Looking at Su Fat with a frustrated face.

Liu Xing couldn't help but comfort:

"You boy, don't look so sad."

"You didn't ascend to the eighth order of bronze."

"This time the survival activity in the wild, unless it is a last resort."

"I'm not going to make a move, I'll let you all come."

"When the time comes, your tiger body will be shocked, and those girls in our school will not be fascinated by you."


When Su Fat heard this, his eyes immediately lit up.

He seems to see the picture of himself being adored by a group of girls.

It was something he had never experienced in his life.

"That's not right!"

Su Fat suddenly reacted.

"How did you kid know that I had risen to the eighth rank of bronze."

Su Fat originally wanted to play a pig and eat a tiger.

Preparing to show his strength in this wild survival surprised

Liu Xing.

As a result, I didn't expect that

Liu Xing actually already knew.

"Because my strength is stronger than yours!"

Liu Xing explained this on his lips, but secretly said in his heart:

"Do I tell you that I have a golden finger and can see your information."

"Okay, okay."

"I'm not talking to you, it's not interesting."

"I'm tired for so many days, it's time to get a good night's sleep."

Su Fat said as he walked downstairs.

Looking at Su Fat's distant back.

Liu Xing smiled bitterly and shook his head.


The day of survival in the wild of Jiangnan Royal Beast University will soon come.

All the students got on the bus under the guidance of the teacher.

As the bus drove, the

crowd began to chatter.

"I don't know which secret place will be this time for wild survival."

"I don't know, I'm looking forward to it!"

"I have just risen to the fourth rank of bronze, let you see how powerful I am when the time comes."

A yellow-haired man said with a mighty voice.

"What, bronze fourth order!"

The few younger brothers sitting around him suddenly had starry eyes, and

their faces were full of adoration.


Seeing this, Su Fat, who was sitting next to Liu Xing,

couldn't help but complain.

"Where did this guy come from with the courage, only the bronze fourth order is here to show off his might."

"Little master, I didn't say anything about this bronze eighth-order one."

Su Fat said while

grabbing a handful of potato chips from the potato chip packaging bag and stuffing it into his mouth.

When he said this,

his tone was full of contempt.

Liu Xing glanced at him

, he didn't say anything,

but continued to look out the window.

The bus travels fast.

In the blink of an eye, I came to the place of this training.

"Where is this?"

Su Fat looked at everything around curiously.

He found that this place was different from other places

, the sky was reddish-brown, and

the air was filled with thick dust,

giving people a very oppressive feeling.

"This is a volcanic terrain."

A familiar voice came.

When Liu Xing and Su Fat heard this, they

turned their heads and

found that it was their mentor Wu Yong.

"Teacher, long time no see."

Liu Xing said hello to Wu Yong.

"Long time no see, classmate Liu Xing!"

Wu Yong smiled.

"This time a half-month wilderness survival training."

"You have to come on!"

"I will, teacher."

As soon as Liu Xing finished speaking,

a figure appeared on a large stone not far away.

Liu Xing looked up and

found that it was not his principal Liu Gengsheng, but who it was.

"Students, welcome to this wild survival training activity."

"This time, you will survive in this volcanic secret realm for half a month."

"Remember, in this half month."

"We, the mentors, will rate your behavior."

"In the end, those who achieve excellent results will be rewarded accordingly."

"Of course, I hope everyone will do what they can."

"This volcano secret realm, the closer you get inside, the more dangerous it is."

"But again, the further you go inside, the higher the score you get."

"This time, I am the chief examiner, and I am also responsible for your safety."

"I also hope that I don't need to intervene to save you."

"After all, if you save you, it means that your assessment fails this time."

"Okay, the assessment starts now."

"You can start moving freely."

With the order of Principal Liu Gengsheng, everyone

immediately scattered.

Everyone began to march deep into the volcano in unison,

seemingly taking Liu Gengsheng's warning as a wind.

"Headmaster, what do you think of the students of this class?"

Wu Yong stood beside Liu Gengsheng and asked.

"Not bad, much better than we were back then."

Liu Gengsheng just glanced at it and

found several guys with good strength.

As long as these people don't make fools,

they can basically achieve a good result.

Liu Xing's side.

He, Su Fat and Liu Xiaomeng went together.

A few people didn't have long left, and

Su Fat was exhausted and panting.

"You two wait for me!"

Su Fat couldn't help but shout at Liu Xing and Liu Xiaomeng.

When Liu Xing heard this, he turned his head to look at Su Fat.

"I really can't understand it."

"We obviously came to survive in the wild, but you ended up carrying such a big bag."

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know, I thought you were here for a tour."

When Su Fat heard this, he said with some indignation:

"I'm not worried about the sinister environment here."

"So I brought some more food."

"You look at the surrounding environment, this is where birds don't."

"Where to go and find food in a while."

When Liu Xing heard this, he glanced around.

Su Fat was right

, this place looked very barren

, except for red dirt, it was still red soil, and

there was not even a tree.

"Why did the principal choose such a place for us to survive!"

Liu Xing couldn't understand it at all.

What Liu Xing didn't know was that

the principal and a group of tutors were watching their every move through the electronic screen


"This little fat man actually brought so much food."

"Headmaster, isn't he violating the law?"

"Do you want to just let him out?"

Han Mingming squinted at Liu Gengsheng and spoke, and

his eyes were full of disgust when he looked at Liu Xing and the others.

Liu Xing and Su Fat were brought by

Wu Yong, Han Mingming and Wu Yong have a feud

, there is a way

, love the house and Wu, hate the house and Wu!

"No thanks!"

Liu Gengsheng waved his hand.

"Don't look at this guy brought a lot of things."

"With the amount of his meal, it is estimated that it will not take long to finish eating."

Liu Gengsheng's words are not wrong.

In just three days,

Su Fat ate all the rations he brought.


"What to do?"

"Liu Xing, we're about to run out of food."

Su Fat found that there was only a pack of potato chips left in his backpack.

When Liu Xing heard this, he gave Su Fat a blank look.

This guy has been eating non-stop since he came in and has

never thought about what to do if he doesn't have enough food.

"What else can I do, cold mix."

Liu Xing spread his hands and said that he could not do anything.

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