"Sister Phoenix, what are we doing here?"

"Of course I told you to run!"



"I know that your kid was admitted to Jiangnan Royal Beast University."

"Anyway, it's almost time for school to start now."

"You go to the Jiangnan side now!"

"Although the power of the Gao family is very large, it is also limited to Guangshi."

"You just have to get out of here."


"When you get over there, you go find a guy named Yan Ruyu."

"That guy is my college classmate."

"Also my dead friend."

"This is her address, and besides, you show her this."

"She understood."

After speaking, Phoenix pushed Liu Xing and

let him enter the airport.

On the plane.

Liu Xing glanced back at Guangshi, where he had been for a long time.

Although I was a little reluctant, I was

still helpless.

"Gao family?"

Liu Xing muttered softly.

He had already decided to work hard later, and

then come back to the Gao family to take revenge.

As for the Fire Phoenix.

Liu Xing was not worried at all.

Although the power of the Gao family is huge,

the Fire Phoenix is not afraid.

After all, the Phoenix Mercenary Group is a beautiful concentration camp, and

many of its members are also children from major families.

Liu Xing took a plane and

came to Jiangnan City.

Since Jiangnan Royal Beast University has not yet opened,

Liu Xing cannot go to school yet.

"Then go to Sister Phoenix's friend first!"

Liu Xing took out the note that the Fire Phoenix had given him.

He glanced at

the address, then took a car and

headed towards that address.

Waited to get off the bus.

Looking at the community in front of him,

Liu Xing was stunned in place.

"What's the situation?"

Liu Xing did not expect that

there were actually unfinished buildings in front of him.

"No, could it be that Sister Phoenix's friends live here."

The rotten building in front of me is overgrown with weeds, and

it looks very desolate.

Compared to the Phoenix base.

It's a heaven, a hell.

Liu Xing couldn't help but pout.

"She won't have moved away, will she!"

Having said that,

Liu Xing still tried to walk towards the rotten building.

Based on the information on the note, he

came to a doorway.

Looking at the somewhat rusty iron door in front of him,

Liu Xing was about to knock on the door.


There was a loud bang in the room!

Then a puff of black smoke came out of the door through the gap.

"What's the situation?"

"Could it be that someone is secretly doing fireworks inside?"

Just when Liu Xing was puzzled.


The iron door was opened.

A figure came out of it.


After the man came out,

he kept coughing there.

Looking at the guy in front of him who seemed to have just come out of the coal mine, the

corners of Liu Xing's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"She won't be Sister Phoenix's friend, right?"

Liu Xing was a little surprised.

The woman coughed for a while before

she came to her senses.

She found Liu Xing standing in front of the door.

"Hehe, little handsome guy, is there something wrong with you?"

"Didn't... It's okay, I went wrong. Where

did Liu Xing dare to stay,

ready to turn around and leave.

Just then,

a hand on his shoulder stopped


Liu Xing wanted to escape, but

his hand was like a pincer

, restraining him to death.

"You are Liu Xing!"

"How do you know?"

"Phoenix has already told me."

"She told me to take good care of you."

When Liu Xing heard this, he knew that he had not made a mistake.

He smiled wryly and turned around.

Greeted the woman who looked like a yam egg in front of her:

"Sister Ruyu is good!"

The woman in front of her was named Yan Ruyu.

The book has its own golden house, and the book has its own face like jade.

"You boy, your little mouth is quite sweet."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense."

"Come in with me!"

Liu Xing followed Yan Ruyu into her room.

Along the way.

Looking at the house in front of him that looked like a Syrian-style decoration,

Liu Xing became more and more worried about his safety.

He originally thought that Yan Ruyu would be a cute girl.

I didn't expect her to be so violent.

I don't know what research she is doing, but

she actually got the whole room full of all kinds of instruments.

And the explosion just now made the

already somewhat dilapidated room

even more chaotic.

There was a burning smell in the air.

Liu Xing's brows furrowed

, and he couldn't help but ask Yan

Ruyu: "Sister Ruyu, are you doing some research?"

Liu Xing's question got to the point.

Yan Ruyu suddenly became excited.

"Come on, come on!"

She pulled Liu Xing to a corner and handed Liu Xing a

test tube.

There is some black liquid inside the test tube, which

is emitting a pungent smell at this time.

"I know, Sister Ruyu, you must be studying poison."


"What shit poison."

"Stinky boy, have you heard of the evolution potion?"

"Evolution potion?"

"As soon as you hear it, you know you haven't read any books."

"Let me explain it to you!"

"In our royal beast world, the theory of evolution has always been circulating."

"That is, some Warcraft evolved through other Warcraft."

"For example, the Goblin Sacrifice evolved from the Goblin."

"Of course, this is just a doctrine, and there is no scientific basis for it."

"So we started researching."

"I intend to make an evolution potion and also crack this theory."

Yan Ruyu's words made Liu Xing thoughtful.

Liu Xing also received nine years of compulsory education in his previous life, so

naturally he knew Darwin's theory of evolution.


is no stranger to evolution.

Most people in the Royal Beast World did not believe in the existence of evolution,

but Liu Xing did.

It's just that

the conditions are not enough, if you give the imperial beast enough conditions,

it may not be able to evolve.

"Maybe I can try it too."

"Research an evolution potion!"

Liu Xing just had this idea in his mind, and

he immediately dismissed it.

His goal was not to become a great man.

Liu Xing just wants to become a king beast master and

stand at the peak of this world.

Because only then will

he not let the fish flesh.

"Okay, I won't tell you more."

"You see that room doesn't."

"From now on, it will be yours."

"I'm going to continue my research now."

"As for the latter matter, you can solve it yourself!"


Liu Xing was also not pretentious and walked straight into the room.

Just opened the door.

Looking at the decoration in the room,

Liu Xing felt a little surprised.

Because inside the door and outside the door are two worlds.

Clean and tidy inside the door.

It looks like it's been specially cleaned,

but the outside of the door is very messy.

What test tube beakers are thrown everywhere.

"Maybe Sister Ruyu is not without merit."

Liu Xing knew that

in order to welcome his arrival,

Yan Ruyu still specially helped him clear a room.

He entered the room and

closed the door with his backhand.

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