All new island owners heard this reminder clearly.

Li Yi's reputation is at its peak in the forum.

Many people reacted instantly when they heard the familiar name.

The forum instantly exploded!

"Damn it! Boss Li Yi is awesome!"

"So it turns out that you are not only a good fisherman, but also have such great fighting skills?!"

"Good guy, what a perfect man, brother, look at me, my black stockings are so hot"

"I don't believe it, please let me see"

"Li Yi is a real boss, are you still missing thigh pendants?"

"He traveled through time for six hours, sold tens of thousands of catties of fish, and killed a sea monster alone. He was simply superhuman."

A large number of new island owners posted posts in amazement, calling Li Yi ferocious.

Li Yi, whom everyone regarded as a super boss, was sitting on the boat, breathing heavily.

To be honest, Li Yi panicked a lot just now.

Ren Anyone facing this ferocious fish, which is more than ten meters long, will be frightened.

However, some people will lose their fighting ability when faced with fear.

Some people can burst into adrenaline, think more clearly, and have full body functions.

Li Yi fell into the latter category.

Now that he calmed down, his heart was racing, his muscles were sore, and his whole body was shaking.

After taking a few deep breaths, he stood up and glanced at him. A touch of excitement.

Hunting is an instinct engraved deep in human blood.

The original memory is awakened, and the feeling is really exciting and satisfying.

"I didn’t expect this thing to be the boss"

"Moreover, there are achievement rewards for the first kill of the boss."

Li Yi withdrew his gaze from the water cannon thorn fish and silently thought about receiving the reward.

Suddenly, a dazzling treasure chest made of silver appeared in front of him out of thin air.

Both in appearance and material, it was much more luxurious than a wooden treasure chest!

"I should be able to get something good this time."

Li Yi rubbed his hands and opened the silver treasure chest.

The light bloomed.

The silver treasure chest disappeared.

The game prompt sounded.

【Open the silver treasure chest, congratulations on getting the treasure map*1! Island area card*30! 】

A parchment scroll.

And a bunch of cards.

Appeared in front of Li Yi out of thin air

"Treasure Map! ?"

Li Yi's curiosity suddenly came up.

Hiding treasures, hiding treasures, naturally points to treasures.

Things that can be called treasures are not bad!

Li Yi immediately checked the properties of these two things

【Treasure map: no level, no quality, a map that leads to a certain treasure】

【Island Area Card: Level 1, 1 star. After use, the area of the island will be expanded by 1 square meter.

Note: The expanded soil material depends on the soil material of the area used!

And cannot expand minerals and soil that exceed the quality of this card.】

"What a good thing!"

Li Yi's eyes shone.

What he was amazed at was not the treasure map, but the island area card!

One card is equivalent to 1 square meter.

Wouldn't thirty cards expand the initial island area thirty times!

The quality of life directly increases from The birdcage has been extended to a single apartment!

Although it sounds quite cold, it is better than nothing.


Yi looked away and touched the treasure map. The moment he reached the treasure map, a compass-like icon appeared at the edge of Li Yi's sight, showing the direction and marking the distance.

"West, 100 kilometers"

"It's a bit far."

Li Yi suddenly felt it was a pity.

The main reason is that the core of the island is too important.

The initial island has not yet built a good defense line.

He did not dare and could not just go a hundred kilometers away to go surfing.

In case there is a sea monster, Li Yi is not around , landed on the island, and accidentally crushed the core of the island,

Li Yi was about to pick up the lunch box for no reason.

"Let’s wait until the initial island is managed."

Li Yi was quite regretful and put away the treasure map.

"Go back first and increase the area of the island."

"Then build wooden houses to provide a shelter for the core of the island."

Because the core of the island is too important,

Li Yi planned to return to the initial island immediately.

Before that, Alice fished back the lightning rod.

She controlled the water flow and carried the water cannon thorn fish back.

Li Yi drove the breeze boat, Return in advance.

When you arrive at the initial island, you can use the island area card immediately.

The overall area of the initial island expands rapidly!

Although it can still be seen at a glance. It's quite spacious.

Li Yi looked at the island that could be seen to the end, hoping that one day it would be able to expand into mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, encompassing all things! This goal was a bit far for Li Yi, who had the treasure of creation..

Confidence and ability to reach this point!

Now the island area has expanded.

The wooden house construction materials are the simplest wooden boards, but the number of wooden boards is not enough. Stacked up.

Spending a few hundred copper coins, Li Yi took out the wooden house drawing and made sure to use it.

In an instant , the three white wooden boards that met the requirements disappeared.

, turned into forty grids.

Li Yi can use his mind to control the construction coordinates of the wooden house.

The fundamental purpose of building the wooden house is to protect the island!

Thinking of this, Li Yi moved the phantom of the wooden house to the core of the island.

There was no warning that the wooden house could not be built.

Li Yi decided to build the wooden house from the virtual to the real in the blink of an eye.

It appeared in front of Li Yi!

It was made of wooden boards and looked like it could be blown down by a gust of wind.

It looked like a slum.

Walking into the wooden house , there was nothing inside.

The only good thing was that the core of the island was safely covered by the wooden house , which gave Li Yi a little sense of security.

He then planned to go to the forum and the trading hall to find out whether there were extraordinary materials to evolve or enhance his own combat power.

During this period , many people contacted Li Yi.

There are also some girls who are looking for support.

Li Yi completely ignores Jiahei.

Is he a completely different person? Why is Li Yi having an online relationship with such a beautiful mermaid ? However, as his reputation gradually increased, many people were interested in contacting Li Yi and planning to sell extraordinary materials.

Li Yi chose a few trustworthy ones and bought three extraordinary materials for about 30,000 copper coins!

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