After some treatment.

The green elf's face turned pale,

obviously prostrate.

It faltered, and

Lu Luo immediately stretched out her hands to hold it up.

"Oh, little boy, hard work."

Green Luo's face was full of distress

, after all, this green elf was her initial imperial beast and her


"Lu Luo, thank you."

The Fire Phoenix patted Lu Luo's shoulder seriously.

Lu Luo showed a wry smile.

"Oh, Sister Phoenix, you've seen outside!"

"How many times have I told you?"

"You saved my life."

"You can let me do anything."

"Even if you let me marry this smelly boy now, I didn't say a word, and I married immediately."

When the fire phoenix heard this, she frowned.

It was originally quite a sensational atmosphere,

but it was so troubled by Lu Luo that it

disappeared in an instant.

"By the way, Lu Luo, she's okay now!"

The fire phoenix glanced at Yan Ruyu, who was in a coma on the sofa


"It's okay for now, but..."

"You guy, how have you started to swallow lately."

"However, my Green Elf can only temporarily suppress the toxins in her body."

"If you want to completely cure the toxins in her body, you can only look for the antidote fruit."

"Antidote fruit?"

"Yes, and it is also a high-quality antidote fruit."

The Fire Phoenix fell into deep thought.

"Okay, then I'll look for it now."

She glanced at Liu Xing, and then told Liu Xing:

"Don't run around in the past two days."

"Stay and help Luluo take care of Ruyu together."


Liu Xing nodded.

Hearing Liu Xing's response, the fire phoenix

immediately walked towards the door.

"It's really in a hurry, it's also in a hurry!"

"Sister Phoenix, this character."

Liu Xing smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He looked towards the sofa, and

at this time,

Lu Luo showed a charming smile.

"Little brother, do you want to play with your sister."

"Sister show you something good."

When she said this,

Lu Luo subconsciously reached out to pull her collar.


Liu Xing immediately waved his hand.

"Sister Luluo, just spare me."

Liu Xing turned around and walked towards the bathroom on the side.

Not often.

Liu Xing came out with a mop.

Seeing this, Lu Luo's eyes immediately lit up.

She naturally understood what Liu Xing wanted to do.

Looking at Liu Xing, who was cleaning up the filth on the ground

, Lu Luo couldn't help but say to Liu Xing:

"Little brother, my sister's words just now with Sister Phoenix are valid!"

When Liu Xing heard this, his head was full of black lines.

"Leprechaun, what a leprechaun!"

"Damn, if Lao Tzu hadn't been able to beat you."

"Otherwise, I would have pressed you to the ground and made you sing conquest."

Liu Xing glanced at Lu Luo's strength again.

"Diamond Second Order?"


He seems to have found a new purpose in life.

After cleaning up,

Liu Xing dragged the ground spotless.

In order to prevent peculiar smells,

Liu Xing also took out an air freshener and sprayed it.

After taking care of everything.

Lu Luo walked out of Yan Ruyu's room.



Luo Luo yawned and stretched at the same time.

She glanced at Liu Xing and said to Liu Xing:

"Little brother, how to say."

"Do you want to sleep with your sister at night?"

When Liu Xing heard this, he

immediately smiled at Luluo and said, "Sister Luluo,

don't tease me."

"By the way, Sister Luluo, I remember that I still have some things to deal with in school."

"It's up to you here."

Liu Xing did not dare to stay, and

fled towards the door.

Came out of Yan Ruyu's home.

Liu Xing glanced at the

sky, I don't know when

, night fell,

tonight's sky is full of stars.

"Is it already night?"

Liu Xing yawned.

"Let's go back to school first."

Liu Xing walked out of the rotten building and

went straight to the main road.

As a result, a taxi drove up in front of him.

Liu Xing

glanced at it and found that the taxi was empty.

So he immediately stretched out his hand and beckoned.

The taxi stopped.

Liu Xing opened the co-pilot's door and

then sat in.

He casually said to the taxi master

, "Master, go to Jiangnan Royal Beast University."

The taxi master also glanced at Liu Xing.

He was stunned at first, and then said with a smile:

"Little brother, I didn't expect us to meet again."

Listening to this familiar voice,

Liu Xing turned his head to look at the taxi master.

It turned out that he was actually the one in the daytime.

"Little brother, we really have a fate!"


Liu Xing showed a wry smile.

The taxi master started the car, and the

vehicle slowly started.

After the car drove for a while.

The taxi master noticed that Liu Xing's eyebrows were filled with sadness, and

he couldn't help but ask Liu Xing:

"The little brother seems to have encountered something difficult."

"Nothing, just a little problem."

"Small problem?"

"Can I talk about it?"

"Maybe I can help you."

"Help me?"

Liu Xing smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"It's not that I look down on you."

"You are an ordinary person, I tell you, I want to find the antidote fruit."

"Is there still a way for you to help me get it?"

"Antidote fruit?"

The taxi master subconsciously recounted it, and

his mind seemed to be recalling this thing.

Suddenly, the

taxi master smiled at Liu Xing and said, "

Maybe I can't help you with anything else."

"But I have a way of this."


Liu Xing subconsciously sat up straight, and

he seemed to see the dawn of saving Yan Ruyu.

"Do you have the antidote fruit in your hand?"

"If yes, you make an offer."

"As long as the price is right, I will buy it."

When the taxi master heard this, he smiled bitterly and said, "

Where do I have that thing."

Hearing this

, Liu Xing seemed to have been poured with a basin of cold water, and

he suddenly felt a pang of disappointment.

"You guy doesn't have to be so sad."

"Although I don't have it in my hand, I have relevant news."


This time,

Liu Xing was a little suspicious.

"It's true."

"Just two days ago, I pulled two passengers."

"From their mouths, I learned about the existence of poisonous fruits."

Hearing the taxi master say this,

Liu Xing nodded.

To talk about the world

, who is the most well-informed,

the taxi master should be able to rank in the top several.

"They said they were going to the shaded forest to find the antidote fruit."

"It seems that some of their friends was bitten by a poisonous snake."

In the world of imperial beasts

, snakes, insects, rats, and ants have all become fine.

Someone being bitten by a poisonous snake is a

very common thing.

"A green forest?"

Liu Xing muttered softly.

"I just don't know if the antidote fruit in their mouth is of high quality."

"After all, before, Sister Luluo was named to ask for high-quality antidote fruits."

"It's not high-quality."

"It seems that only dead horses can be used as live horse doctors."

Liu Xing said to the taxi master:

"Master, thank you this time."

"Please take me to the green forest."

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