Lu Ruoqi stood in the bedroom, looking at the wide open wardrobe door with some difficulty.

It's not because there is no problem with women's clothing, the system has been supplemented before when Gao Yuanyuan came.

It's because there are so many clothes, he really doesn't know which one to choose.

Forget it, let He Yushi choose it herself later.

Lu Ruoqi thought so, and then began to tidy up the quilt and pillow on the bed.

Suddenly, the movement of his hand stopped, and a terrible thought came to him.


did I invite He Yushi to spend the night, my subjective thought was: I am actually a girl, and there is no problem with He Yushi spending the night?

How about the host is big, do you want to think about it......]

"Get out, Gou system!" Lu Ruoqi scolded quietly and angrily.

Why does this Gou system think about turning herself into a girl every day?

Lu Ruoqi thought about it with annoyance as he opened the door.

Then he saw a scene that he will never forget.

He Yushi stood on the sofa with bare feet, her hands crossed on her waist, her face was ruddy, and she smiled at the orange electric light on the ceiling.

Lu Ruoqi: Σ(っ °Д °;) "

Yushi, what's wrong with you?!"

"Qiqi?hiccup~Qiqi~ I'm fine~~~Hehe~~~" After He Yushi saw Lu Ruoqi, she smiled and wanted to get off the sofa.

"Huh!Yushi!Don't move!" Lu Ruoqi saw He Yushi stepping into the air, and hurriedly rushed forward.

Then she stumbled and fell into Lu Ruoqi's arms.

Soft into his arms, Lu Ruoqi's mind was a little confused for a moment.

Then he smelled a faint smell of alcohol.

He hugged He Yushi onto the sofa, then looked around, his gaze stopping at the pink packaging on the coffee table.

Lu Ruoqi stretched out his hand and took the package, and looked at the line of words he couldn't understand suspiciously.

Xiao An was charging, and he couldn't call it, so he had to move towards the mobile phone on the dining table while looking at He Yushi.

A minute later, he was dumbfounded.

This is the Gallic chicken inscription with the words dear, wine heart chocolate.

This is... Drunk with wine chocolate?

!"Hey!Qiqi~~~Stick~~~" He Yushi smirked and hugged Lu Ruoqi, her head kept rubbing against his neck.

"Yushi, you're drunk, I'll take you to the room. Lu Ruoqi was at a loss to stabilize He Yushi's center of gravity, and gently pushed He Yushi's head away with both hands.

"Don't!" He Yushi lowered her face, pouted, crossed her waist with her left hand, and landed her right finger on Lu Ruoqi's staggering geek, "Are you going to do something bad to me?"

Lu Ruoqi just wanted to answer something, He Yushi immediately smiled again, and put her hands around Lu Ruoqi's neck.

"Hehe, come on, Kiki, I belong to you tonight!"

"Fight with happiness, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Lu Ruoqi trembled when he heard this, and subconsciously wanted to break free from her embrace.

"Don't move!" He Yushi snorted, and then pushed Lu Ruoqi away, the duck sat on the sofa, tilted his head, and said cutely:

"Qiqi! Sign a contract with me! Become a magical girl!" Lu Ruoqi's

face turned pale, and his eyes were full of uncontrollable horror.


He Yushi's face changed instantly, and she looked at Lu Ruoqi with an incredulous gaze.

"Qiqi, you are actually enchanted!" Lu

Ruoqi: (°ー°〃)

He Yushi's expression was awe-inspiring, and his tone became thick and serious: "It's all your fault, Kewpie! I'm going to kill you!!"

Saying that, He Yushi threw the pillow on the sofa Lu Ruoqi.

Lu Ruoqi: Then the light in He Yushi's eyes suddenly disappeared, and she sat down on the sofa in despair: "Qiqi is dead.....

" "It doesn't matter what ...... anymore" "I'm

such a stupid ......"

Lu Ruoqi: (⊙_⊙)

(. ﹏。 When

did I die?

!Don't talk nonsense!

Lu Ruoqi just watched He Yushi toss from seven o'clock to nine o'clock, and the various roles in the middle are frantically switching.

"Hey, hey!Kiki!Look!I'm big~snake~pill~~,"

she said, holding her hands together above her head, her body twisting wildly in the S-curve.

Lu Ruoqi: ━( ̄ー ̄*|||━━Suddenly

, He Yushi stopped wringing, knelt on the sofa and fell down.

Lu Ruoqi's face changed, and he hurriedly ran forward:

"Yushi, Yushi!" "Huh~~Huh~~"

Hearing He Yushi's steady breathing, Lu Ruoqi relieved himself and lay on the side exhausted.

To be honest, the two hours of mental exhaustion made him a little overwhelmed.

Lu Ruoqi gently picked her up, crept into his room, and carefully placed her on his bed.

He looked at the open closet and thought to himself that he didn't need pajamas either.

"Kiki... Kiki... Qiqi ...... "

When Lu Ruoqi just wanted to leave the room to take a bath, there was a dream in his ears.

"Kiki... Kiki, don't leave me... Woo woo woo ......

" Lu Ruoqi sighed, returned to the bedside and gently grabbed He Yushi's little hand, and said softly: "I'm in... I've been ...... all the time"

After about fifteen minutes, Lu Ruoqi withdrew his hand, walked out of the door on tiptoe, and slowly twisted the handle until the whole door closed.

"Huh~~~" Lu Ruoqi rubbed his tired old waist, thumped his back and walked into the bathroom.

He was taking a shower when he suddenly remembered something.

I forgot to record my screen.


the next morning.

Lu Ruoqi's bedroom

He Yushi's eyelids moved, stretched like a cat, and rubbed her messy hair before opening her eyes.

She sat up, looked at the dim daylight outside the curtains, looked at the open wardrobe next to her, and stared blankly at the small quartz clock in front of her.

Suddenly, her eyes widened, and she swerved to the left and right to look around.

What kind of place is this?!He

Yushi's head hurt, and the dead memories gradually returned to his brain.

"Kiki! Sign a contract with me!Become a magical girl......

" "Tata opens !!

" "I'm a big ~ snake ~ pill ~~" "


What should I do!!

He Yushi snorted with a crying voice, and rolled around on the bed.

No, this is Qiqi's bed!

He Yushi immediately jumped out of bed, ran to the door of the room with bare jade feet, and opened the door.

Coincidentally, Lu Ruoqi was wearing an apron and a dismantle, wanting to knock on the bedroom door.

"Hmm, you're awake!I'm about to call you!"

"Qiqi, I'm ....." He Yushi lowered her head and looked at her white little feet, unable to speak.

"Okay, why are you standing stupidly? Go to breakfast, eat a good meal, take a shower and change your clothes.

Lu Ruoqi touched her head and said softly.

He felt more and more like a good wife and mother.

But! I am a man, hey!


the dining table, He Yushi and Lu Ruoqi sat next to each other.

He Yushi grabbed the sandwich in his hand and nibbled on it one by one.

Neither of them spoke, and there was a quiet ...... in the restaurant

He Yushi was thinking about last night, and the more she thought about it, the more she ...... die

Lu Ruoqi was thinking about going to the Comic Con on Sunday.

He's thinking about whether to get a cossuit.

After thinking about it for a while, he was still ready to take out the idol singer costume.

There is no other reason, if you wear a bunny girl, with this charm value bonus, it is estimated that the entire comic book will be paralyzed.

System Mission: 1. Ask the host to wear any epic costume to the Comic Con. 2. Borrow one of the epic costumes to He Yushi (available for a limited time), let He Yushi wear the epic costume to the Comic Con, reward: Epic costumes ×1,800 points!]

The system released a mission very familiarly.

But what the hell is your second mission?!

I only have four epic costumes that I have now.

One is a bunny girl, one is an idol singer, one is a youth final season, and one is a blue sea swimsuit.

Swimsuits in the blue sea will definitely not be used, after all, who will wear swimsuits at Comic Con?!

I have already decided to wear an idol singer, so the bunny girl ......

Lu Ruoqi looked at He Yushi's gaze with a little guilt, ......


Thinking of this, Lu Ruoqi plucked up his courage and looked up at the little girl in front of him: "Yushi!" He Yushi's

hands trembled, and the sandwich in his hand almost fell on the table.

"How... What's wrong Qiqi?" He Yushi was still quite dead in her heart, and she didn't dare to look at Lu Ruoqi at all.

Lu Ruoqi kicked her feet, and the chair slid directly to her side.

"Little rain poem... Do my sister a favor~~~"

"What... What are you busy with......"

Lu Ruoqi smiled, ran quickly to the bedroom, pretended to rummage and took out the bunny girl costume in the system space, and then ran out quickly.

As a senior house, He Yushi immediately recognized the thing in front of her, and her face suddenly turned red.

"Odd... Kiki... I ...... "

" rain poem. Lu Ruoqi put his arm on her shoulder, smiled slightly and said, "You don't want to be known about last night's incident by Orange Orange and Yuanyuan, right......

" "Huh!" He Yushi leaned back helplessly, and sighed silently after a while.

Forget it, it's enough to die anyway, so let's die a little more......

She took the bunny girl and rushed into the bathroom in three steps.

After about a quarter of an hour, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped.

Three minutes later, the sound of a hair dryer sounded.

Five minutes later, the sound of the hair dryer stopped, and the sound of rustling rang out.

After another five minutes, the rustling stopped.

Thirty seconds later, the sound of the doorknob being twisted reached Lu Ruoqi's ears.

Lu Ruoqi looked sideways at ......

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