After leaving the Binjiang Zuoan Villa, Wu Liang drove the 918spyder on the road.

Although it was night time, there was still a lot of traffic on the road, and there were also many pedestrians on the sidewalk.

"What a beautiful sports car, so handsome."

"I really want it. I wonder if the driver is a handsome guy or a beautiful girl. If it is a handsome guy, should I flirt with him?"

"Fuck, what about Porsche? It still has to be stuck with my Wuling magic car."

"Porsche 918spyder? We actually have this level of sports car in Lincheng. It's so rare..."

The 918spyder drove on the road, attracting many people's attention.

Some people envied, some were jealous, some praised, and some despised (lemon essence).

Wu Liang was not disgusted or annoyed by the attention from everyone, and he was not surprised by this situation.

Because if it were him, he would subconsciously take a look at the sports car when he saw it on the road.

However, Wu Liang did not have a smile on his face at this time, but was a little depressed.

"It was a mistake, it was a big mistake."

"How can I drive the car to the city? I can't feel the speed of the 918spyder at all."

Wu Liang has a driver's license and can drive, but his driving skills... hehe, poor driving skills.

In the traffic flow, all he can do is drive safely, and he dare not drive fast at all, and the speed is within 30 kilometers per hour.

Is there any difference between this and driving an ordinary car? It's almost like a bullock cart. It's impossible to fully experience the feeling of driving a sports car.

Realize your mistakes, then correct them in time.

Turning at an intersection, Wu Liang drove to the suburbs of Lincheng.

Compared with the city where cars come and go, there are much fewer vehicles on the suburban roads at this time.


Looking at the scattered vehicles on the road, Wu Liang finally got to experience the feeling of a sports car on a road without traffic lights.

He stepped on the accelerator, and Wu Liang's body inertia suddenly leaned back, as if the seat was pushing him forward.

This damn push back feeling was too addictive.

And the 918spyder was like a silver lightning, rushing forward quickly.

It can accelerate from 0 to 100 kilometers in less than 3 seconds, and the maximum speed can reach 325km/h. This is not exaggerated.

"Damn, this is too fast."

For ordinary cars, it takes nearly ten seconds to accelerate from 0 to 100 kilometers under normal circumstances, and the maximum speed is about 180-250.

In addition, Wu Liang did not have much driving experience. The 918spyder reached a speed of 100 kilometers per hour almost the moment the accelerator was stepped on, and the speed was still increasing. He could not adapt at all, and almost lost his grip on the steering wheel.

Fortunately, there was no car in front, otherwise he would have hit it directly.

There was no need to think about the result at that time. The car would most likely be destroyed and killed. Even if he was lucky, he would lose half of his life and his next life would be ruined.

He quickly retracted his feet, and the speed of the car began to slow down, but the speed was still above 100.

This speed may not be a big deal on the highway, but it is very fast on ordinary roads.

If he was caught by the traffic police uncle, he would be fined and deducted points.

"People should not be too arrogant. If they are arrogant, they will die quickly."

Wu Liang was still very self-aware. He drove on the suburban highway just to experience the speed of the sports car himself.

Now that he has experienced it, he can stop.

It is too dangerous to keep running so fast.

Whether he hits the roadside or someone else's car, the consequences will definitely be tragic.

After more than a minute, he completely slowed down the speed of the car, keeping it at about 40 or 50, ready to find an intersection, turn around and drive back.

"Beep, beep..."

Just when Wu Liang came to an intersection where he could turn around and was about to drive the car back to the left bank of the riverside and take a nap.

A horn sounded behind him.

Then he saw a white sports car passing by his car at a very fast speed, rushing a hundred meters in an instant, leaving a taillight for him.

Its speed, according to Wu Liang's judgment based on his own speed just now, must have exceeded 200.

Driving so fast on an ordinary road, aren't you afraid of overturning?

It doesn't matter whether you overturn or not, your behavior is clearly provoking trouble.


"This guy is definitely doing it on purpose, he must be crazy."

Even a clay man can get angry, not to mention Wu Liang, who is a living person.

Looking at the white sports car that almost brushed past his car and almost hit him, Wu Liang was angry and swore.

He stepped on the accelerator and chased after it.

Wu Liang was not angry on the road, but really angry, because the other party's behavior just now was obviously a deliberate provocation.

If it really hit his car, his life would be gone.

"Mr. Chen, the sports car caught up with us."

"It's right to catch up with us. If he doesn't chase us, people will look down on him. It's a waste to let him drive such a good sports car."

"918spyder, this is what I have always wanted to buy, but my old man didn't agree and only gave me more than 2 million, so I had to settle for this Porsche 911."

There was a young man and woman sitting in the white sports car.

The young man was about the same age as Wu Liang, and his face was rebellious.

Listening to the words from the girl next to him, he glanced at the rearview mirror, looked at the 918spyder chasing after him, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Wu Liang was right, the white sports car was intentional just now.

This sports car is the same as Wu Liang's, both are Porsches.

It's just that this white sports car is the more familiar Porsche 911. It's not that everyone knows it, but at least they have heard a lot about it.

But although Wu Liang's 918spyder is better than the 911 in all aspects, not many people hear about it on weekdays, and even fewer people know it.

As an absolute fan of Porsche sports cars, owning a 918spyder has always been Chen Shaoqiang's wish, but he himself has no ability to make money, and the money comes from his parents.

So what he wants to buy is not counted at all.

If his parents don't give him money, what can he buy with?

Donate a kidney?

Even if he sells his two kidneys, it's not enough to buy a fraction of the 918spyder.

He was free tonight, and originally wanted to take this girl he had just hooked up with to a remote place in the suburbs for some outdoor sports to exercise his muscles.

But on the road, he ran into the 918spyder he had been dreaming about.

He was a little envious and felt sour, but when he saw the other party driving slowly on the road, he felt a little unhappy.

Such a good supercar, driving like a bull cart, isn't it a waste?

So he made the dangerous move just now to irritate the other party.

If the other party was not stimulated, then he could only say that the other party was cowardly, and there was no other way.

Now that the other party has caught up, let's play together.

"Porsche 918spyder? His car is more expensive than your Porsche 911?"

"Ignorant woman, 918spyder can buy five or six of my 911s."

Looking at the female companion beside him, Chen Shaoqiang gave her a contemptuous look without concealing it.

This woman is fierce, but she really doesn't have any brains.

As expected, a woman who doesn't belong to the same circle as me, even if she looks good, can only be played with.

The scope of cognition is completely different, and her mouth can only be used to... There is no common language at all...

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