The message from the Creation Jewel is displayed as

【Spiritual crystal + 3000 copper coins, can evolve rice seeds! 】

Three thousand copper coins are not expensive.

Li Yi is also a little curious about what rice seeds can evolve.

He directly stimulated the power of the creation gem.

In an instant.

Three thousand copper coins were consumed.

The spiritual crystal is broken down.

The light envelopes the rice seeds.

Its seed structure has undergone earth-shaking changes!

The message came from the creation gem

【Rice seeds successfully evolved into spiritual rice! 】

Li Yi looked at the seed of evolution.

Its surface is different from ordinary golden rice grains.

Instead, it presents a gem-like emerald green.

And you can clearly smell the extremely rich rice aroma.

It is refreshing and arouses the appetite while also making the soul feel comfortable.

Li Yi clicks on its properties

【Spiritual Rice: Level 1, 3 stars, you can plant spiritual rice that contains spiritual properties, and eating it can strengthen your soul and improve your practice!】

"What a good thing."Li Yi's eyes lit up.

There is an extraordinary practice system in the Infinite Sea.

Things like spiritual rice must be practice materials in the future!

Whether you use it yourself or sell it, it is of great value!

Now that we have the seeds

Li Yi planned to start farming as soon as possible. He took out the soil card and planned a 100-square-meter field next to the field.

Then Li Yi called Duo Lulu and took it out. Lingmi rice, coconut, and cumin were handed over to Duolulu and asked to plant them.

Duolulu took the seeds and planted them on the ground. She stretched out her white and tender hands, and a green light burst out, and the majestic wood elements gathered.

A coconut tree rises from the ground!

A patch of cumin sprouts, lush and green!

The evolved Lingmi rice also quietly breaks through the ground and grows slowly.

In just a few breaths, it completes its germination and growth. The whole process of growing, blooming, and fruiting is like watching a time-lapse video! A dozen slimes were collected, and all the ripe fruits were harvested in a short time.

There were dozens of Lingmi rice placed in front of Li Yi.

The coconuts and cumin were of good quality, but they were all ordinary species.

Li Yi's eyes fell directly on the Lingmi rice. The seeds were sown again!

Li Yi was quite surprised.

He immediately asked Duolulu to expand the cultivation of Lingmi rice.

In just one hour, Li Yi earned 50 pounds of Lingmi rice!

Duo Lulu had reached her limit, her face turned pale, as if she had been squeezed dry.

Seeing this, Li Yi quickly asked Duo Lulu to stop, as long as the Lingmi rice was enough, the rest of it didn't matter.

The full responsibility is given to the Farmer Slime.

The Farmer Slime cannot mature crops in the blink of an eye, but they also have the ability to completely mature the rice in a day.

The output of a hundred square meters is only a little low , but it is enough for several people in Li Yi, and the initial island can naturally expand.

Upgrade it.

At that time, Lingmi rice will become the basic food!

"It's time to take a break."

Li Yi glanced at the sky.

The bright moon hung high, and the sky was filled with stars.

It has been nearly twenty-four hours since time travel.

Li Yi just took a light sleep at noon.

The harvest of the whole day.

In terms of copper coins, Li Yi accumulated Three million savings!

The total area of the island will increase to 500 square meters!

Two heroic units, Alice and Dolu, have been evolved

, and the total population of the island has exceeded 40, and three ships have been built!

It has two major buildings, the Houtu Pavilion and the Flame Arrow Tower, and added infrastructure such as refined iron ore, springs, and farmland to the initial island. It can also be said that three types of cash crops such as Lingmi rice, cumin, and coconut have been obtained!

During this day,

Li Yi was far behind all the new island owners!

He had no worries about food and drink!

Everything was going in a good direction.

He planned to fill his stomach before sleeping..

First, use refined iron ore to evolve utensils such as stoves, iron pots, and kitchen knives.

Then, you can make rice with Alice and Dolu

, wash it, and put it into the pot for firewood. Rice.

The large lobsters found during fishing are stewed into soup.

A few good-quality large yellow croakers are put on the grill and sprinkled with cumin.

The reason why fishmen are not allowed to do this work is because they are different from mermaids and have mucus on their bodies.

Therefore, Li Yi can only work hard.

The men and women worked together, and the two beautiful women were chatting and laughing.

After a while, a table of fragrant rice, steamed lobster, and rice were served.

However, the grilled fish, shell soup, and a few opened coconuts were neatly placed together, which looked quite exquisite.

It looked more like a picnic than something Li Yi decided to do on a whim.

The photography function of the main forum captured this scene and posted a post

"Have some late night snacks."

It's late at night.

Many island owners are still fishing at night under the moonlight.

They want to catch food or fresh water before the sun rises.

Li Yi's post made other newcomer island owners' eyes widen.

"My God, the rice is all cooked. What kind of life is this?!"

"The survival game turned into a picnic outing"

"Boss Li Yi, please hug me!"

"Awesome, boss Li Yi is really strong!"

"How do you make money, expand, and obtain so many unconventional resources?!"

"Don't ask, if you could know, you wouldn't be Li Yi"

"Brother Li Yi, is he dating online?"

"As a man, my heart is moved"


Tens of thousands of island owners were amazed.

More people were even more envious and jealous.

After all, compared with Li Yi, they were worse than beggars.

At this time, Li Yi was not paying attention to the forum.

He was savoring the food. Delicious food in front of you.

The lobster has a sweet taste and has a unique flavor.

The large yellow croaker is grilled and the oil is forced out, and the aroma is full of flavor. The coconut is the perfect way to relieve the greasiness.

It's Naling rice.

Not only is it full of flavor, but you can clearly feel the strange energy flowing through your body, and your body's fatigue is instantly relieved. It's so delicious!

Li Yi, Alice, and Duo Lulu enjoyed the meal.

After finishing the meal, Li Yi couldn't help but sigh:

"This is life."

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