"That's a star god......."

"It looks like a lot of fun!"

"There's no high-handedness at all......."

Padofelice looked at Aha's comments.

Her eyes were full of curiosity!

She had seen the god of harmony, Hippie, and the god of destruction, Nanook, in the live broadcast room before!

These two gods left a deep impression on them....

But none of them were as shocking as the sudden appearance of Aha!

When I first saw Aha's comments, I thought he was a person who had been lurking around the screen.......

When the people in the Starry Universe showed such a violent reaction, everyone realized that things were not simple.......

Until someone said that this was a star god!

Everyone was shocked.

Alicia said curiously:"Happy Star God......"

"Can even pleasure become destiny?"

Mei thought for a moment:"The naming of destiny is similar to the naming of power......."


"Could it be that this Star God is in charge of something happy?"

Eden looked at Aha's comments and said,"It can be seen that he is indeed a Star God who likes to smile very much......."

"You can tell from the tone of his voice......."

Wei Wei:"But don’t ignore what Walter said!"

"This guy is a troublesome guy!"

"Since Walter could say such a thing, this Star God must not be a good person......."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Walter was not the kind of person who would let go without reason.

Since he said so, it proved that this Star God was not as simple as everyone imagined.......

And Bai Jue also said that Ah Ha was indeed Otto's predecessor!

He rushed through the Imaginary Number Tree before Otto and climbed to the top of the tree.......

Mobius's pupils flickered with light:"So what is his purpose in doing this?"

Mei continued to watch the video screen in the live broadcast room:"Whatever it is, we can't know the truth now!"

"Let's continue to see what Otto will do next......."

"Maybe Otto's behavior can help us better understand more about the tree of imaginary numbers......."

Mei raised her head and looked at everyone:"Perhaps we will also have new opportunities......"

Everyone's face suddenly became serious!

New Opportunity......

The meaning is very clear!

That is the chance to defeat Honkai!

The existence of the Imaginary Number Tree is much more powerful than Honkai!

As a top scientist!

One of the smartest people in the pre-civilization era.

Mei believes that through Otto's story this time, she can discover more secrets about the Imaginary Number Tree!!!

In the present civilization era!

Kiana also said something similar to Padufils:"This Star God looks much better than that Star God of Destruction Nanook!"

"But the name of this destiny......"

"Why do I feel like laughing after reading this?"

Bronya looked at the comments and said,"Well, Bronya also thinks this person doesn't look like a Star God......."

"Instead, it's more like a guy who suddenly appeared......."

"But the captain and the audience of Star Universe all said that this is a star god."

"Naturally, there is no objection!"

Mei said in surprise:"I didn't expect......"

"Even happiness can become fate......"

Kiana said curiously:"Happy destiny?"

"Aren’t all the people on this path very happy?"

"That's a very good fate!"

Fu Hua looked at the light screen:"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Mr. Walter also said that this is a very troublesome star god!"

"So I think this fate may not be as good as I imagined......."

"But now, let's keep our eyes on Otto."

Destiny Headquarters! Yulandel and Rita were also surprised by the appearance of the Star God. Rita looked at the comments on the screen and said slowly:"So it seems that the other two Star Gods who appeared just now may be!


"Including other star gods in the Starry Universe are also in the live broadcast room!"

"They were just diving and didn't show up......."

Youlandel said:"There is another possibility, that they are simply not interested in the stories of our world."

"The captain also said before that destiny will make a Star God and will also bind the Star God!"

"They will continue to do things that are in line with their destiny!"

"So I think watching live broadcasts is not suitable for most Star Gods......."

The two looked at Otto and found that Otto did not discuss much about Aha's appearance.......

I've been watching the video in the live room!

If Ahaha appeared in the previous video......

Maybe Otto would be interested.......

But now the only thing Otto wants to know is whether his plan succeeded!!!

Looking at the live video, he is staggering but still moving towards the tree of imaginary numbers.......

Otto's eyes also showed a hint of nervousness:"Next......"

"As long as you touch the tree of imaginary numbers, you will succeed!"

He knew very well what the key to success was.......

At the same time, he also understood that he was not truly successful until he saw his own success.......

Aha's appearance surprised everyone!

But this time the protagonist of the story is Otto. After a short period of surprise and shock!

The audience once again focused their attention on the lonely back!

In the video, because of the previous injury, Otto's steps towards the tree of imaginary numbers became difficult.

He almost dragged his body forward.......

At this moment, Otto no longer looked like the Archbishop of Destiny or the mastermind behind the scenes!

He looked like a man who was struggling!

He no longer had the power and tyranny of a false god!

However, all the audience also understood one thing very clearly.......

That is more satisfying than becoming a false god and gaining those false powerful powers!

At this time, Otto, who was seriously injured and heading towards the tree of imaginary numbers, was the most satisfied.......

Just when the audience thought Otto would continue like this step by step......

Otto's voice came out from the video screen again.

It seemed so sad and sincere.......

And so......

Makes you feel uncomfortable......


"It's such a fragile thing......."

The comments also quieted down at this time, and everyone was quietly listening to every word that Otto said.......

That was his understanding of life!

And it was also his last words.......

"My sister died in battle when I was a child!"

"They told me her soul is immortal......"

"Her spirit will ascend to heaven......"

"Generation after generation, human beings have always been happy to deceive themselves with such lies!"

"Believe in the so-called afterlife, believe in the so-called eternity!"

"They pretend death doesn't exist......"

"Until death invades their lives and strikes their loved ones......."

"Even at this point, they will deceive themselves even more......."

"Believe that love can transcend everything, believe that love can be eternal!"

The audience listened to these words......

Everyone understands that Otto is talking about all human beings.......

In fact, aren't you laughing at yourself?......

Just like when Kallen just died!

Otto was afraid to face this reality and exiled himself.......

Until the end, I came back......

Perhaps Otto at that time also believed in the afterlife, believed that love could transcend everything! He firmly believed that love could be eternal!

Until Otto realized that these were all deceiving himself......

Just embarked on another path......

As this CG plays, background music starts playing! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It makes Otto's back look even sadder.......

As he walked, Otto told his story, as if he was telling the story of everyone!

As he told his story, Otto also told his plan again.

"The price......"

"......But one person died......"

"......The destruction of one person......"

"And the collapse that was meant to kill us!"

"It's a pity that when I realized this truth......"

"Otto Apocalis!"

"He is already a world-famous villain......."

"He had already been hated thoroughly by the power he needed most......."

The ones we are talking about here are naturally Kiana and others!

"But it doesn't matter, she did prove it......"

"Anger born out of love has the same power as love!"

"Behind such a hero......"

At this point, Otto paused, as if he still had a little regret!

But the next second, he walked over with a more determined step.......

Continue to walk towards the tree of imaginary numbers, and the distance to the tree of imaginary numbers is getting closer and closer......

Otto continued walking and then said a new name!


"......My dear granddaughter!"

In front of the live broadcast room,

Theresa heard Otto calling her name again and responded subconsciously:"Grandpa......"

At this time, Otto on the screen could not hear Theresa's response.......

Otto didn't need any response at this time. For him, it was just a gentle whisper before fulfilling his last wish.......

Just a big villain, some complaints in the last moments of his life......

For him, these complaints will not be heard!

Nor will they be known by others.......

So he could freely speak out the words that had been buried in his heart for many years.......

Theresa also became very alert.......

Listen carefully to Otto's voice coming from the screen.......

When talking about Theresa, Otto's voice became much gentler and more delicate.......

It was like a grandfather was giving his final instructions to his granddaughter!

The true feelings expressed were so real that all the audience could clearly feel this emotion.......

The most sincere!

Feelings without any extra impurities!

After listening to what Otto said to Theresa......

Everyone understood that Otto really treated Theresa as his successor and granddaughter.......

".Growing into a great leader......"

"In time, you will make people forget your grandfather"

"Let his merits and demerits be lost in history and disappear in the gossip."


"Occasionally eat some fruits and vegetables other than bitter melon"

"You always stay up late, your body should be supplemented with more diverse nutrients......"


Theresa couldn't hold back her tears anymore.......

It is true that Otto is a wicked man!

But he has never done anything bad to Theresa.......

The only bad thing is that the experimental subjects killed each other.......

But since he adopted Theresa as his granddaughter,

Otto's devotion to Theresa has been completely sincere.

Jizi looked at Theresa, squatted down and hugged Theresa gently:"We all know......"

"Bishop Otto is sincere to you......."

"So Theresa, you should actually be happy for Bishop Otto at this time, right?"

"From this moment on, Bishop Otto can really let go of everything!"

"Go and complete what you want to accomplish!"

"Before he left, he passed on the position of Archbishop of Heaven's Fate to you......."

"Prove that he really believes in you!"

Teresa wanted to say selfishly that she didn't want the position of Archbishop of Heaven's Destiny!

She just wanted the grandfather who loved her to come back.......

However, Otto did a lot of bad things!

Even if his death was caused by himself, it was an explanation to those people!

So Theresa couldn't say that she wanted Otto to come back for her.......

At this moment, Theresa thought of many memories she had with Otto.......

Except for the time when he threatened Theresa with Kiana in order to prevent her from leaving the Mandate,

Otto had never forced Theresa to do anything.

Even when Theresa wanted to leave the Mandate headquarters and go to the Far East branch to open the Saint Freya Academy,

Otto fully supported her.

Although Otto never said it clearly throughout the Mandate, everyone knew that with Otto's support, Theresa was the second person in charge.

No one denied it.

Even in the future, Theresa and Kiana raised their swords of rebellion to the sky and led the Far East branch to rebel against the Mandate headquarters.

In Otto's words, it was just adolescent rebellion, which was passed over in one stroke.

Thinking of all this, Theresa cried even louder.


"My kitchen magic......there is none left……"

"The kitchen magic my grandpa gave me...will never come back……"

At this point, Theresa's tears could not be stopped...

Jizi touched the back of Theresa's head with heartache, letting Theresa cry on her shoulder...

If someone saw this... it would definitely be shocking...

After all, Theresa has always been very strong!

But now Theresa is crying like a child...

How can she look like the head of the Far East Branch and the principal of St. Freya Academy!

And Jizi also knew what the kitchen magic that Theresa mentioned just now when she cried loudly was about...

Theresa didn't know how to cook before, but she liked to cook in the kitchen of Tianming.

Not only did she make a lot of dark dishes, but she also blew up the kitchen of Tianming!!!

And then she would feel disappointed because she couldn't make delicious dishes.

In order to take care of Theresa's emotions, Otto told Theresa to put the dishes she wanted to cook in the kitchen at night.

The kitchen magic would help Theresa make delicious food the next day...

Theresa believed Otto's words, and as long as she wanted to eat something, it would be prepared in the kitchen...

Otto would help Theresa make it.

When Theresa woke up the next day, there was a table full of delicious food...

This was Theresa's kitchen magic...

Theresa used to believe in the existence of magic...

But later Theresa also knew that the so-called kitchen magic was actually Otto's……......

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