Liu Xing rode on the back of the two-headed dog of hell.

His brows furrowed, his

brain racing.

"Although I don't know how this guy knew I was here."

"But what can be guessed is that it was the sound of the battle I just had that caught his attention."

Looking at Han Mingming, who was chasing after him reluctantly,

Liu Xing felt a headache.

He didn't rush to syrup,

but this Han Mingming chased him like a tiger.

"No, I have to find a way to get rid of him."

Liu Xing's eyes quickly scanned everything around him.


Liu Xing seemed to see something, and

his eyes suddenly lit up.

"There you have."

He headed into the distance.


A thick rattan whip swung towards Liu Xing.

"Hell two-headed dog, get out of the way!"

The hell two-headed dog jumped sharply and

avoided the attack of this vine whip.

It's the Willow Demon .

Liu Xing rode the hellish two-headed dog into the territory of another willow demon.

This is already the depths of the Willow Forest,

so this willow demon has begun to become ubiquitous.

Liu Xing rode on the back of the hell two-headed dog and

deliberately ran to the territory of those willow tree demons to wander around.

Not often.

In addition to Han Mingming, there

was a large group of willow tree demons behind him.

"What does this guy want to do?"

"Do you want to rely on these willow goblins to deal with me?"

"Then he really underestimates me."

Han Mingming felt that he was now riding on the back of a strong eagle, and

those willow demons could not attack him at all.

But Han Mingming still underestimated these willow tree demons.

Seeing that they couldn't catch up with Liu Xing, the willow demons

turned their heads to Han Mingming.

After all, Han Mingming is still a human being

, and in the eyes of the willow tree demons,

this Han Mingming is with Liu Xing.


A willow demon struck.

It stretched out its vine whip and

swung it towards Han Mingming.

Seeing this, Han Mingming's

eyes flashed coldly.

"Find death!"

"Strong eagle, use golden flashes!"

The wings of the strong eagle flapped back, and

its whole body glowed with golden light, and its

sharp wings swept towards the willow demon.

Only a click was heard.

The willow demon that sneaked up on Han Mingming was cut off.

Seeing this, the other willow demon

not only did not feel afraid,

but roared and

rushed towards Han Mingming.

"What's the situation?"

Han Mingming's face became very difficult to see.

In his subconscious

, although these willow tree demons are powerful,

they are as timid as rats.

He originally thought that as long as he killed one casually, he

could have the effect of killing chickens and monkeys.

As a result, it did not expect but angered these willow demons.


Seeing Liu Xing running farther and farther,

Han Mingming had no way to pursue.

"Since you guys want to die for that guy."

"Then I will fulfill you."

Han Mingming knew that he could not catch up with Liu Xing,

so he simply gave up the pursuit.

He planned to kill all these willow demons in front of him to

vent his anger.

"Strong eagle, it's up to you."

"Use a flash of gold!"


The strong eagle let out a neigh!

It began to rush left and right among the willow demon colonies.

After killing several

willow dryads in a row, the remaining willow dryads saw that the situation was not right, and

they immediately chose to flee.


Looking at the willow demon who was far away,

Han Mingming breathed a sigh of relief.

The strength of these willow tree demons is not weak

, as long as they hold on for a little longer,

then it is he Han Mingming who loses.

Han Mingming glanced at the sky.

A look of jealousy appeared on his face.

He had just wanted to ride a strong eagle and

avoid the attack of these willow monsters from the sky


Thus crossing the willow demon group and

directly pursuing Liu Xing.

But in that instant,

Han Mingming felt a very powerful aura.

The breath overwhelmed him.

"What the hell is that?"

In just that moment,

Han Mingming felt his soul tremble uncontrollably.

"I haven't heard of anything terrifying about this Willow Forest!"


This Willow Forest is a mid-level secret realm.

No matter how strong the Warcraft inside is, it is no more than the platinum level.

He Han Mingming had not seen platinum-level monsters,

but the breath just now

was not something that platinum-level could produce at all.

Han Mingming glanced in the direction Liu Xing had gone, and

he turned and left.

The breath just now was obviously warning him.

Han Mingming is not a fool,

otherwise he would not have lived until now.

So he left very sensibly.

Liu Xing's side.

He rides on the back of the two-headed dog of Hell.

Soon we crossed the Willow Forest and

came to a high slope.


Liu Xing turned his head and looked, and

he found that the Willow Forest behind him was pitch black.

"The guy is gone?"

Liu Xing found that the danger had disappeared.

This danger foreknowledge

is something that Liu Xing was born with.

He relied on this,

not knowing how much damage he had avoided.

"Hell two-headed dog, there is a big rock in front."

"Let's go sit there."

The hell two-headed dog nodded.

Continuous running

, even if its strength is good,

it is a little unbearable.

Liu Xing rode the hell two-headed dog towards the big stone not far away.


An evening breeze blew through,

bringing a little coolness.

"It's so cool!"

Liu Xing closed his eyes and

suddenly felt a burst of relief on his body.

He looked up into the sky.

I don't know when.

A bright moon appeared in the sky, and

the clear moonlight poured onto the earth.

Those moonlights covered the entire willow forest, and

the leaves of the willow forest shimmered in the moonlight.

"Boy, we're meeting again."

When Liu Xing heard this, he looked to the side.

He was surprised to find

that he wanted to go to the big rock.

A little old man was lying on it.

It was the one Liu Xing saw in the cabin.

"Young man, how do you feel about the scenery here?"

"It's beautiful."

Liu Xing gently spit out these two words.

Although there were only two words,

they revealed all of what Liu Xing was thinking.

Sometimes the simplest word

is the most appropriate description.

"yes, it's beautiful."

The little old man seemed to be very satisfied with the environment here.

Liu Xing glanced at

the little old man, and he found that the little old man's eyes were full of sadness.

"It seems that he has suffered some kind of emotional injury."

"Then I came to this place."

But since the little old man didn't say it,

Liu Xing naturally wouldn't mention it.

Smart people are like this,

see through and do not say broken.

"Young man, come up and have a drink with me tonight."


Liu Xing nodded.

This little old man had no ill will towards him.

And Liu Xing knows that

now he is

the safest to stay by the little old man's side.

After all, that Han Mingming is only the strength of the Golden Ninth Order

, and in the face of this little old man with at least the strength of the first order of the master,

Han Mingming is not even worthy of carrying shoes.

The little old man could easily kill Han Mingming with the touch of his finger like crushing an ant


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