The evolution of the whale girls, Viska and Vesna, has not changed their essential abilities.

It's just a transformation based on the original ability.

With two-way tunnels, they have the ability to open a wormhole. They can connect two space nodes, open the door to space, and form a tunnel.

With this ability, whether it is dispatching troops or transporting supplies, it becomes super convenient!

The vast chaos entry makes the chaotic space associated with it infinite.

Li Yi felt it in detail and found that the world on Ruiya's back was much bigger.

Of course, the world behind Ruiya is a big world with perfect rules, which can breed creatures and allow all things to grow.

But this chaotic space is equivalent to a very large storage space

"Maybe we can combine these two abilities?"

A conjecture came to Li Yi's mind.

The world on Ruiya's back is easy to use.

But the disadvantage is that the bearer of Ruiya's main world is too big.

Therefore, the movement speed is very slow.

If the world bearer is allowed to enter the chaos of the twin whale mothers, The extremely fast twin whale girls can take the world bearer and travel through the chaos!

In this way, it is impossible for the ten major alliances to find Li Yi! situation!

"Can it be done?"Li Yi explained his idea to Viska and Vesna.

"You need to try it to know."

The two pretty whale girls didn't lie.

Li Yi immediately found Ruiya and started the transfer of the world carrier.

The whole process was not complicated. In the deep sea, Viska and Viska were running in chaos. Laws, the surrounding space suddenly distorted.

The awe-inspiring laws of space and the laws of chaos intertwined, shrouding the vast world and tearing apart a 10,000-meter-diameter crack. The next moment

, Ruiya took the initiative to enter it..The void rift healed and the World Bearer emerged from the chaos.

"How do you feel?"Li Yi looked at Ruiya.

Ruiya felt it carefully for a while, and her beautiful face showed joy,"The power of chaos here is full, which is very suitable for my growth."

The world bearer can absorb the power of chaos and expand the world behind it.

There happens to be majestic power of chaos in the chaotic space of Viska and Vesna.

The two are quite compatible.

Li Yi was overjoyed when he heard this and was quite satisfied with it.

"The twin whale girls were born in the void of chaos, and Ruiya created the world."

"If they continue to evolve, will they be able to evolve a universe and thousands of worlds?"

Li Yi couldn't help but imagine.

Of course, if you want to evolve to this level, you can't do it with just the mythical quality.

You still need to continue to evolve.

But Li Yi is quite confident in this.

After all, the gem of creation can evolve all things infinitely..

As long as there are enough materials, evolving the world is not a dream!

After moving the world bearer to the chaotic space,

Li Yi began to think about the last mythical entry of Veska and Vesna. : How to travel in the void.

According to the description, this mythical entry can allow the twin whale girls to travel in the chaotic void and even enter the interlayer of the barrier between the universe and the boundless sea!

"Wait, isn’t the sandwich between the universe and the world barrier of the Infinite Sea an extraterrestrial battlefield?"

The extraterritorial battlefield refers to the interlayer area between the world barrier and the void of the universe.

Because this is the closest to the boundless sea, and for unknown reasons, a large number of plane fragments are born every day.

This leads to a large number of evil gods sending vassals, Occupy the plane fragments, build the lower realm magic circle, sneak into the boundless sea, and perform blood sacrifices.

If Viska and Vesna can directly enter the outer battlefield, does that mean that Li Yi can pass through the dimension.

Ska and Vesna, going to other island owners' strongholds? This is a very interesting guess.

After all, ordinary island owners do not have the power of law.

If they want to enter the extraterritorial battlefield, they can only use the island owner's game function.

Next, their activity range on the extraterritorial battlefield is their own stronghold, as well as the plane fragment where the task is located.

Once the plane fragment is occupied by a player, other island owners will be expelled.

Just like before when Li Yi defeated the Insect God, completed his mission, and occupied the star-level plane fragment, the other island owners of the ten major alliances were sent back to the Infinite Sea on the spot, unable to enter again.

"If I can use Viska and Vesna to enter the strongholds of other island owners, I can directly plunder their strongholds!"

"Therefore, there is no need to wait for the plane fragments to be refreshed, and 10 star-level strongholds can be built in a short period of time!"

At this time, Li Yi is full of fighting spirit.

You must know that the refresh time of star-level plane fragments usually starts in more than ten years. If

Li Yi wants to collect ten star-level fragments, even if he is lucky, the cycle will be terrifyingly long..

Once this plan is feasible, Li Yi will be able to save a lot of time!

However, there is a fatal problem in this plan.

That is, how does Li Yi know the coordinates of other island masters' star-level strongholds? There is no complete void in the battlefield.


While thinking, Li Yi remembered the map detection system. The specific exploration ability that was not obvious before was now of great use!

Li Yi immediately called up the map detection system and used the mythical entry: specific exploration to use his subordinates.

That star-level stronghold is an information reference, and the search for other star-level strongholds begins!

In an instant , the coordinates of hundreds of star-level strongholds emerge through the map detection system!

Navigate accurately and go there!

The next step is to see if Viska and Vesna can arrive successfully.

Li Yi told the two women to send their Void Whales to move towards all the star-level strongholds.

The whole plan is going well.

Successfully, about half a month passed.

A void whale arrived at the target first.

All the information about this star-level stronghold was displayed on the map detection system.

It is a very standard star-level stronghold template with an extremely complete defensive formation and an offensive weapon.

Li Yi was very happy to receive the news.

The twin whale girls who have evolved to mythical quality and the divine cooperation of the map detection system made him happy.

Li Yi saved an unknown amount of time!

"With this ability, I can complete not only ten star-level strongholds, but even a hundred!"

Li Yi's eyes were burning with fighting spirit, and he immediately began to raise troops, preparing to test the waters first and capture this star-level stronghold directly!

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