"That's Tiernan……"

Jizi looked at the hunched figure on the screen.

The former guard of the Star Train - Tiernan!

Now he looks like this. What has he experienced in these years after leaving Pinocchio?

Why is he in this place?


Ji Zi looked at the creepy sea.

No matter how much she had experienced, the scene on the sea made her feel a little creepy!

Because on the screen, there were arms struggling upwards, as if they wanted to leave the sea in this way.

And in the sky, there was a black ball.

I don't know where it was.

San Yue Qi said with some fear:"Does ghosts really exist in our universe?"

"And what about those things on the sea?"

"It looks so scary."

Dan Heng looked at the scene on the screen.

"If Tie Ernan is dead, then the person next to Huang Quan is also called You..."

"Maybe it was some kind of power that made him stay alive in some way even after his death."

"And those things on the sea......"

"Maybe it's what the host just mentioned......."

"Tiernan's comrades and partners"

"Is that so?"

I don't know why.

San Yueqi suddenly felt a little less scared.

Maybe it was because he could feel that those friends of Tie Ernan were all heroes.

So they wouldn't be so scary.

But no matter what, Tie Ernan at this time was not a real living person. This was basically confirmed in Bai Jue's words.......

Almost all the audience were curious about Tiernan's state.

What kind of obsession is this?......

Why did he stay here?

On the other side,

Huang Quan looked at this scene, her eyes moved.

Then she returned to normal.

This was exactly what she had experienced not long ago.

"Look at your past self from this perspective......"

"It feels a bit strange......."

In the video,

Huang Quan looked at the rain in the sky and said,"This rain......"

"How long has it lasted?"

Tiernan replied:"I used to hope, just like you, that it would stop one day."

"Years and decades passed like this......."

"at last......"

"I hope the rain ends sooner than this one......440"

"It seems that the God you are talking about does not exist....."

When Tiernan said this, he looked deeply at the sea, at the hazy hands that stretched out from the sea, one by one, towards the sky.......

Tiernan continued:"Let me tell you a story......."

"The path of life for mortals is like a boat crossing the water."

"Leaving a winding trail behind!"

"Pushing forward the ripples of countless possibilities"

"Compared to the fleeting life of a human being, these waves will take a long time to subside......."

"And for some of them, the traces of their existence are too strong!"

"So much so that they left their own reflections in these clusters of waves!"

Huang Quan looked at those hands:"Just like those shadows on the sea?"

Tiernan said their identities:"Blood Guilty Spirits......"

"The obsession of the destiny walker!"

"They were born from the shadows of IX"

"Considering oneself as the victim, unconsciously repeating the deceased's behavior"

"They were born from nothingness and go to nothingness"

"Live a meaningless life"

"But it's just a bunch of empty phantoms......"

".....But he was once my important partner!"

"group......"Patrol Rangers!"

As Tiernan told the story, everyone got a glimpse of the tragic war!

A group of patrol rangers and Tiernan fought against the extinction lord Zhuluo together!

In the end, all the patrol rangers died.

The universe also witnessed the fall of Zhuluo.

And the price was......

At this moment, in front of Huang Quan......

The Sea Ranger is a fate walker who walks on the hunting path.

The hunting will never subside until the end of life.

It is because of this that the Sea Rangers who participated in the sensational war turned into bloody sin spirits after their death!

In Tiernan's view, they were all heroes in their lifetime and should not become puppets of nothingness after death.

So he wants to save them here!

The two also discussed the meaning of nothingness together.

The audience looked at these two people.

Their mood became complicated.......

A hometown was destroyed because of the nothingness.

A companion became a bloody ghost because of the existence of nothingness, and spent the rest of his life constantly saving his companion.

But obviously......

What Tiernan can do is just a drop in the bucket.

What makes the audience feel even more sad is that Tiernan at this time is also a bloody sin spirit!

He is also repeating what he did in his lifetime.

He keeps praying for his companions.

But he doesn't realize that he is also a bloody sin spirit.......

It was just to fulfill his strong obsession of wanting to liberate all his companions before he died!

【March 7: Tiernan......He himself is also a bloody spirit, right?】

【Fu Xuan: Yes, but he obviously didn’t realize this fact.】

【Mei: It's because the obsession to save my friend is too strong.】

【Su: Yes, to the point that he even forgot that he was also a bloody sinner.】

【Mei: After Huang Quan appears and helps him fulfill his obsessions in his lifetime, he will remember them.】

【Bottiou: So......That's what happened......】

【Black Tower: Because Huang Quan is a self-destructor, he can enter this place to help Tie Ernan】

【Ester: Tiernan is so handsome! (crying with emotion)】

【Theresa: This is a true hero.......】

【ScrewGum: That incident really shocked the world and directly led to the death of a Destroyer.】

【Otto: The three people on the Star Train have such an unfortunate fate.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Yes, the three of them disappeared one after another. I didn’t expect that they had experienced so many things.】

【Dan Heng: It seems that we can put an end to their information now.】

【Mei: Huang Quan is really amazing, he can even do something like this】

【Huang Quan: Because I also want to reach the end of nothingness......】

【Kafka: Then I wish you success.......】

Bai Jue looked at the comments, then glanced at the video that had already ended.

He slowly said,"Maybe it's God's will!"

"Huang Quan wanted to help Tiernan fulfill his wish, so he went to the event star Pinoconi."

"Participated in the liberation war of Pinocchio in another way"

"How can this not be considered as the reinforcements that Tiernan invited for Mikhail?"

"From now on, we have basically understood the characters we want to know before entering the story of Pinocchio."

"Next, it’s the real journey of Pinocchio!"

Bai Jue's words pulled the audience out of the sad atmosphere.

Then Bai Jue continued to narrate:"Pinocchio was taken over by the Oak family."

"And the people of this family are essentially the remnants of order."

"Under the influence of the star core, they decided to use Pinocchio's dream as the basis"

"Resurrect the Star God Taiyi!!!"

"Taiyi, the star god of order, was devoured by Xi Pei, the star god of harmony, because his destiny was too narrow." (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But the Order Star God still has a group of die-hard fans in the family"

"This is the Oak family that now controls the entire Pinocchio"

"The current head of the Oak family, Sunday from the Tianhuan tribe, is the biggest boss in Pino Connie this time!"

"He also has a sister named Robin, who will also be a very important character in our next story.[]

Robin and Sunday both appeared in the live broadcast room.

They were placed in front of each viewer.

Sunday was wearing a white suit and a golden ring on his head. He also had a pair of......

Chicken wings?

The robin standing next to him was wearing a purple and white dress.

He had long light blue hair that looked like a waterfall. He had a halo on his head.

He also had a pair of chicken wings behind his ears.......

Bai Jue continued:"As a younger sister, Robin has the ideal of protecting more people."

"I believe that while the strong protect the weak, they should also give the weak freedom (bddc) to fly with all their strength"

"Sunday believes that the reason there is so much hurt and pain in this world is because"

"The reason is that there is no order, so a new order needs to be established."

"And dreams are the best place to establish order."

"Only by bringing the happiness of all beings under a single order can we avoid injustice."

At this point,

Bai Jue couldn't help but think of Sunday's seven-day rest theory.

It can be said that under the influence of the star core,

Sunday completely became a person who wanted to dominate others.

He naively thought that only in this case, the world would be peaceful.

In fact,......

Totally impossible!

【Black Tower: As expected, once affected by the star core, people's thoughts will become much more radical.】

【Otto: There is nothing wrong with establishing order, but order itself must also be constantly challenged and changed.】

【Theresa: To put it bluntly, this guy just wants to suppress everyone and make everyone live according to his ideas.】

【Kiana: How is this possible?】

【Mei: The idea is indeed too simple, but it is often this kind of simple idea that is the most dangerous.】

【March 7: This guy's idea is too simple】

【Star Dome Bronya: This scene seems familiar......】

【Screw Gumm: The remnants of order have been contaminated by the star core to this extent. It is really puzzling. 】

Bai Jue smiled and said:"My smart audience obviously understands how unfeasible this method is.��"

"Sunday had already decided to do this."

"Naturally, it will rush along this road"

"With the arrival of the Starry Sky Train, under the guidance of Mikhail and others, they gradually explored the dreamland."

"Finally found out that Pinocchio was a scam from the beginning"

"Everyone thinks that they can only truly enter a dream after registering at the Daydream Hotel."

"In fact, this is not the case. Everyone has been dreaming since they set foot in the Asdena galaxy!"

"In other words, Pinocchio's dream covers the entire galaxy!"

"Later, Xing and others were dragged into a deeper dream, and in the final battle with Sunday, they were also dragged into a deeper dream."

"Fortunately, the flaw was discovered, and those who were able to fight Sunday woke up from their dreams one by one."

"But because the scope of this dream is so vast, waking up is useless."

"If we want to truly break the impasse of Pinocchio, we must awaken the dream covering the entire galaxy!"

Bai Jue remembered the scene when everyone broke the dream together.

It was so cool!

A sea ranger with thousands of wills.

A sword that cuts through the underworld of dreams!

"And as I said before, Huangquan is very important in this story."

"Because the key to breaking the dream in the end was that Huang Quan cut the entire dream with just one knife."

"And in this knife, we can also use Huang Quan's memories......"

"I know Huang Quan’s real name!"

【Kiana: Huang Quan's real name? Isn't Huang Quan's name Huang Quan?】

【Bronia: Could it be that......】

【Walter: No way.......】

【Heita: So......Huang Quan is a nickname?】

【Kevin: The power of one sword can cover an entire galaxy!! ?】

【Sue: How powerful is this?】

【ScrewGum: This kind of strength has surpassed that of ordinary self-destructors, right?】

【Huang Quan: Maybe......】

【Otto: There is actually another name......】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Maybe because of the self-destructor, Huang Quan's memory is blurred, so Huang Quan's name is mentioned specifically.】

【Mei: Name......It's really important! 】

While the audience was discussing Huang Quan's real name, the video in the live broadcast room was played again.

It was still Huang Quan and Tie Ernan standing on the beach.

But this time it was a little different. That was the shadow on the sea in the distance, which had broken free from the sea surface and rushed towards the black ball in the sky.......

They were transcended.......

And Tie Ernan is obviously a bloody sin spirit, and will repeat what happened before.

But this time, the conversation between Huang Quan and Tie Ernan has changed.

It became Tie Ernan looking at the rain and asking Huang Quan:"What happened to this rain?"......How long has it been going on?"

The conversation between the two was completely reversed.

Huang Quan was answering Tie Ernan's question. Huang Quan told Tie

Ernan what Tie Ernan had told her before. But there was one sentence that was changed. That is, the bloody souls of those patrol rangers have been liberated.

"The hunting determination will not subside until the end of life!"

"But fortunately......"

"We finally extradited these souls!"

"They were heroes in their lifetime and will never become puppets of nothingness again!"


"The shadows on the sea have all disappeared."

"Do you remember?"

"you said before......Wait for the regret coefficient of the deceased to subside......"


"......It cleared up......."

It was still raining in the sky at this time.

That meant that there were still regrets of the dead that had not been resolved.

All the bloody sin spirits on the sea were liberated.......

There is only one bloody sin spirit left.......

Tiernan was also somewhat puzzled and said:"But......"

"The rain still hasn't stopped......"

Huang Quan nodded:"Yes......"

"So, why is that?"

"Why did this rain choose me?"

Tiernan still didn't react.

Huang Quan said:"Maybe it's because some people's regrets have not been resolved......."


Under Huang Quan's guidance,

Tie Ernan was stunned for a moment, then smiled with relief:"So that's how it is......."

"I......Already dead......"

When Tie Ernan realized that he was dead, the entire sea surface suddenly became empty and turned blood red.

Huang Quan also turned white hair, holding a gun in his hand.

A layer of black smoke appeared on Tie Ernan's body.

Just like the shadows on the sea surface before...

When Tie Ernan said that sentence, the audience in the live broadcast room also felt their hearts tighten.……


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