Island Fishery

Chapter 879: 879 Meteor and Crab Dance

Chapter 879: 879 Meteor and Crab Dance

Li Shu took a bite of the goose leg and ate it. It was indeed delicious, and the meat was extremely tender.

Huang Yun took the big goose leg and the plum tree and sat down on the nearby wooden pier. The bonfire was burning, and men and women not far away had already started dancing.

Some can dance, some can't dance, just dance blindly, laughing and laughing very happily.

Huang Yun was sitting on Li Shu's left. She took a bite of the roasted goose leg herself, and then handed the goose leg to Li Shu for the latter to take a bite too. The two of them ate one bite at a time.

She looked up at the Milky Way in the night sky, and said with a smile: "Ashu, look how beautiful the stars in the sky are, they look so low, as if you can pick them up with your hand."

Li Shu said with a smile: "The stars in the summer night are really beautiful."

Gentle breeze.

The wind smells of grapes and roasted meat.


A meteor flashed across the sky at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Huang Yun stood up in surprise: "Look, look, it's a shooting star!"

Li Shu looked up, and only saw the tail of a shooting star, which was very bright, but a little thin.

Huang Yunlian closed her beautiful eyes and said with a smile: "I want to make a wish!"

She said silently in her heart: "I hope I can be with my husband forever, healthy and happy!"

She slowly opened her eyes, and instantly saw Li Shu's face was only 1 centimeter away from hers.

"Hey, you scared me, what are you doing so close to me?"

"What wish did you make?" Li Shu asked with a wicked smile.

Huang Yun rolled her eyes at him coquettishly: "If I don't tell you, it won't work if I tell you."

Li Shu wanted to continue talking, when suddenly, Yang Zhao and several workers came.

Yang Zhao was already drunk, his face was slightly red, and he said with his tongue out, "Boss, let's dance! Hurry up~"


Li Shu didn't refuse, got up and walked to the campfire with them, Huang Yun cheered Li Shu with her powder fist: "Ah Shu, come on!"

Hearing that Li Shu was going to dance, the workers gathered around the other fires also gathered around, laughing and discussing.

The little girl ran from the right with the big orange cat in her arms. Huang Yun hugged her and gave her a bite of the big goose leg.


The fat big orange cat crawled onto Huang Yun's lap, flapped its nose and let out a sweet meow.

Give Ben Meow a bite of meat~ I don’t drink alcohol, so is it okay to eat a bite of meat?

"Wow woof~"

The big yellow dog also ran over, wagging its tail, looking pitiful, humble and flattering.

I know the meat is a no-brainer, but can you give me the bones later? Please, I can eat bones.

Huang Yunxing looked at Li Shu and Yang Zhao.


After a drumbeat, both Li Shu and Yang Zhao moved.

The "fishing dance" danced by Yang Zhao is heroic and powerful. This kid has obviously practiced it. His body is very flexible. He twists his waist, swings his arms, and kicks all with an open-minded natural beauty.

Everyone nodded.

Look at Li Shu again, he danced - the crab dance!

The legs are slightly bent like a Zhama step, the chest is raised, the eyes look at the sky at 45 degrees like a big crab with no one in sight, and the arms are slightly raised to imitate the claws of two crabs.

With the drumbeat.

Like a big crab that has won a battle, Li Shu proudly wriggled and walked forward, while shaking his arms imitating the big pincers, trembling a few times with each step.



"What kind of dance is the boss doing? I laughed so hard~"

Hilarious laughter appeared in the crowd of onlookers, many people bent over laughing, and there was chaos.

Li Shu is proud of himself. He is very flexible. He dances without waving to the crowd around him: "Come on, let's dance together! Hurry up~"

The crowd who were eager to try began to join in. Everyone danced differently, which made people dazzled. Some people began to imitate Li Shu to dance the crab dance, but it seemed that they could not imitate the essence.


Sitting on the wooden pier, Huang Yun was already laughing into a ball, almost burst into tears.

"Goose, goose, goose, what the hell am I married to? It seems like I'm married to a crab spirit. It's true that Ashu's every move is beyond my expectation, but I really want to see it. what to do~"

Huang Yun felt very embarrassed, but also very interesting.

buzz buzz~


Xu Xiaoxiao, who is far away in Singapore, made a video call. After saying a few words, Huang Yun pointed the video camera at the dancing crowd:

"Here, we are attending an open-air party, Starlight Stage, find out who is Ah Shu."

Xu Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment, and looked carefully with his eyes wide open: "It's a gathering of many people, and I want to join the envy too. It's so lively~ But I can't find A Shu."

Huang Yun pursed her lips and smiled, reminding:

"Have you seen the crab spirit? The one who looks the most like a crab is him."

Xu Xiaoxiao almost burst out laughing: "I found it, pfft~ What is he dancing, so shameful~"

Huang Yun said with a smile: "I found that he danced very happily, with that confidence and pride, puff~ It feels so fun~"

Xu Xiaoxiao's face turned red: "Your husband is definitely a social cow, and he won't be timid in front of a group of strangers, sorry.

But this kind of dance is only interesting to watch other people dance. If you let me dance, I can't wait to find a crack in the ground and get in. "

Huang Yun smiled and said, "You're right, but I can't jump."


Li Shu came from among the characters, took Huang Yun's hand and walked towards the crowd: "Let's go, let's dance."

"Hey, I'll give the phone to the little girl."

The little girl was gnawing on the big goose leg with her right hand, and the corner of her mouth was stained with oil.

Holding the mobile phone in her left hand, she stared at Xu Xiaoxiao first, then pointed the camera at Li Shu and Huang Yun not far away.


Xu Xiaoxiao saw Huang Yun and Li Shu dancing the crab dance together. The funny poses and movements made Xu Xiaoxiao almost lose his temper.

But after laughing, Xu Xiaoxiao murmured to himself again: "I'm so envious of Xiaoyun, I found a husband who can accompany her to be crazy and make trouble together.

Xiaoyun's life is my ideal life. I can rest assured that Xiaoyun can live happily ever after. Although life is difficult, at least I still have a sincere and good girlfriend. "

The party went on until 11:30 in the middle of the night.

The bonfire was extinguished, and everyone who was tired from playing dispersed.

"Let's go." Li Shu saw that there was no potential safety hazard, and planned to walk back with Huang Yun in his arms.

Huang Yun used her mobile phone to take a photo of herself and Li Shu, click ~ the photo took shape under the starlight.

Back to the Stone Villa on Rabbit Head Island in a small white car, the little girl was so sleepy that her eyelids were clenched, she said hello and went to sleep.

Li Shu and Huang Yun came upstairs, and Huang Yun looked at the beautiful moonlight outside the window, suddenly her heart moved:

"Ashu, shall we go to sleep on the big balcony on the third floor?"

"Go to the balcony?" Li Shu was taken aback.

Huang Yun nodded her snowy chin: "The moonlight tonight is so beautiful, and there are so many stars in the sky. You can enjoy the stars while sleeping on the balcony."

"That's okay, put a mat on the balcony, spread a quilt on the mat, and then prepare pillows and quilts, just hope it doesn't rain in the middle of the night."

"No." Huang Yun became happier when Li Shu agreed.

"Let's go, let's prepare the mat."

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