PS: I found that Tomato can actually look up a dictionary, and there is a dictionary after you select a paragraph.

After ——————

clearly seeing the two very familiar people in front of him, Lu Ruoqi slashed his toes in embarrassment.

In desperation, she had no choice but to greet with a smile: "Good afternoon, President, Senior Sister Yujia."

Xia Yeyu frowned and asked, "What did you see?"

Lu Ruoqi touched his head, picked his face, and whispered, "Hmm... Did you see it all?"

As soon as these words came out, Xia Yeyu, who had always been high in attack and low in defense, immediately blushed.

"Actually, it's nothing. Lu Ruoqi said very confidently, "Girls and girls are very civilized!" "

Giggles...... Tian Yujia on the side looked at Xia Yeyu's increasingly red face and let out a silver bell-like laugh.

"Okay, okay, Sister Night Feather, let's go. Tian Yujia smiled and pushed Xia Yeyu outward, and then winked at Lu Ruoqi, "Eat well, little girl!

With that, the two left hand in hand.

Lu Ruoqi watched them leave, grabbed their hair, turned around and continued to cook.

In the ——————

monthly exam, a total of 10 courses will be examined.

Language, Mathematics and English, Physical Chemistry, Biogeography, History and Politics, Information Technology.

The total score is 1,000 points.

The test takes three days.

On the first day, the tests are Chinese, Physics, Biology and Politics.

On the second day, I tested mathematics, geography, history, and chemistry.

On the third day, I will test English and information, and go home from school in the afternoon to rest.

The grading teacher in the first year of high school is very efficient, and the overtime has been counted on Thursday, which is the fastest in the three grades.


Don't squeeze it!" "Don't squeeze

it!" "My hair is scattered

!" "Fuck it!' Who's touching my ass?

!" "Emma! There's Nantong, someone is touching my kun!"

"Ouch! My belly is going to be pouted!".

The school gate was in a mess, and the first year of high school squatted in front of the bulletin board as if they were going to a market.

Not far away, the old god Lu Ruoqi was standing there on the ground, holding his hands in front of his chest, holding a pink chopstick box with Peppa Pig in his right hand, standing with his two long legs apart, and there was a feeling of contempt for Erzhong in his eyes.

It was as if everything was not in her eyes.

She's waiting.

And beside her were Yan Cheng and He Yushi, the two of them looked nervous, picking their fingers from time to time, and taking a few small steps on the spot.

As for Gao Yuanyuan and Gu Hanshu, they squeezed in.

After a long while, Gu Hanshu rushed out of the crowd with a disheveled hair, and said excitedly: "Sister, sister, I'm in one hundred and fifty !!"

There are more than 350 people in the entire grade, which is not bad.

Judging by her IQ.

"What about me?" Lu Ruoqi asked.

Gu Hanshu was stunned for a moment, and then said embarrassedly: "I forgot to read ......"

Lu Ruoqi: ......

But at this moment, Gao Yuanyuan also squeezed out of the crowd, but her hair was not messy, but the clothes on her body were crumpled.

Gao Yuanyuan beckoned to them after coming out, and then several people understood and walked towards the fifth class classroom.

After walking into the classroom, several people gathered around Gao Yuanyuan's desk.

Gao Yuanyuan took out the mobile phone hidden in her pocket, then opened the album and flipped out the photos she had just taken.

The first one is Lu Ruoqi's.

1st place: Lu Ruoqi

Total score: 897

Chinese: 89

Mathematics: 100 English: 98 Physics

: 100 Chemistry: 100 Biology: 100

Geography: 80



Politics: 75 Information Technology

: 65

Because Lu Ruoqi is not proficient in the latter subjects, he learns purely by interest, so the test is average.

As for information technology, as long as you pass the test, it doesn't matter if you learn it or not.

"It's a pity that I didn't get 900 points. Lu Ruoqi made a regretful expression.

As soon as she finished speaking, the four girls around her looked at her with a similar look of disdain.

Are you talking about people?

Yan Cheng's ranking is below Lu Ruoqi.

Second place: Yan Cheng.

Total: 883

Language: 82 Mathematics: 98 English: 86 Physics: 92 Chemistry: 100

Biology: 96 Geography: 86

History: 75

Politics: 78

Information Technology

: 90

"I'm jealous to death, I'm jealous to death!" Gao Yuanyuan kept patting Yan Cheng's shoulder.

"Alas... There is a fourteen point difference with Qiqi, and the gold content of this second place is too poor. Yan Cheng said regretfully, and he didn't know if he really felt regret or was in Versailles.

Lu Ruoqi glanced at the next few people.

The third place is Gong Haofei, with a total score of 820 points.

Can you imagine that there is such a big gap between the second and third places?

Fourth place is Chen Jiayi with a total score of 812 points.

The fifth place is not the fifth class after all.

Chen Yang estimated that his mouth was about to burst with laughter.

(Actually, there is, there is an all-round warrior in the author's high school class, who is very good in every subject, and has always been the first in the grade, and the second place is 50 points) and

then He Yushi's grades.

Thirty-third place: He Yushi.

Total score: 762 points.

And then there is Gao Yuanyuan's.

Fifty-sixth place: Gao Yuanyuan.

Total score: 733 points.

The last is Gu Hanshu's.

150th place: Gu Hanshu.

Total score: 641 points.

After all, the second middle school in the magic capital is the key point of the city, ranking in front of the one hundred and fifty, one is 100%, and 211 can also impact.

In general, in this monthly exam battle, the five girls played very well.


at the same time, there

are many Chinese teachers in Secondary 2 in the Language Office who are class teachers.

Chen Yang had just returned from the cafeteria, put the box containing chopsticks on the desk, picked up the milk tea on the table and took a sip.

It's really comfortable to be a teacher~~~

However, when he saw the large pile of documents in front of him, the comfort in his heart disappeared instantly.

MD, it's really tiring to be

a teacher!" "Old Chen, have you seen the results of your class?" Li Sinan, the head teacher of the third class of the first year of high school, walked over and looked at Chen Yang with a curious expression.

"The results are counted?" Chen Yang frowned slightly, and then turned on the computer.

"By the way, the first age is in your class, and that one is called ......"

"Lu Ruoqi." Chen Yang said while clicking the mouse.

"Yes, yes, that's the name, good guy, I scored 897 points, amazing. Li Sinan gave Chen Yang a thumbs up.

Chen Yang smiled and didn't care.

He had already guessed that Lu Ruoqi would take the first place or something.

"Lao Li, how is your class?" Li

Sinan seemed to be waiting for Chen Yang to say this, and posed very sullenly.

"Oops... It's a pity... The average score of our class was only 620 points, ranking second.

"That's a shame. Chen Yang said without pain, and then opened the data analysis column of the class.

"Anyway, your class exam... Well???"

is clearly written on the electronic screen: average score: 645.58 points, the first in age.

After seeing the words on the electronic screen, the corners of Chen Yang's mouth gradually lined up.

"Alas... It's a pity that our class didn't get an average score of 660, otherwise we could have broken the school record. Chen Yang spread his hands and said.

Li Sinan's expression was as ugly as eating shit, and he angrily pulled open the stool next to Chen Yang's desk and sat down.

"Lao Chen, how did you achieve this

average score in your class?" "Especially the math in your class, the average score is 84.5? This is the average score that people can get

in the test?" "How did you do it?" Chen Yang thought about it, and a good-looking figure appeared in his head.

He seemed to have heard Fang Ling, the math teacher in their class, complain about his suffering.

It's been more than a month since school started, and Fang Ling hasn't even taken a few math classes!

But Fang Ling is also messy now, beckoning to Lu Ruoqi before every class, and then very consciously sat in Lu Ruoqi's seat, watching Lu Ruoqi lecture with a blank look.

She looks very open, anyway, she still gets her salary, and she is still happy, and she just marks her homework and corrects the test papers on weekdays.

"If there is a top student in your class who can lead other students to progress, maybe they can be like our class." Chen Yang said very seriously.

However, Li Sinan didn't understand Chen Yang's words at all: "What do you mean?" "

Alas, you don't understand, okay, I'm going to find the baby student in our class, break it!" Chen Yang took a stack from the table and stood up and waved at him very coquettishly.

"Huh... I'm sick to death......" Li Sinan retched and gave him a blank look.

Chen Yang laughed and walked proudly towards the fifth class classroom.

In the classroom of Class 5, the students are enthusiastically discussing the results of the monthly examination.

"Brother Fei, you took the third place in the exam!" Jiang Ming excitedly pushed Gong Haofei as if he had taken the third place in the grade.

Gong Haofei shook his head, gritted his teeth and said, "It's not enough.

Jiang Ming was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he asked in disbelief: "Brother Fei, you don't want to compare with Sister Qi!"

Gong Haofei's face did not change in the slightest: "If you can't even reach the end of her level, then how can you be worthy of her?"

"Hehe......" Jiang Ming had no choice but to smile.

He seemed to remember that at the time of the sports meeting, Gong Haofei seemed to be quite close to Chen Jiayi in the class.

Now he is saying in a high-sounding manner that he is worthy of Sister Qi.

Phew! Scumbag!

Jiang Ming scolded silently in his heart.

Although he is also a scumbag himself and has changed a lot of girlfriends, this does not prevent him from scolding Gong Haofei.

"Haofei!" Gong

Haofei was hanging his head thinking about a math problem, when suddenly a familiar slender calf appeared in his sight.

He looked up and saw Chen Jiayi holding a math Xi book on his chest, one hand lifting the bangs in front of his forehead, his face was red, and a pair of big eyes were blinking at him.

send a picture to everyone

, "What's wrong?" Gong Haofei asked.

"I... I don't know how to do a question... So I want to ask you......" Chen Jiayi said in a low voice.

Gong Haofei frowned, and when he wanted to refuse, he met her big watery eyes.

He said in a ghostly

manner: "Which question?" Chen Jiayi was overjoyed, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but hook up, and she said in a cheerful tone: "This question!"

Seeing the appearance of the two seriously discussing the topic, Jiang Ming shouted again in his heart.


Just when Jiang Ming was indignant, Chen Yang walked into the fifth class with a spring on his face and high spirits.

"Okay, students, be quiet, I know you're discussing the results, but let's put it down, we have other things. "

The quality analysis of the monthly exam is held in the class meeting on Friday, and if you want to know about the specific scores, rankings, you can come to me privately. "

Come on squad leader! Send this stack of papers.

When Chen Jiayi heard this, she hurriedly put down her pen and ran to the stage to take the stack of papers handed by Chen Yang.

"After the monthly exam, then the club activities will be implemented, I don't know if you have figured out what club you want to apply for?"

Some say that they want to report to the animation club, not for anything else, just to feel the two-dimensional culture

! Definitely not to see Miss Cos!

"If you decide, hand over the form to the squad leader, and the squad leader will collect it uniformly.

After speaking, Chen Yang left the classroom with a little song.

Coincidentally, as soon as he walked out of the classroom, he ran into the head teacher of the fourth class next door.

"Hello Teacher Chen!" "

Teacher Wang, how do you know that our class has won the first place in this monthly exam

?" "No, Teacher Chen, I ...... it" "Well, the highest score in the grade is also in our class, how do you know?"

"Teacher Chen, I don't have ......"


Alas! If it weren't for the fact that this monthly exam was a bit difficult, our class would have directly broken the school record, alas, alas, what a pity.

Chen Yang shook his head and ran away.

Class 4 Teacher: ???


asked you?——————

in Class 5

, "Qiqi, what club do you want to apply for?" Yan Cheng leaned next to Lu Ruoqi and asked.

"I'm thinking about ......" Lu Ruoqi stared closely at the colorful societies on the paper, touched his chin with his right hand and said.

"Anyway, I'll report to the music club!" Gao Yuanyuan said, leaning back in her chair.

"I... I want to join the reading club......" He Yushi whispered.

She doesn't like to talk or socialize, and the reading club is indeed a good place for He Yushi.

"I'm going to the animation club!" Gu Hanshu said with a big grin.

Her blonde hair is very suitable for cosplay!

"Orange Orange, what are you reporting?" Lu Ruoqi asked.

"I'm going to the Go club. Yan Cheng said, "I heard that the president of the Go Club is a professional fifth dan, and I want to learn Xi Xi from her."

Then all eyes stayed on Lu Ruoqi.

"I really don't know where I'm going......" Lu Ruoqi grabbed his hair in annoyance.

I'm sorry, but I joined the club to play, not to suffer.

Although I can sing and dance rap and play the piano, these things are not new at all.

In the end, under Lu Ruoqi's painstaking meditation, she chose the ...... of the calligraphy club

For no other reason

, because she wanted to change her dog-like handwriting......

(Calligraphy is divided into hard and soft pens, don't always think that the one with a brush is called calligraphy).

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