It Is Difficult To Find The Police, Even Pandas Know

44. It Is Difficult To Find The Police, Shushu, Which Has Spread To The Animal Kingdom

"A husky who came to ask for help??"

"Uh...why do I feel a little unreal."

"So I came here to ask for help, no wonder Huskies came to look for Brother Chen."

"No! Why are there not many people in the live broadcast room who feel strange? You know, is this a husky coming to ask for help? Or a husky who has become a wolf king..."

"Actually, it's too strange... The two dumplings also went down the mountain to ask for help. After being sent away, they ran for dozens of kilometers and came back... There is a precedent after that, so it's not so strange..."

"It seems that the difficulty in finding the police has already spread to the animal world. Otherwise, why would there be two dumplings before, and now there is a wolf king husky, and they all come to Brother Chen for help."


After knowing the purpose of Husky.

Many viewers were stunned.

The husky who has become the wolf king knows how to ask someone for help.

So smart, who has seen such a husky.

In the public's impression, Huskies are nothing but fools.

"Erha, lead the way ahead..."

Stuffing the medicine kit into the backpack, Su Chen hugged Xiaotuanzi and shouted.


The husky let out a howl, turned around three times a step and got into the bushes, leading the way for Su Chen in front.

Without thinking too much, Su Chen followed.

Datuanzi quickly got up from the ground.

In its view, free meal tickets can't go wrong.

Free meal tickets cannot be out of its sight.

Da Tuanzi walked faster, ahead of Su Chen, walked into the bushes first, and scouted the way for Su Chen in front.

Su Chen smiled slightly.

In my heart, there was a flash of warmth.

Know that the big dumpling is protecting it.

If the wolves return, and malicious.

The first one to face must be the big group.

I didn't go far with the husky.

Su Chen felt the difference in the forest.

It is already noon time.

In the dense forest, there is nothing to feel.

Only sparse spots of light shine in through the branches and leaves.

The resulting Tyndall effect appears bizarre.

The rotten smell formed by the decomposition of dead branches and leaves is somewhat pungent.

In the irradiated light spots.

Su Chen could vaguely see a trace of mist.

This is the miasma only found in dense forests.

It is harmful to the human body.

In places with dense miasma, it can even be fatal.

"It feels a bit foggy in the forest. Generally speaking, it is not fog, but miasma."

"Miasma is produced by dead branches and leaves, which are corrupted by fungi. It has certain toxins and is dangerous to the human body. It is best to take precautions."

"General miasma will disappear after being irradiated by the sun, and some will remain in places with dense forests. After taking good protection, it will basically not harm the body."

"These are some basic common sense."

As Su Chen said, he took out an alcohol gauze from the medicine box and covered his nose.

"Miasma? This is the first time I've heard of it..."

"It turns out that this is common sense, learned it!!!"

"There are so many dangers in the forest, it's scary..."

"A forest like this is probably a no-man's land, and few people have ever entered it."

"Just looking at the surrounding environment, I am horrified. There are still wolves in this forest. Who knows what other beasts are hiding? If a brain ax jumps out, it is possible."

"Have a golden gradient brain axe? Give me a sliding shovel..."



Xiaotuanzi's nose moved slightly and he couldn't help sneezing.

The smell of alcohol makes it a little disgusting.

Su Chen took out an alcohol gauze to cover his nose.

Under the struggle of Xiaotuanzi.

Su Chen still tied the gauze on its nose.

This is good for the pups to avoid poisoning.

Slight toxin is harmful to cubs.

The strong smell of alcohol made Xiaotuanzi very uncomfortable.

Su Chen was still tied tightly, and it was useless to let it struggle.

When you want to cover the big dumpling with alcohol gauze.

Datuanzi quickly stepped aside and shook his head vigorously.

The smell of alcohol, it does not like very much.

Smelling, the body feels a little uncomfortable.

Su Chen didn't force it.

Datuanzi lives in the mountains all year round.

It is estimated that it has been immune to mild miasma.

If it is harmful to it.

Biological instinct, let it stay away.

As for the relaxed look of the huskies.

Su Chen didn't worry either.

in the process of walking.

Su Chen will leave a mark.

Dense forest, complex environment.

Even if you leave a mark, you may get lost.

If it wasn't for the huskies asking for help.

Nothing, Su Chen is not willing to walk into this kind of forest.

The source of danger is not primarily wild animals.

It is unlucky to meet jackals, tigers and leopards.

There are very few of these beasts in no man's land.

It can only be said to be a different kind of luck to be able to meet.

The main danger comes from the complex environment.

The same dense forest.

It's easy to get lost in it.

There are still problems with the magnetic field in some places.

Even with a compass, you will get lost in it.

Most of the people who disappear in the mountains every year are in this situation. If they are not searched and rescued in time, they will basically become dead bones.

It has now entered the Qinling Mountains.

Although it is only on the edge, it is still in no man's land.

Su Chen also saw traces of wolves walking by.

The footprints are still very new, obviously a few wolves from just now.

The dark forest seemed very silent.

The sounds of all kinds of birds can only be heard from the treetops.

The only sound on the ground is the sound of feet stepping on dead branches.

Walking in this environment, Su Chen is quite comfortable.

Xiaotuanzi lay in Su Chen's arms.

Twisting the panda's head, he looked at the environment curiously.

In addition to being uncomfortable under the alcohol gauze.

Xiaotuanzi didn't feel the slightest discomfort.

As for the big group, it goes without saying.

With her round body twisted, she walks lazily.

Now it just wants to find a place to sleep.

The audience in the live broadcast room was a little uncomfortable.

Most people live in cities.

Where have I seen such an environment...

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