The Red Kite Immortal proved his strength with his strength.

He didn't even need to fight the Pseudo-Hermitor himself!

He easily solved the problem by trapping him in an illusion with Yu Duchen after just one encounter.......

At the same time, he can also heal Cheng Lixue's wounds.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison!

After seeing the interaction between the master and the apprentice, and recalling the previous seven apprentices killing the master!

The audience's disgust for the Taixu Seven Swords has risen to a new level again.......

Only Qin Suyi is a little better than others......

After all, Qin Suyi was planning to stop at the brink of disaster at the beginning.

But she was interrupted by Su Mei.......

On the Starry Sky Train.

San Yueqi was still a little puzzled:"According to the Red Kite Immortal's Yu Duchen......"

"Shouldn't it be possible to easily trap a few disciples in an illusion?"

"Then do it to them!"

"After all, Fu Hua is still too kind."

"This gave the Taixu Seven Swords an opportunity to take advantage......."

Walter said:"Kindness is part of it. Maybe when Fu Hua returned to the mountain......"

"I couldn't believe that these children who lived with me day and night would do this to me."

"You will fall into the trap only when you are caught off guard!"

"After all, although he is called the Red Kite Immortal by many people, he is not a real immortal after all!"

"Fu Hua is, after all, just a warrior fighting against Honkai!"

"It is a fusion warrior from the pre-civilization era!"

"There is not much difference between her and the Valkyrie in the current civilization era!"

"Fu Hua was too relaxed about the overall environment of Taixu Mountain and was caught off guard by the sneak attack!"

"As the only disciples that Fu Hua accepted over the past few thousand years,"

"They may not be unaware that Fu Hua has the ability of Yu Duchen."

Another figure emerged in Walter's mind:"When Cecilia was in Tianming, she often trained with Fu Hua......"

"Fu Hua also told Cecilia how to deal with Yu Duchen"

"So later when Cecilia was dragged into the environment by the Herrscher of the Void, she was able to counter-control the Herrscher of the Void!"

"So I think Fu Hua should have told the seven disciples how to ask Yu Duchen for help in the illusion......."

Dan Heng looked at the light screen and sighed helplessly:"I have taught you everything I can......."twenty two

"As a result, seven people were taught like this"

"Cheng Lixue desperately wanted Fu Hua to recognize her......."

"But it was not until the last moment that I fulfilled my wish......."

Ji Zi also shook her head helplessly:"Yes......"

"Sometimes fate just likes to play tricks on people like this......"

Xing:"But maybe it was because of Cheng Lixue that the void in Fu Hua's heart was filled."

"After seeing Cheng Lixue's efforts, Fu Hua also began to call herself a master."

San Yueqi also nodded with some heartache and said,"But the price of filling this gap is too high."

"Cheng Lixue will die......"

There is no way for people to do this......

After all, this is an established fact that has already happened.......

Walter could only push his glasses and continued,"Keep reading......."

"All of this is what Fu Hua needs to experience"

"There are always disappointments in one’s life......."

"The accumulation of these things makes for a complete life."

"Because the world is not beautiful......"

"Only then will more people work hard to make this world a better place!


Bai Jue looked at Cheng Lixue who was lying in Fu Hua's arms.......

Although Cheng Lixue was saved by Fu Hua in time during the battle with the Pseudo-Herrscher of Flame,......

But then......

She will die even more tragically!......

Bai Jue still chose to tell the story

"The subsequent story is connected with Otto's story......."

"As all the pseudo-lawbreakers are solved"

"Otto and Fu Hua brought Cheng Lixue to the location of the Herrscher of the Sky, Xilin."

"It was the same again. Fu Hua used Yu Duchen to control Xilin in just one encounter!"

"Afterwards, Otto flipped over in Xilin's consciousness"

"After coming out, I saw Xilin was about to wake up!"

"Fu Hua chose to burn all her memories, activated Yu Duchen's first rated power and used the Taixu sword technique to launch the Taixu Sword God!"

"The Taixu Sword God was blocked by the collapsed consciousness, and Xilin survived!"

"Fu Hua was seriously injured again......"

"In order to protect Fu Hua's escape, Cheng Lixue faced the Second Herrscher alone!"

As Bai Jue's voice sounded......

On the live video screen, the scene where Fu Hua was holding Cheng Lixue to heal her wounds gradually disappeared.......

Instead, a new scene appeared! And this new scene happened to be the scene after Otto and Honkai God finished talking!......

Otto, who regained consciousness in reality, covered his head and screamed in pain!

Cheng Lixue was extremely nervous when she saw this scene.

"Your Excellency!"

"What happened to you!!!"

Xilin was lying on the ground with Ruoshui stuck in her chest.......

As Otto screamed......

Xilin held Ruoshui's hilt with both hands and slowly pulled Ruoshui out of her body.

Fu Hua narrowed her eyes and realized that something was wrong:"Oh no!"

"She's waking up......."

If it was Fu Hua who had not experienced the Taixu Incident, her full-strength burst would not be inferior to Xilin at all.......

But now......

Fu Hua was not given any extra time to think!

Xilin, who had originally had a blank look in her eyes, focused her eyes again.

A powerful aura suddenly rushed forward!

Even Fu Hua was pushed back by this powerful aura! Even though Xilin's combat consciousness was weak, she had inherited 30% of the Honkai consciousness.

The size was there.......

The only six-core Herrscher in two civilization eras!

In the center of the explosion, Xilin had woken up and was suspended in the air.

"What God Said......It is these feathers that are influencing my thinking!!!"

The feathers that Yu Duchen used when he launched the attack were caught by Xilin and instantly burned up by the flames.......

Of course, these are not the real Yu Du Chen!

The real Yu Du Chen is still in Fu Hua's body.......

"How dare you fool me, you ant!!!"

After the feather in her hand turned into ashes, Xilin also felt the return of her power.

"As expected, it is these feathers that limit my power!"

"So now......"

"Let me show you the true power of the Herrscher!"

As Xilin woke up, the ground around her began to shake.

Fu Hua, who was standing on the ground, also began to shake.

The war was about to break out!

Xilin used the power of the Herrscher of Reason to simulate the Key of God, the Star of Eden.

She pulled the stones on the ground into the air one by one.

The power of the Herrscher of Fire gave them high-temperature flames!

Just like that, the originally ordinary stones turned into terrifying things like meteorites.

Xilin looked at Fu Hua below:"The vitality of ants is also very tenacious."

"To deal with ants, you really have to burn them clean!"

Fu Hua realized that Yu Duchen's hypnosis on Xilin had failed.

Looking at the fully liberated six-core Herrscher Xilin in the air......

Fu Hua knew very well that if she was allowed to leave this place now, the entire destiny......


Maybe no one in the world can be her opponent....... so......

She must be killed!!!

"The only way to stop her is to burn Yu Duchen......"

"All the past events are buried in this sword!!!"

The scenes of the past five thousand years flashed through Fu Hua's mind.......

Pre-civilization era, Cang Xuan, Dan Zhu, Ji Lin, Taixu Seven Swords, Sherlock Holmes, Cheng Lixue......

As the memory burned, extremely terrifying high-temperature flames appeared around Fu Hua!

The flames condensed into the shape of a phoenix around Fu Hua.

The phoenix looked up to the sky and howled!

It made a sharp and piercing cry! It broke through the clouds and penetrated the past and the present!!!

In Fu Hua's hand, the long sword condensed by memory began to gradually stare!

Seeing this scene, Xilin was stunned:"That is..."……"

At this moment, the phoenix formed by the flames soared into the sky, looking down at Xilin from above!

The arrogance in its giant flame eyes made it not take the Herrscher in front of it seriously.

"Yu Duchen's first rated power!"

""Taixu Sword God!!!"

The giant bird in the sky swooped down, and the flames condensed into a giant long sword!!!

The sky was painted red!!!

The terrifying huge long sword, even the Tower of Babylon under the feet of the Ruler of the Sky seemed insignificant under this sword! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This extremely powerful scene...

The audience in the live broadcast room, even the people in the Starry Sky Universe... were deeply shocked by this sword!

It was as if Bai Jue's live broadcast room had completely leaked the power of this terrifying sword!

At this moment, the audience did not seem to be watching this video.

Instead, they were like Xilin in the video!

Facing this sword directly!

It was okay for the heart to beat violently!

Even the consciousness���He began to tremble...

This feeling!

It was a feeling he had never experienced before when facing any opponent!

Even the Destruction Star God that appeared before!

It was never so outrageous!

【Ahaha: What an amazing sword. Such a powerful person is actually in another world... It would be fun if he came to this world.……】

【Yan Qing: It’s the Taixu Sword Technique! What a powerful sword technique!】[]

【Jing Yuan: Exactly the same as the Marshal’s!】

【Fu Xuan: Yes……】

【Walter: It seems that Xianzhou Marshal Hua is the isomorph of Fu Hua.……】

【Su Shang: Taixu Sword God, is this really possible?】

【Kiana: The squad leader’s sword was clearly through the live broadcast room... why did it feel so real?】

【Theresa: If Sirin didn't have the Honkai consciousness in her body at that time, would she have died?】

【Kevin: have become much stronger in these thousands of years.……】

【Hua: Now I can’t even imagine how powerful this sword is!】

【Yulandel: This move is too terrifying!!!】

【Rita: I feel my soul trembling under this sword……】

【Honkai Bronya: This is the true strength of the Red Tope Sage!】

【Mei: Too bad... I need to burn all my memories.……】

【Mebius: It's not like we can't get it back. The side effects of Yu Duchen are not difficult to eliminate.……】

【Kiana: Really? Then how can we help the monitor regain his memory?】

【Alicia: No, unless Fu Hua herself wants to get those sealed memories back through Yu Duchen.……】

【Walter: Don't worry, Fu Hua will recover all her memories later.】

【Fu Hua: Actually, I think it’s pretty good now.……】

【Mei: It was because of this sword that the squad leader became the squad leader he is now.……】

【March 7: This is horrible!】

【Black Tower: The power of this sword... is very strong!】

【Huang Quan: In Pinocchio's dream, this sword is invincible……】

【Xing: After this sword, Fu Hua will enter the fourth stage - Destiny A Valkyrie!】


In the video!

Xilin saw the sword falling from the sky. Although she was terrified, she still said stubbornly:"Xu......bluff!"

"Attack of a mere ant……"

In the air, Fu Hua's eyes were indifferent

"God is the ultimate in change!"

"The wonder of all things can be described in words, which cannot be expressed in words!"

"This is the fifth essence of Taixu sword energy—the divine essence!"

"It has no form and does not need a form!"

"This sword fills the space, this sword is the space!"

"Therefore, it is everywhere and has advantages in everything!"


"This sword!"

"It is unstoppable!!!"

When the Taixu Sword God fell, Xilin immediately opened the protective shield.

However, the Taixu Sword God directly penetrated the protective shield and hit Xilin's forehead!

The Tower of Babylon below was also split in half in an instant...

A white light flashed in the picture...

The Taixu Sword God went straight to the consciousness space.

In that pure white consciousness space, the collapse consciousness turned into Xilin's appearance and sat on the throne!

Facing the falling Taixu Sword God, he did not show any expression!

Instead, he still let it fall...

In the end, the entire consciousness space exploded!!!

Disintegrated, Fu Hua also weakly spit out a mouthful of blood after launching this move...

After all, the injury was too serious...

Fu Hua looked at Xilin who was fine in front of him, and muttered to himself incomprehensibly:"Taixu Sword God, invisible and boundless......"

"This sword can penetrate any tangible barrier and strike deep into the consciousness.……"

"The part that cannot be felt or recognized……"

"Unable to recognize, and therefore unable to resist……"

"From the inside out, it completely returns to nothingness!"

"This sword, I really hit……"

"But...why didn't the Herrscher disappear?"

"Deep in the Second Herrscher's consciousness, there was some gigantic existence that took the brunt of the attack from the Grand Void Sword God on her behalf!"

"Could this be the God mentioned by the Second Ruler?"

"The root of all Herrschers, the consciousness of collapse itself……"

Finally, Fu Hua fell backwards helplessly.

This sword Fu Hua paid everything, before her consciousness blurred and her memory completely disappeared.

Fu Hua said with a little reluctance:"It's my bad luck.……"

"Or are you not destined to die?"

Fu Hua, who fell backwards, was supported by Walter who suddenly appeared...

Seeing Walter, the audience thought of the nickname again - Yang Wojizuo!

Walter was suppressed by the collapse consciousness, and as the collapse consciousness was cut off!

Walter escaped...

However, this was not Walter's body, but the consciousness body!

In reality, Fu Hua weakly turned back to normal.

No longer maintaining the appearance of the Red Kite Immortal... coughing up blood...

Everything that happened just now, the extremely powerful Taixu Sword God was fighting in his consciousness!

Cheng Lixue immediately supported Fu Hua beside him:"Master!"

"Run away...I failed...Run away……"

"Sorry, I can't remember your name.……"

"But my music can make me feel that you are a very important person to me!"

"So, you have to survive……"

After saying that, Fu Hua fainted and fell into Cheng Lixue's arms.

Cheng Lixue hugged Fu Hua with a smile on his face:"No, Master……"

"This time, I will protect you."

"My Lord, are you feeling better?"

"Please take my master away as soon as possible.……"

"I will hold back the second Herrscher."

Otto did not hesitate, picked up Fu Hua and ran...

Cheng Lixue picked up Ruoshui and walked in the opposite direction with them.

The next moment, the scene changed...

Cheng Lixue was kneeling on the ground with his eyes wide open...

His body was pierced by the Sub-Sky Spear...

The Seven Swords of Taixu killed their master in order to survive...

Cheng Lixue faced the invincible Xilin alone in order to keep his master alive... to delay time……


Recommend a new book in the new book library: Collapse Iron: Social Death Second Creation, I love Wolf Lord at the beginning!.

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