Thousands of flies were like a tide, overwhelming and sweeping towards Li Yi.

Under the majestic army, Li Yi stepped on the giant dragon. Instead of fear, he felt a bit of joy.

The Purgatory Tower can house the souls of enemies and place them in the eighteen levels of purgatory, killing each other until they are nurtured into various powerful ghost soldiers.

With the strength of this group of fly people, it is obviously impossible to give birth to Shura.

But it would not be bad if it could breed a few blade ghost soldiers.

After all, the strength of the Blade Ghost Soldier has reached level 4 and 7 stars!

No order is needed from Li Yi.

The undead army under Li Yi rushed out and collided with the fly-man army.

At the same time, Li Yi summoned Yuyou Huangquan.

Whenever a flyman dies.

His soul will be harvested by the Purgatory Tower.

The body was transformed by Huang Quan into a brand new skeleton monster.

This kind of nothing is wasted from body to soul.

Capitalists will cry when they see it.

As the war progresses.

The number of Li Yi's undead army increased instead of decreasing.

Forming a mighty undead natural disaster!

Crush forward with unstoppable power!

The fifth-level powerhouse among the many fly men opened his eyes wide, full of horror and fear.

They have never seen such a terrible sight before.

Fighting and fighting, the number of troops increased.

How the hell are you going to play this! ?

The fifth-level flyman wanted to come to the rescue, but Shalltear was already waiting.

Although Xiao Nizi is dressed in Lolita, she looks cute on the outside, but she is actually a fanatical fighter.

A small leather whip was swung with a crackling sound, making the fifth-level fly man howl.

Let a large number of fifth-level flymen die on the spot!

Because Li Yi's personal realm is only at the fourth level.

The corpses of these fifth-level fly-men can only be transformed into fourth-level undead.

Li Yi didn't care much about this.

The undead transformed from the underworld are only temporary.

It will not be preserved forever like the army of the undead.

It's all temporary combat power anyway, it doesn't matter what happens.

With astonishing power.

Shalltear took the lead, leading the undead scourge behind her, and rushed into the underground swamp with an unstoppable force!

"This place really stinks."

Li Yi frowned slightly, closed his sense of smell, and raised his eyes to look around.

In the wide swamp, countless tree roots crisscrossed each other, and billions of maggots squirmed. It was a living purgatory.

Looking in the direction of the tree roots, you can see a A huge ancient tree stands.

Obviously, anyone can guess that it is the pillar of this crypt.

The map detection system shows that the lower realm magic circle is among the ancient trees.

"Damn it!"When Li Yi and others broke in, the old man stationed at the ancient tree looked angry. He roared:

"Are you all dead? Still not taking action?!"

The depths of the swamp suddenly boiled.

A dozen monsters more than ten meters tall, with tree roots wrapped around their bodies and rotting flesh, crawled out like a combination of humans and trees.


The roar echoed, and the tree roots on several monsters came to life, like thousands of tentacles, twisting directly towards Li Yi.

A level 5, 4-star master.

Li Yi glanced at it and didn't take it to heart at all.

Shalltear's pretty face was excited, like a little girl who had discovered a favorite toy. She swung the whip in pain, and with the power of blood, she turned into thousands of scarlet flying blades, like a downpour, chopping up thousands of tree roots.

Shalltear, who has the blood of a blood prince, spread out her huge bat wings, drew a graceful arc, crossed ten thousand meters in the blink of an eye, and appeared out of thin air behind a giant tree man.

"Feel the pain!"

The whip of pain was like a dragon coming out.

The huge force instantly shattered most of the giant tree man's body!

The screams of pain echoed in the cave.

The other giant tree men were horrified and wanted to rescue.

But Shalltear whipped him several times. , the giant tree man was turned into dregs on the spot.

The soul visible to the naked eye was forcibly pulled out and turned into a point of light, pouring into the first level of the Purgatory Tower. A sufficient number of souls were contained in the purgatory.

, a large number of souls were crushed and merged with each other, and finally condensed into 10 blade ghost soldiers who were almost semi-illusory in shape and were wearing heavy armor and holding sharp knives!

Li Yi called them in front of him and looked at them carefully.

A bit more burly, nearly two meters tall, it is a semi-ghost undead with quite good attributes. The seven major items are all added to melee combat and sword skills, making it an extremely powerful individual combat power.

"Go and see how strong you are."

As Li Yi gave the order, the ten ghost blade soldiers turned into afterimages and suddenly killed them.

I saw these ghost blade soldiers, waving their big swords, chopping out terrifying swords.

Each one is comparable to the swords in the world of high martial arts. God, in the blink of an eye, a giant tree man was chopped into dumplings!

With the combined efforts of Shalltear and the ten blade ghost soldiers, all the giant tree men were killed.

As for the so-called fly man army, Chun Chun just sent it to Li Yi. Experience. The vast number of undead natural disasters increased at an alarming rate.

In just ten minutes, they completely surpassed the Fly Man!

"How could this be?"

The old man who was guarding under the giant tree froze on the spot, his pupils trembling slightly.

He spent an unknown amount of time and energy planning this plan to build the lower realm magic circle.

He specially built an independent small circle thousands of meters underground. The world hides its own information. But even if it is like this, it is like being discovered instantly.

The opponent's highest combat power is only level 4, but its combat power is terrifying. Like slaughtering dogs!

And all the nearly hundreds of millions of flies that the old man had worked so hard to breed were killed and became the slaves of others.

This is equivalent to finally buying a house, getting married, and giving birth to a child.

In a blink of an eye, the house was occupied, the wife ran away with someone, and the children had to work as cattle and horses for others! In a blink of an eye, the old man transformed into the ultimate ntr slave, and his eyes almost turned red at this moment. Once in the air, the skeleton dark fire dragon flapped its wings and flew to the front of the giant tree carrying Li Yi.

"This tree is really big."

Li Yi couldn't help but sigh. The actual area of the crypt swamp that can accommodate hundreds of millions of fly people is not small.

The tree in front of him is nearly a thousand meters high. The tree body is as thick as a mountain. It is magnificent.

Li Yi I also noticed that there are a lot of strange inscriptions on the surface of the giant tree. It is obvious that the giant tree itself is the core of the lower realm.

As long as it is destroyed, the mission can be completed.

However, how could the old man allow Li Yi to float in the void ? In mid-air, he tore off his tattered robe, revealing his severely rotted body. He raised the crutch in his hand and laid it in front of him.

"I didn’t expect that I, Flaikos, would be defeated at your hands."

The old man who calls himself Flaikos has cold eyes, full of hatred.

When things have reached this point, Flaikos knows that it is impossible to successfully arrange the lower realm magic circle.

Knowing that there is no hope, Flaikos is ready to pull people into the water.

"Let’s meet in hell together!"

With Flaikos's roar, the crutch in his hand glowed brightly.

The giant tree behind him trembled and came to life completely!

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