out two pieces of pork ribs that were fried until golden. The tempting aroma of the ribs lingered on the tip of the nose, making the mouth full of saliva and the tongue swimming in the spring.

He looked back, saw the cicada sloughing off, and smiled instantly:

"Everything is a treasure, isn't it just the skin of a cicada monkey, throwing away the dog and not eating it, wash your hands quickly, we are going to eat."

"This is not the skin of an ordinary cicada monkey! I picked it up with my own hands, and I have seen his original owner. He flies very high and screams very loud..."

The little girl chattered endlessly, and finally said: "I want to take him to school, and show my classmates who have little knowledge."

"Ahem, this is the first time I've heard that if you've seen a cicada monkey skin, you've gained insight. Forget it, you can do whatever you like."

Li Shu said so, but still asked Jing's second son to help find a foam box.

The foam box is half a meter long, and it is too spacious to hold a small cicada slough, but I can't find a smaller box, so let's just use it.

The reason for looking for a box is that I am worried that the bag or bag will crush the cicada slough. The dry cicada slough is very fragile, and maybe a piece will fall off just by picking it up.

The pork ribs fried until golden are very delicious, one piece per person, the teeth are biting, the meat is soft and tender, chewing a few times and swallowing it into the stomach, the taste buds are still full of the aroma of the ribs.



The little girl sucked off the milky white jelly, the fragrant and nutritious bone marrow, licked the corner of her mouth unsatisfied, and then threw the bone to the big yellow dog.

The big yellow dog was full of surprises, and when he stretched out his mouth to catch the bone, his big ears flicked along, and after catching the bone, he began to chew happily.

His teeth are extremely sharp, bones that ordinary people can't bite, are as crisp and fragrant as brittle bones in front of him.

After dinner, Second Jing sent the little girl to school.

After a while Jing Lao Er came back, and after filling up the helicopter, Jing Lao San drove the helicopter to Rabbit Island with Li Shu.

Neverland is very far from Rabbit Island.

The speed of the helicopter is very fast. It only takes 10 minutes to fly from Neverland to Danguan City, but it takes an hour to fly from Neverland to Rabbit Island.

As for the direct flight to Rabbit Island from Tanguan City...

Unless you carry spare fuel, you will not fly like this. The fuel in the fuel tank of the aircraft may not be able to fly back, and there will be no place to land when facing the vast sea.

Inevitably the plane crashed.

on the helicopter.

Holding the cat in his arms, Li Shu looked at the endless sea outside the window. A huge sea fish one meter long jumped out of the sea and briefly explored the sky.


The big orange cat felt too hot in Li Shu's embrace, and she wanted to retreat away from Li Shu's embrace like a caterpillar.

As a result, he was hugged tightly by Li Shu, and he snorted:

"do not move!"

"Hmph~ You big silly cat eats and drinks my food every day, and then hides my sea crystals?

Tell me honestly, where did you hide that sea crystal? Do you know how much that sea crystal is worth?

Worth 50 million US dollars!

Lazy cats are only a hundred dollars, and a big lazy cat like you is only worth 10 dollars, which is equivalent to about 60 yuan, which happens to be no more than 100 yuan.

That is, that sea crystal is worth 5 million kittens like you! Hurry up and hand it over. "

Li Shu gave each of the thrush and the white squirrel a sea crystal before, but later took the sea crystal back.

I also lent Yan Zhang a sea crystal before, it was just to heal his throat, Yan Zhang's voice was healed, and the sea crystal was taken back by Li Shu.

Although most of the energy in the sea crystal has been used, the remaining half is priceless.


The big orange cat has a big pouting face, and it bothers the stingy plum tree.

Nonsense, don't think that you can lie to me because I haven't gone to school, I'm smart, and a cat like me that can understand human speech is priceless!

It's not that you can buy it for just sixty or so yuan.

The sea crystal was hidden under the bed by the big orange cat. She planned to secretly absorb the energy inside, and the process of absorbing energy was very comfortable.

Shortly after.

The outline of an island appeared in the distance, resembling a big rabbit.

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