Feeling the power within his body, Li Yi looked around.

The original Jiuyou Underworld Mansion has completely changed its appearance.

The Nine Netherworlds Palace was upgraded to the Underworld, located under the Nine Netherworlds underground.

The earth beneath your feet spreads, forming a vast divine land, with the Five Sacred Mountains standing tall.

The tallest Mount Tai mountain range leads straight to the sky and connects to the mysterious Nine Heavens!

Now, Li Yi can feel that he is in charge of China and the underworld. It can be said that he is the only one in heaven and earth!

"Now, I just feel that compared to when I was the ninth-level God King, my personal combat power has increased by countless times."

Li Yi couldn't help but marvel in his heart. It was just a thought for him to crush the ninth-level god king.

This made Li Yi even more curious about what his strength had become.

Thinking of this, Li Yi clicked on himself Today's properties

【Li Yi: The ninth-level emperor, Emperor Dongyue, is the lord of the four palaces of heaven, earth, yang and water, the underworld and the yang palace. He communicates with the nine heavens and protects the world.

Emperor Level Entry 1: The Supreme Lord of the Underworld, in charge of the underworld, underworld, reincarnation, hell, Yama, Ghost Emperor... all of them are dispatched!

Emperor Level Entry 2: The Supreme of the Yang Mansion, in charge of the vast Divine State, sitting in charge of the Five Mountains, dispatching the mountain gods of the world, and controlling all the gods in the Yang world!

Emperor level entry 3: Direct access to Tianting, which can reach the ninth heaven, and go up to Tianting, communicating between the human world and the heaven. ]

Above the God King is the Emperor.

Once you reach the level of Emperor, what you control is no longer superficial things like laws, but authority.

Li Yi, who has the two major powers of the Underworld and Yangfu, can canonize many gods in the Underworld and Yangfu.

Among them are the Great Emperor of Fengdu, the God of the Five Mountains, the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions, etc.

At the same time, through authority, Li Yi can gather the power of all the gods under his command into one body!

"The heaven, the human world, and the underworld, now I can be regarded as in charge of the three realms in a different way."

Li Yi nodded with satisfaction.

After all, after evolving into the Dongyue Emperor, the nine heavens condensed such as the Three Pure Ones, Four Imperials, Five Laos, Six Divisions, Seven Yuans, Eight Poles, Nine Lights and Ten are no longer there.

The nine heavens are empty, and Li Yi can arrange them at will. He can even create another heaven.

Therefore, in this magnificent world where Li Yi is born, he is a worthy emperor of the three realms!

And how big is this world

, even if it is Visca and Vis ? Na's independent universe is not as big as Li Yi's vast Shenzhou!

Its scale is worthy of being calculated in astronomical units, and it is difficult to measure! Next, Li Yi used the power of Emperor Dongyue to transfer his demon girls into it.

The authority of Viska and Vesna caused their independent universe to be decomposed into chaos, enveloping the entire vast state of China, forming a void of chaos with the vast state of China and the Nine Heavens.

At the same time, Ruiya, the bearer of all realms, transferred his body to the underworld. Under the eighteenth level of purgatory, the Myriad Realm Treasure Tree on its back has grown to its extreme, reaching the ninth level of the sky. The many worlds absorbed during this period have become attached to the vast Divine State and hung from the top of the Myriad Realm Treasure Tree.

It looks like bright stars.

The golden sun is given the power to turn into a real sun, shining on the vast world.

The bunny girl Su Ya is also given the power to become the lunar goddess and the moon.

The goddess of destiny, Moira, rules the human race and establishes civilization on the vast continent.

The lord of radiance, Brienne, and the Seraph Lucifer, are in the nine heavens and absorb the faith of the world.

Si controls the water, lakes, and seas in the world, and

Duolulu controls all forests and farming.

Lin Muxue is in charge of the thunder, and

Beatrice and Taunos assist Kathryn in the vast world of China. Tiya, Kamui, Flo Xing, Xia Mor'er, Qiuqiu, etc. are now in charge of the underworld.

At this point, more than 20 monster girls under Li Yi have all accepted the authority of Li Yi's conferment. While their strength has greatly increased, they have integrated into this vast world. In China, it truly became part of Li Yi’s strength!

"I wonder how my current strength compares with the true God?"

Although Li Yi has evolved to the Emperor, he is still in the ninth level.

By analogy, it is like in the system of cultivating immortals. The talent potential is infinitely high, but the level is still foundation building or golden elixir.

Therefore, without a specific fight, Before, Li Yi had no way to determine his true combat power level, but it was not too difficult to know the answer.


Yi would certainly not find a world with true god's combat power.

After a god becomes a god, he can generally master all the laws of the world to which he belongs.

Fighting in the world where the true god lives, Li Yi will lose his home field advantage, so the difficulty will naturally not increase. If it's too high, it's better to find a few soft persimmons.

For this goal, Li Yi already has a candidate in mind.

"Who makes me a person who doesn't like to hold grudges?"

With a thought in his mind, Li Yi clicked on the map detection system. After confirming that it was still at this coordinate, he asked Viska and Vesna to open the portal. He passed through the portal, left the vast China, and came to the void in the outer universe..

This place is unremarkable. Looking along Li Yi's line of sight, he can see a turbulent sea of blood in the distance.

Yes, the sword test stone that Li Yi chose was the one he used to hunt down together with Kuklupus. His Blood God Bright!

I vaguely remember that when Li Yi was still a novice island owner, Blood God Bright sent the Blood God Envoy to destroy Li Yi's novice sea area.

That was the first time Li Yi and Blood God Bright got together. Down Liangzi.

Later, Li Yi graduated from the novice sea and came to the boundless sea. The initial island coordinates were discovered by Kuklupus.

In order to kill Li Yi, Kuklupus invited the blood god Bright to fight with him. Li Yi took action.

Fortunately, Li Yi had countless resources at his disposal and evolved active methods to defeat the two men's conspiracy.

Cyclops became angry and desperate, and forced his way to the boundless sea. He was eventually killed by Li Yi, who had evolved into a myth..

Blood God Bright has never been heard from again.

Seeing that Bright doesn't dare to provoke Li Yi, it doesn't mean that Li Yi doesn't like to hold grudges, because he takes revenge on the spot.

After the two sisters Viska and Vesna evolved, Li Yi asked them to find traces of Bright.

With the help of the map detection system and Visca and Vesna, Li Yi successfully located the Blood God not long ago.

The coordinates of Bright.

Now that Li Yi has evolved to the ninth level, he just lacks a sword test stone.

As the incomplete god of blood, Bright has lost his own world.

, compared to normal gods, it can be said to be a lot lower, which is in line with Li Yi's definition of soft persimmon.

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