"No, how can I leave you alone and leave alone?"

When Liu Xing heard this, he kicked Su Fat's ass.

"Damn, let you go, you go."

"Do you know what strength this-crowned king snake is?"

"That's the second order of bronze, can you and I deal with it!"


Liu Xing's kick woke up Su Fat.

"Liu Xing, don't die."

"I still want to go with you to take my sister!"

After Su Fat finished speaking

, he picked up Su Xiaoya, who had already panicked, and

rushed towards the position at the foot of Hutou Mountain.

As he ran

, he shouted:

"Liu Xing, wait for me, don't die."

Liu Xing ignored Su Fat, who fled, and

his attention was all on the battlefield at this time.

In front of you is a forest.

Liu Xing's black wolf dog relied on the flexible position,

adopted the Qin King's style of circling the pillar

, and kept dodging the attack of the chicken-crowned king snake.

"No, the level gap is still too big."

Although in the past few days

, Liu Xing's black wolf dog level has reached the eighth order of black iron,

but there is still a big difference between it and the bronze second-order chicken crown king snake.


The king snake raised its head high.

It opened its bloody mouth wide,

revealing its sharp fangs.

The purple teeth gnawed hard at the black wolf dog.

"It's not good, it's a fang attack!"

"Black Wolf Dog, be careful!"

The black wolf dog heard Liu Xing's reminder, and

it jumped sharply to

avoid the attack of the-crowned king snake.

The attack of the king snake failed, and its

teeth actually bit into a large tree.

Sharp teeth easily cut through the bark and

embedded deep into the tree.


Liu Xing never thought that

this chicken crown king snake would actually be stuck.

Its teeth are embedded in the trunk of the tree, and

no matter how hard it tries,

it can never be pulled out.

"Here's your chance."

There is a way to hit

the snake seven inches.

Although this king snake is big,

it is with the help of the system.

Liu Xing still found the seven inches of the Chicken Crown King Snake.

"Black Wolf Dog, use tearing claws on that place!"

When the black wolf dog heard this, he

flew towards the King Snake.

Seeing this, the-crowned king snake

manipulated its tail and

swept at the black wolf dog.

The black wolf dog relied on dexterous movements and

managed to dodge away.


The sharp claws of the black wolf dog cut through the skin of the king snake.

A large amount of blood instantly gushed out from the wound of the King Snake.

It is also mixed with green liquid.

It seems that the snake bile of the-crowned king snake was cut by the black wolf dog.


The Chicken Crown King Snake was beaten, and

it came from nowhere with infinite power.

Jerked violently.

I actually broke free from the shackles of the big tree.

"It's not good, let's run away."

Liu Xing knew that

this chicken-crowned king snake was going to do its final death throes.

He didn't want to give the king snake a burial.

"Black Wolfhound!"

Liu Xing shouted.

The black wolf dog ran towards Liu Xing.

Liu Xing turned over and went directly to the back of the black wolf dog.

Continuous good food,

coupled with the current strength of the black wolf dog, has reached the peak of the eighth order of black iron.

At this time, it

is already very large.

The strength was also enough to carry Liu Xing and escape.

The black wolf dog carried Liu Xing and

fled towards the depths of the dense forest.

The king snake chased behind.

I don't know how long I ran.

Only a boom was heard!

The bucket-thick king snake collapsed.

"This guy is finally dead!"

Liu Xing has the Eye of the System, and

he is not worried about this chicken-crowned king snake faking death at all.

"I don't know if this guy has crystallization."

Liu Xing walked towards the Chicken Crown King Snake.

After some exploration.

Liu Xing's eyes suddenly lit up.

"There really is."

Crystallization is not available to every Warcraft.

So every crystal is worth a lot.

In particular, this is the crystallization of a bronze second-order chicken-crowned king snake.

Liu Xing felt

, whatever,

it has to be sold for hundreds of thousands!

He pulled out his knife and

prepared to dig out the crystal.

The result was a great disappointment for Liu Xing.

"Yes, there's no mistake!"

"So hard!"

Liu Xing found that

his knife could not cut the skin of the king snake.

After all, his knives are ordinary products,

not specially made ones.

"Black Wolf Dog, come on!"

Liu Xing gave instructions to the black wolf dog.

I saw the black wolf dog raise

its paws high, and the paws were glowing with white light, which

was a unique move to tear its claws.

As the paws fall.

Tear and pull!

The paws of the black wolf dog easily cut the skin of the king snake.

The crystals of the king snake were taken out.

"Is this the crystallization of the king snake?"

Liu Xing found that the crystals of the King Snake were actually purple,

emitting dazzling light under the sunlight.

"Ding-dong, found the crystallization of a-crowned king snake."

"Is it for black wolf dogs?"


Liu Xing immediately chose No.

Although the poisonous fangs

of the King Snake are powerful, the Black Wolf Dog is not a poisonous imperial beast, and

it cannot exert the power of the Chicken King Snake Fang Move.

If it is given to a black wolf dog, it

is a wasteful act.

After all, a royal beast using Warcraft Crystals can

only learn four skills.

So for the choice of skills.

Liu Xing should pay special attention to it.

"Okay, it's time to go back."

Just as Liu Xing was about to leave with the black wolf dog.

The black wolf dog suddenly looked not far away.

"What's wrong with you?"

The black wolf dog made a movement towards Liu Xing.

That means wanting to take Liu Xing to the place in front.

"Do you want to go there?"

The black wolf dog nodded heavily.

Liu Xing had to take the black wolf dog in that direction.

The two soon came to a hillside.

The hillside in front of you is covered with countless vines.

Liu Xing's brows frowned slightly,

he couldn't understand why the

black wolf dog brought him to this place.

Next second.

The black wolf dog told him with actions.

I saw the sharp claws of the black wolf dog waving rapidly.


Countless vines were cut off by the black wolf dog.

A dark cave appeared in front of Liu Xing.

The black wolf dog made a movement at Liu Xing again.

The meaning is obvious.

It wants to go in.

"Then let's go!"

Liu Xing took the black wolf dog into the cave.

Fortunately, he has a head-worn mining lamp,

otherwise he would not be able to see the road clearly in this dark cave.

"Hey, what does this smell like!"

As Liu Xing went deeper, Liu Xing

found the cave dark and damp.

"What's in there?"


the black wolf dog has long discovered that there is something in this.


Liu Xing took the black wolf dog to the end of the cave.

I saw a lot of hay piled up on the platform not far away.

On top of the hay,

there are three eggs.

"These are the eggs of the king snake?"

No matter how stupid Liu Xing was, he guessed it.

The black wolf dog nodded heavily.

Then he happily ran towards the egg of the king snake.

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