Hundreds of third-level powerhouses surrounded the skeletal fire dragon.

Astonishing power, the disturbing wind swept across.

Hampdie, the king of the Duke of Norin, looked frightened and trembling.

The remaining three orders stationed in the palace were even more desperate.

At this point, how could they not know the goals of these third-level powerhouses.

It is nothing more than subverting the entire Principality of Nolin!

Now that Li Yi's appearance has brought Duke Lant's plan forward.

Once Duke Lant dealt with Li Yi.

Then it will be their turn next!

Everyone was extremely frightened and looked at Li Yi, who was standing on the bone dragon.

Count Lant's eyes were fierce, and hundreds of level 3 powerhouses were pressing forward step by step.

The air is stagnant, and the atmosphere is so depressing that you can't breathe!

Li Yi looked at Count Lant with great interest.

I saw that he had swallowed the crazy blood stone and was blessed by the weird magic circle.

Count Lant's body was surging with scarlet blood and surrounded by a large number of tentacles. He no longer looked like a human being, but more like a monster.

Li Yi finally understood what the mysterious group of people detected by the Yiren scouts were transporting.��

"Let's do it together and kill this guy!"

"Then kill all the royal families of the Nolin Principality!"

"From today on, I am the king of the Nolin Principality!"

Count Lant's eyes were ferocious, and he led hundreds of third-level strong men to fight out.

The Skeleton Hellfire Dragon was not afraid at all, and roared again and again, suppressing these third-level strong men with difficulty!

Such a powerful force made everyone feel excited. So horrified!

But Count Lant's side has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers.

Even though the Skeleton Fire Dragon is powerful, everyone can see the wounds on his body.

If you go down, the outcome will be decided!

Brynnie, who was in Li Yi's arms, hugged Li Yi tightly,"I'm sorry, I hurt you."

If Li Yi hadn't rescued her,

Li Yi wouldn't have been in such a dangerous situation.

At this time, Brynnie felt guilty.

Li Yi shook his head with a smile.

"Don't panic, the game has just begun."

Under the howling wind, Li Yi's strong self-confidence made Brynnie's beautiful eyes shine with a special brilliance.

I saw Li Yi snap his fingers.

In an instant, the ghost kingdom came!

Densely packed tombstones emerged!

Powerful skeletons emerged from it. Fight out!

Among these six thousand skeletons, there are not only more than 5,900 second-level five-star elites!

There are also ninety-nine third-level skeletons!

As a soldier under his command, Li Yi will not save anything. , directly spent a lot of money to create equipment for this group of skeletons, and armed them to the teeth!

There are nearly six thousand second-level 5-star skeletons armed to the teeth

, and hundreds of third-level skeletons including the skeleton Hellfire Dragon! The skeleton!

The moment it appeared, its terrifying power terrified the entire palace! This army of undead, which was comparable to a natural disaster, attacked the skeletal Hell Fire Dragon who had received support! Finally, he was able to vent his anger.

He roared and killed the enemy quickly!

Count Lant was going crazy!

He sold his soul and everything to get this hundred and three levels.

How could Li Yi take it out so easily!

But Count Lant didn't expect that this was just the beginning.

"Send the order, all the soldiers under the leadership of the third level, come here immediately!"

As Li Yi finished speaking,

Wingman Tucker immediately used the communicator to inform the initial island, Sangha Town, and major fleets!

In an instant, the teleportation array bloomed with glory.

A large number of elite soldiers came out of the teleportation array!

The man driving the airship The Winged Man Legion covers the sky above Dawn City!

Thousands of humans, fishmen, and slime legions are crushing everything like a torrent and advancing toward the palace!

Under the leadership of Alice, Maria, Lucifer, Duolulu and others, they went straight to the sky to join Li Yi's undead scourge army!

At this time, the entire Dawn City was trembling for Li Yi!

"Oh my god, what kind of army is that?!"

"Dragon! Fishman! Ancient tree of war! airship! Is this planning to raze Dawn City to the ground? ?

"It's too scary. Which country does such a legion belong to?"

"The Principality of Nolin is over, the royal family is over!"

The pupils of the millions of residents in Dawn City trembled, as if they had seen the end of the world.

The palace of the Duke of Nolin.

King Hampton was so frightened that he knelt on the ground.

My mother, how can the Duke of Nolin be so virtuous and capable? How could there be four to five hundred level three powerful men here?

The ministers were so scared that some of them even peed their pants.

She had guessed. Li Yi may have a good background.

But she never expected that Li Yi's background was much thicker than she thought!

The most confused person at the scene must be

Count Narante. Count Lant is almost dumbfounded.

How can you summon more than a hundred third-level skeletons at will?

How can you summon another two to three hundred third-level warriors? Power?!

Are you crazy!

The whole novice field can't get enough!

Various emotions such as panic, despair, and regret are intertwined in Count Lant's heart. He looks in the direction of Li Yi. There is a fog that people can never see through.

Li Yi doesn't want to pay attention to it.

"Catch a few alive and kill the rest."

A cold word fell.

It was equivalent to a death sentence for the group of people present.

Alice cast a super-level spell.

Lucy bent her bow and arrow, preparing a killing move.

Duolulu's small hands wrapped around the power of nature and turned into countless vines.

Maria directly used the power of the spirit to curse those third-level units!

The third-level units under their command were overwhelming and strangled them, making this battle a direct battle.

Of course.

It was the eagles on Li Yi's side who captured Count Lant's little chickens!

The entire Shuguang City people were terrified, and the royal family of Duke Nolin was trembling in the dark! The archbishop in black who was observing had a gloomy expression.

"The Principality of Nolin has failed, let's go."

This so-called archbishop did not notice that when he was leading his men to retreat, a circling eagle was following their footsteps in the sky.

On the other side,

Li Yi felt a little regretful.

Duke Lant and others It's a bit weird.

After being defeated, he can't be captured, so Li Yi can only choose to kill them all.

After finishing Duke Lant and others, Li Yi looks at the palace of Duke Nolin.

He is not a big philanthropist. , after working for so long, he naturally has his purpose.

Now that the matter is over, it is time to collect interest.

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