It Is Difficult To Find The Police, Even Pandas Know

8. Sudden Turning Point, It Is Easy To Flash Back

"It suddenly fell down, what happened?"

"Don't scare me? Is there something wrong with Tuanzi?"

" quiet, Black and White Tuanzi is asleep, didn't you hear the snoring?"

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, but also snoring, it turned out to be asleep, and the sudden collapse almost scared me to death, I thought there was something wrong with this guy."

"The toothache is terrible. It is estimated that this giant panda was tortured enough. After taking the painkiller, it is only natural to fall asleep. I had a toothache before and did not have a good rest for several days."

"It turns out that giant pandas snore while sleeping. This is the first time I've seen them. The sound is so loud, like a big fat pig..."

I saw the giant panda suddenly fall down.

The audience in the live broadcast room panicked for a moment.

When you hear snoring.

The sudden turning point made them flinch.

I saw the giant panda sleeping very deeply.

Su Chen took out his mobile phone and reported the edited information to his superiors.

The giant panda is a first-class protected animal, and it is certainly not possible to sit idly by when sick.

Moreover, the canine teeth all have symptoms of inflammation, so it cannot be delayed for too long.

Report it to see how to deal with it.


Shark Live Platform Company Headquarters.

In the office, there was a lot of voices.

All staff members are busy with their own affairs.

"Phew... Fortunately, Brother Chen is fine... so is the dumpling..." Chaoguan Qianqian, who was staring at the screen, breathed a sigh of relief.

As Shark's super management, in addition to managing the live broadcast room, he will also find suitable potential anchors on the platform to sign contracts.

This is what Qianqian is doing.

But this is not the first time for Su Chen to come to this live broadcast room.

Instead, it is the live broadcast room that focuses on.

When she first started paying attention, she was still bored.

However, he was quickly attracted by the beauty of the mountains.

Observe for a while.

I fell in love with Su Chen's live broadcast.

The stickiness of fans made her very happy.

This is definitely an anchor with great potential.

Qianqian quickly made a judgment.

However, Su Chen has not been signed yet.

The reason for Qianqian to stay on the sidelines is simple.

Su Chen belongs to the national civil servants.

It is basically impossible to sign a live broadcast platform.

However, this time she wanted to try.

If there are exceptions, it's certainly worth a try.

Anyway, nothing will be lost.

Qianqian took the tablet and walked towards the general manager's office.

Douyin platform.

Several videos went viral.

The content of the video is that Su Chen met a wild giant panda.

The titles of various UC shock departments have attracted the attention of countless people.

"If you are sick and ask the police, it will spread to the animal world"

"It's Difficult to Find the Police, Even the National Treasure Giant Panda Knows"

The most popular video quickly broke through one million.

There are tens of thousands of comments.

"This little policeman is so brave, he dared to face wild giant pandas."

"It turns out that giant pandas have had such a miserable life in the wild. They are all dirty and have broken teeth. It's really pitiful..."

"Hurry up and contact the relevant people, and take the national treasure dumpling to the relief station for treatment. Otherwise, the black and white dumpling won't taste good. Look at how hungry the poor child is, and how thin his fur is."

"Someone actually calls a panda weighing several hundred kilograms a child? Outrageous..."

"It turned out that it was difficult to find the police, and the national treasure giant panda also knew."


Relevant entries quickly appeared on the hot search.

On Weibo, related topics also appeared, and the popularity soared.

The traffic in Su Chen's live broadcast room began to grow explosively.

From the original number of over 10,000 online, it rapidly increased to 50,000.

And the momentum is still very fierce, and there is no stopping rhythm.

Su Chen had no time to respond.

Instead, I was thinking about how to keep the dumpling.

The matter of Tuanzi has been reported to the higher authorities.

Relevant leaders also attached great importance to it and began to contact experts.

However, specific measures will take time.

After all, things happened too suddenly, it is important to have reaction time.

People who need to connect all aspects need to make some preparations.

Now we have to rely on Su Chen's on-the-spot judgment.

If the giant panda wants to leave.

You can only let it go, it is impossible to force it to stay.

Otherwise, it is easy to have an accident.

Everything is about safety.

This is a death order under the leadership of the bureau.

When Su Chen reported it, the leader was terrified.

Regardless of whether it is a human problem or a national treasure panda, it is a very bad event.

Su Chen was rua thinking about the dumpling.

The soft belly of the gnocchi is nice to the touch.

However, he didn't pay attention to it.

Normally, I would happily rua the dumplings.

You must know that there are very few chances of encountering dumplings.

Not to mention being able to rua dumplings, probably only once.

This dumpling is still very gentle, willing to let strangers start masturbating.

The combined probability is similar to that of Zhongda Lotto.

It's a pity that now, Su Chen's face became more serious.

During the belly of the rua gnocchi.

Su Chen discovered that it was a female giant panda.

Inferred from the size of giant pandas in the Qinling Mountains.

It is indeed a female giant panda.

Su Chen also found that this is a female giant panda during its care.

In other words, there are also small black and white dumplings.

According to the breeding habits of giant pandas.

The little black and white dumpling is only about four or five months old.

Even adult giant pandas are not in good condition.

Not to mention the situation of the little black and white dumpling.

This made Su Chen think more, worrying about the condition of the cub.

He didn't forget to edit the text message in a hurry and report it to the bureau again.

It is almost impossible to keep the national treasure dumpling.

Behavior of female giant pandas during the rearing period.

Su Chen still understands very well.

If not necessary.

Female pandas never leave their cubs.

Su Chen also thought of a situation where the giant panda could be kept.

It's just that the situation is cruel to a mother.

That is the death of the little black and white dumpling.

Su Chen shook his head slightly, shaking this thought out of his head.

I began to think about how to communicate with the giant panda when it woke up, and let it bring the cub over, and let him bring the cub back to the station together.

This is the best solution.

It's just that even Su Chen felt that it was basically impossible.

When a wild female adult giant panda has cubs by her side.

There are two kinds of bears with and without cubs.

As long as strangers, or animals approach.

It will show its violent side.

Even with the talent of [Elementary Animal Affinity], the giant panda will come with its cubs in just a short time of contact.

Su Chen felt that it was basically impossible.

But it's man-made.

Still give it a try.

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