When the last word of Otto's line fell, the video about [Otto's Resurrection] and Theresa's comments after the collapse ended.

Bai Yu also cut into the narration behind the scenes at this time and said

"Now, everyone.........In Theresa's special dream, she saw Otto's resurrection."

"But don't worry......This is not a replica of Otto. He is the real [Resurrection】"

"Of course, this is only in this dream........."

"You don't need to worry.......Is the return of the sinner unfair to the world?"

"But this person's personality is indeed Otto himself."

"Sequel, post-Honkai Otto's story.......I will introduce it to you at another time."

"Next, I will prepare the story of Kiana after the collapse."

Looking at the screen, Otto finally returned again.-.......

Compared to the comments, the audience's surprised voices.

500 years ago in the Far East.

Inside the Yae Shrine in Yae Village........

Kallen, who was staying temporarily, had tears in her eyes again.......Can't speak........

There is a feeling in Kallen's heart......The empty space in her heart was now filled.......Or for Otto......No more words needed

【Kiana: em.......It's over. Watching Otto's return, I felt inexplicably touched.........This is just a dream after all】

【Theresa: No, it doesn’t really matter whether it was a dream or not.........Because the empty space in our hearts has been filled】

【Otto: Yes, kids. That's enough.】

【Walter: But unfortunately......Can't see the whole scene of Otto working overtime】


【March 7: Hiss~~ Actually......I also want to see Otto working overtime.】

【Bronya: But, I just heard Bai Yu's reminder.......The next video seems to be about Kiana's story】

【Mei Raiden: We all appeared in the post-Honkai Impact 3rd before........But only Kiana is........】

【Otto: Well, this is indeed worth looking forward to.】

【Trail Blazers: I have a feeling this won't be a fun story.........】

【Xingqiong Jizi: But seeing the future, growing up, growing up.......And it's a good thing that Kiana can stand on her own.】

【Walter: That’s true.】

【Kevin: Then let’s take a look at Kiana after the collapse.........】

During the discussion among the audience,

Bai Yu, the narrator behind the screen, also began to popularize science for everyone.

"In the subsequent collapse story......I am going to describe Kiana's new identity to you."

"【The End Has Come】

【On the quiet moon, the last Herrscher stopped】

【At this moment, she firmly opened her arms, shouldering the fate of mankind, eternal truth and hope for the future with her own strength. She also marked the end of her journey.

With extraordinary courage, she took all the authority of the Herrscher into her pocket. With fearless determination, she brought the greatest peace to the world.

That was an ending that could not have been reached.

That was a miracle created by a heart that yearned for beauty.

The white-haired girl said goodbye to yesterday with a smile.】

【Kiana's identity after the collapse.......The Herrscher of the End who fights for human civilization】!"

When Bai Yu said this, (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!).........

The entire Collapse world was shocked!

【Kiana: Wait!!! My future self........Is the"Lawyer of the End""!!??】

【Bronya: Herrscher of the Void, Herrscher of the Flame........To the end of the Herrscher........】

【Mei Raiden: Has Kiana from our world also become the"end"?.......Since this is a post-Honkai Impact 3rd story, it means that we have successfully crossed the Honkai Impact 3rd.........Kiana is the"end" fighting for human civilization.........】

【Kevin: It's exactly the same as the world of Honkai Impact 2."........She is a hero of human civilization】

【March 7: Hiss~~~It's completely different from the world of Honkai Impact 2.】

【Walter: Yeah........Without the special existence of Kiana, our civilization would not be able to survive the collapse.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: The child in the world of Honkai Impact 3 is indeed a little different】

【Dr. Mei: I didn’t expect that.........""The End" can also become a strength for mankind】

【Alicia: Hey~~~This is the scene I want to see, Ellie.】

【Otto: It was a surprise........But judging from Bai Yu's expression, it seems that he is not going to play the video yet.........He will tell us a popular science story next. 】

Just like what Otto said just now[]

Bai Yu's popular science is not over yet.

He continues to introduce the post-Honkai Impact 3 to the audience behind the scenes.........


It should be said that the background story of"Honkai Impact 1.5" is popularized

"In fact, what you don’t know is........."

"In the world of Honkai Impact 3, the selection mechanism of the End Cocoon is not only on Earth. When Kevin devoured the dream of the Honkai Beast, he saw other planets in the solar system, indicating that the End had also embraced these planets. Among them, Venus and Mars both mentioned that"the work of the End has long been completed", Venus was left with a dead silence, and Mars only left a large number of world bubbles as the last sound"

"On Venus........In the past, Freusa had also encountered a test similar to that of the Herrscher. In the process of fighting against the collapse (which Freusa called the Abyss), researchers found a way to use the energy of the Quantum Sea, hoping to use the endless energy in it to���Disaster resistance"

"However, as a representative of that civilization........

Vita believed that the energy obtained from the sea by induction alone was too little, so she proposed to use the [Spiritual Consciousness] system developed by Deputy Director Mara to access the thoughts of all life on the entire planet to calculate the future of mankind and grab more energy from the sea.

But soon, the Herrscher of Erosion belonging to Freusa discovered and invaded their digital space, and Freusa once again suffered a disastrous defeat.

Faced with such a tragic ending, Mara suggested that they could abandon Freusa and find a new home, but was rejected by Vita. She was unwilling to abandon the people on Freusa, nor was she willing to let their past struggles and sacrifices go to waste. Therefore, she decided to completely liberate the power limit of the spiritual consciousness system, attract the energy in the sea to the greatest extent, and bet on the future of all human beings in Freusa in exchange for a victorious outcome."

"She succeeded, but also failed. The collapse did fade from Flusha, as civilization also disappeared in the sea tide, and only Vita survived. The Quantum Sea responded to their prayers, granting Vita, as a lucky person, miraculous powers and strength, so that her body would never age again. After the collapse, Vita perfected the ecological simulation system on her own, and uploaded the backup of the will of the Flusha people preserved by the spiritual consciousness system."

"After a long meditation, Vita found a way to truly save Vlusha: she would board the Star Crosser with the will of all Vlusha people, dive into the depths of the sea to find a place that the end could not reach, and build a new civilization there. She decided to abandon her cowardly past and emotions, and even abandon the name Vita, and instead transform into a Sa, endlessly devouring energy until she and the civilization she created became eternal."

"That is to say........On the civilization of Venus........A being similar to the [Cocoon of the End] was born"

"After the Star Crosser sailed for a long time, Suo arrived at the border of the solar system, but was unable to completely leave the solar system due to the imaginary tides that isolated the galaxy.

The idea of completely escaping from the Cocoon of the End failed, and Suo had to use his final plan - he wanted to turn himself into a parasitic plant in the quantum sea, constantly absorbing the energy in the sea until he could surpass the Cocoon of the End, touch the Imaginary Tree before it, and finally replace the Cocoon of the End and establish new rules.


"She believes that only in this way can we truly defeat the Cocoon of the End and ensure the eternal existence of the Flusha civilization."

"This also means........"

"In the post-Houkai story, there is an ultimate battle between Kiana, the Herrscher of the End, and [Evil God Suo]!!".

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