"It turns out that during my transformation, the armor on Kiana's body, the cape and the ponytail behind her are all manifestations of the power of her partners....

They helped Kiana regain her looks and overcome the pain.......

The battle with the Ruler of Rule ended with Kiana's outburst.......

The Ruler of the Ruler was completely engulfed in flames.

As the battle ended, Kiana also entered the depths of the Ruler of the Ruler's heart.

Although it was so huge and ferocious on the outside, it was still the weak puppet inside.......

During the conversation, the Ruler of Rule still only talked big and refused to admit his failure.......

As this video ends......

The audience still felt unsatisfied.

At the Destiny Headquarters,

Yulandel looked at Kiana's growth and said with a smile:"Kiana's growth is really rapid......."

"This kind of Kiana should be stronger than me......."

"I remember Kiana said before that she wanted to become the strongest Valkyrie, right?"

Rita nodded:"Yes, that is Kiana's wish......."

"Becoming the Herrscher of the Fire Flame has already been achieved in terms of strength."

Yulandel smiled again:"She has grown into a very good Valkyrie......."

"The companions around her have all grown up with her."

Otto smiled faintly:"See, I told you so long ago"

"Human emotions and the love between people are the greatest power!!!"

"Even the power of the Herrscher cannot change it."Looking at Kiana's growth

, Otto was very happy. His theory was finally confirmed.

And at this time, Kiana, in Otto's eyes, was the perfect experiment.......

Youlandel seemed to see through Otto's thoughts.

So she said,"Bishop, as I said before."

"Kiana is an independent individual with his own partners and stories."

"Not your experiment......."

Facing Youlandel's attitude,

Otto just smiled and said indifferently:"Okay......."

"I have corrected my address to Kiana"

"And I will personally watch this battle in the future."

15"You should believe me, Yulandel......"

Yulandel glanced at Otto and said,"Bishop, it doesn't matter whether I believe you or not."

"Don't forget that the captain is commenting on you now."

"When Kiana's story is over, the focus of the live broadcast will return to you."

Otto shrugged indifferently:"Of course I know......"

In the live broadcast space.

Bai Jue looked at the last scene, and there was no useful information.

To put it bluntly, it was just the last talk of the Ruler of Domination.

After turning off the CG of the Ruler of Fire and Flame.

Bai Jue continued to say to the audience in the live broadcast room:"Kiana transformed into the Ruler of Fire and Flame, and returned to St. Freya Academy with her companions."

"When Kiana's last sword fell, Otto stole the core of the Ruler of Rule as he wished."

"And had a second conversation with the Honkai consciousness!"

"And in this conversation......"

"Otto has reached a cooperation with Honkai Consciousness!!!"

"From then on, Otto started his plan!!!"

Bai Jue emphasized the word cooperation.

In the pre-civilization era, when the word cooperation was heard, several doctors and others were surprised....... when......

This Honkai consciousness has become so easy to talk to?

It was not like this when Otto came to him before.

Why did he suddenly cooperate with Otto?

Mei thought about it and thought of a possibility!

"The consciousness of collapse has always been looking down upon the development of human civilization."

"As long as the development of human civilization does not conform to the path planned by the collapse"

"Collapse will destroy human civilization"

"And this time they will cooperate with Otto, which means......"

"This time, even the Honkai consciousness itself believes that humans may be able to defeat him!"

"The cooperation with Otto is an opportunity to re-plan the development of human civilization!"

Mei can roughly guess the reason why Honkai Consciousness agreed to cooperate.

Mobius looked at the screen:"Mei......"

"Honkai Consciousness agrees to cooperate, I think it should be related to the Stigma Project......"

Mei thought about it for a while, then nodded:"Well, there is such a possibility!"

"This is the worst plan......"

"To some extent, it can indeed destroy the idea of Honkai consciousness to plan human civilization......."

"But why does Otto want to cooperate with the Honkai consciousness?"

"How will this help him revive Kallen?"

After Bai Jue's explanation, everyone was very clear about one thing.......

That's what's happening now!

Otto is doing this to revive Kallen!

Everyone is confused, what does cooperating with Honkai consciousness have to do with reviving Kallen?......

And from this paragraph......

Otto would choose to cooperate with Honkai consciousness instead of asking Honkai consciousness to help revive Kallen.

That can explain one thing.......

Even if the collapse is complete, it is impossible to revive a dead person!

If that is the case, then what is the significance of Otto's cooperation this time?

Padovich:"Oh, I am a little dizzy......."

"What on earth is going on here?"

Ailishia:"Otto's plan is so big that his current plan is just the tip of the iceberg."

"So let’s keep watching......."

"Let's see what the captain says next......."

Su nodded:"Indeed, Otto's plan has revealed too little of its plan now."

"So we still have to continue watching Otto's story......"

"Only when this���The more loopholes in the plan, the more details we can get!"

Aponia:"From these details, we can infer the whole of Otto's real plan......."

The audience on the barrage were also full of surprise that Otto could cooperate with Honkai consciousness.......

【March 7: It seems that the so-called Honkai consciousness is not that difficult to talk to.......】

【Xing: I was humiliated like that last time, but I can still find him this time】

【Black Tower: Otto is indeed a complicated person.......】

【Theresa: Grandpa, this guy! He actually cooperated with Honkai. In order to revive Kallen, he has to help Honkai destroy humans?】

【Mei: Maybe......】

【Su Shang: If that's the case, this person is really terrible.】

【Walter: He has always been terrible, the most dangerous human being!】

【Pam: It seems like kicking that guy off the train was the right decision】

【ScrewGum: So what is the content and purpose of the cooperation?】

【Mebius: I think Otto must have given Honkai an offer that he couldn't refuse.】

【Fu Hua: Could it be that Otto really betrayed all of humanity?】

【Otto: Don't ask me, I don't know either, after all, that's my future self】

【Kiana: Otto is a bad guy after all.】

【Gui Naifen: Host, please tell us, what is the content of the cooperation?】

【Bai Lu: Anyone who cooperates with a bad guy must also be a bad guy】

【Kafka: Not necessarily.......Maybe it's just that the interests of both parties have reached a consensus.......】

【Honkai Jizi: Bishop Otto is really becoming more and more difficult to understand. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Honkai Bronya: Honkai's interests have always been to destroy humanity, so Otto's cooperation may be related to this aspect.】

【Su: But Otto is also a human being, isn’t he?】

【Kevin: Humans and Honkai Collaboration......】

Bai Jue looked at the discussion in the barrage and continued to explain:"In fact, it doesn't matter what the content of the cooperation between Otto and Honkai Consciousness is."

"What's important is the next story......"

"When I’m done, you’ll be able to guess what Otto’s plan is!"

"In the Herrscher's Core's consciousness, Otto, who had reached a cooperation with Honkai, returned to Destiny."

"And using the technology of Domination Theater and Destiny, he successfully completed the experiment of connecting the World Bubble to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers!"

"At this point, the Otto Project has entered its second phase!!!"[]

"After proving the feasibility of the plan, Otto launched a global live broadcast to reveal the truth of the collapse to the world."

"At the same time, Otto resigned as Archbishop of the Providence"

"And appointed Theresa Apocalis to take over his position as Archbishop."

"At the same time, using the whereabouts of the control core on his body as bait, he lured everyone from St. Freya Academy to a place called Klosten Town."

"With the power of Otto and the power of the Second God Key, the Thousand Worlds One"

"Otto restored the 500-year-old town of Klosten���At the Domination Theater, the town of Klosten 500 years ago was projected into reality."

"From now on, the stage has been set for Otto to carry out his plan!"

"Everyone also gathered together in this small town from 500 years ago!"

"Let's walk into the stage and script set by Otto......"

The audience listened to Bai Jue's story......

It's a bit unbelievable!

Otto actually projected something from 500 years ago to the modern era through this way of reselling ? This is totally playing with time!

With such powerful abilities, what is the strength of Otto at this moment? Otto, who made a deal with Honkai , what other purpose does he have besides resurrecting Kallen? Looking at the increasingly confused audience on the barrage , Bai Jue smiled faintly.

When reading these chapters, Bai Jue himself was also confused.

Until the end, Otto's real plan and purpose appeared.

Everything was reversed, and the stroke of genius made the whole story reach an unprecedented sublimation.

It also completely reversed Otto's character!

Bai Jue continued:"A lot of things happened in this process.

The three S-class Valkyries of Destiny were all dispatched under Otto's orders.


"Although Youlandel has always obeyed Otto's orders"

"But I also have my own ideas"

"As the strongest S-class Valkyrie of destiny, Yulandel is extremely excellent in every aspect."

"Otto is both a teacher and a friend to Yulandel, and also a lifesaver."

"Therefore, Yulandel decided to ask Otto's real purpose in person."

"Then stop Otto and bring him to Theresa......."

"In response to Yulan Daier's questioning, Otto also revealed his next plan in full!"

Bai Jue moved his hand.

Yulan Daier appeared in front of the audience holding the Black Abyss White Flower.

"This is Bianca Yulandel Atagena!"

【Rita: The portrait of Lady Yulandel is really beautiful.……】

【Kiana: Is she the strongest S-class Valkyrie?】

【Honkai Himeko: She is the strongest S-class Valkyrie in history, and also the youngest S-class Valkyrie!】

【Mei: It is said that his strength is the secret weapon used by Destiny to deal with the Herrscher!】

【Theresa: Grandpa, will you give me the position of archbishop in the future?】

【Otto: Of course... You are originally from the Apocalis family, so it is only natural for you to inherit the position of Archbishop of Heaven's Mandate!】

【Walter: Theresa... Later you did become the Archbishop of Heaven's Will.】

【Kiana: If my future aunt becomes a bishop, I will be worried about Tianming's future!】

【Padua Felice: Hahaha, Kiana, Theresa will beat you up if you say that.】

【Yulandel: The bishop will pass the position of Archbishop of Destiny to Theresa, which means that the bishop will not come back next.】

【March 7: What kind of ability is this? Can it bring things from the past into the present?】

【Portio: Why do they feel similar to the bullets of our Sea Ranger?……】

850【Mei: Every step Otto takes is so unexpected】

【Black Tower: Moving things from the past to the imaginary space, and then projecting them into reality... How daring!】

【ScrewGum: It seems that the world of Honkai Impact 3rd is not as weak as I thought. You can already touch the tree of imaginary numbers.......】

【Jing Yuan: Otto is about to reveal his real plan】

【Theresa: Grandpa, if you want to destroy the world, what's the point of giving me the position of Archbishop of Destiny?】

【Tesla: Maybe I just want you to experience the thrill of becoming an archbishop.】

【Einstein: Not necessarily... Although Otto is annoying, none of his decisions are redundant.】

【Ester: The affirmation from your opponent is the most pertinent!】


The audience discussed while looking at the live broadcast.

At this time, Bai Jue had already released the video that had just been edited.

It was the part where Yulandel confronted Otto.

It was also in this part that Otto told Yulandel about his plan and purpose.

Therefore, the audience's discussion of the barrage gradually became less and less.

They all looked at the live video.

They all wanted to know... what exactly is Otto's plan!

It takes such a long preparation process! He even played with time...

In the video,

Yulandel pushed open the door of a church.

Although it is already very dilapidated, it can still be seen that this place was once glorious.

As soon as the door was pushed open and entered, Otto was seen standing there in a white dress.

It may be because he became the Ruler of Domination.

One of Otto's arms turned black and gold.

But these did not hinder Otto's own temperament.

Yulandel walked towards Otto, and Otto did not seem to be surprised by Yulandel's arrival. He could even greet her jokingly:"Welcome, my dear friend of different ages."......"

"Destiny's premier S-class Valkyrie!"

"......If only it were an hour earlier!"

"I will definitely come to greet you like that, Yulandel......"

Yulandel did not continue to follow Otto's words.

Instead, she said straight to the point:"Someone told me that you might be in the next plan......."

"Destroy the present and re-choose the past!"

"What does that mean?"

Otto laughed and said,"From what you quoted, I think Changguang told you......."


Listening to the conversation between Youlan Daier and Otto, the faces of the audience in front of the screen kept changing.

Finally, after watching this segment, the audience in the live broadcast room finally understood Otto's purpose.......

【March 7: Is Otto crazy?】

【Black Tower: Let the whole world go back 500 years in time, just to save Kallen?】

【Rakshasa: Can such a thing be done?】

【ScrewGum: What a crazy idea!】


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