Popular recommendation:

Pingdingshan, Lotus Cave.

The monsters have long heard that eating Tang monk meat can lead to immortality, and they figured that they would pass here today, and the King of Silver Horn and King of Golden Horn took the little monster to wait at the intersection.

The silver horn holds the red gourd, and the golden horn holds the jade bottle, both of which are held upside down.

Whoever shouts his name and who agrees will be sucked into it, and it will turn into pus after a while.

"I won't fight you, I'll just call you, do you dare to agree?"

Tang Sanzang just cared about talking, no one paid any attention to him.

Sha Wujing asked, "Who will take the shot this time?"

"The old way, guess the boxing, whoever loses will shoot."

Tang Sanzang rolled up his sleeves as he spoke, and called Sun Wukong, Xiaolongnu, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing together to guess boxing.

"Rock paper scissors."

Zhu Bajie, Xiaolongnu, and Sha Wujing produced stones, while Sun Wukong and Tang San hid scissors.

Sun Wukong and Tang Sanzang are back.

There were two games in a row, and the first and second games were tied.

In the third game, Tang Sanzang gave the cloth, and Sun Wukong gave the scissors, KO, and Tang Sanzang lost.

Sun Wukong laughed.

Tang Sanzang lost again. It wasn't the first time he lost. Baoxiang Kingdom eliminated the monsters and saved the princess. Tang Sanzang lost once.

Tang Sanzang had a sullen face.

What's going on, why every time I guess with Sun Wukong, I always lose, is Wukong so stable?

The Golden Horn King and the Silver Horn King looked at each other, holding the red gourd and the jade bottle in their hands, their faces full of anger, but they ignored them and roared at Tang Sanzang and others:

"Do you dare to say yes?"

Tang Sanzang had a cold face, feeling very upset because he lost the boxing, looked up at the golden and silver horns standing on the hill, and said:

"Shame on your face, knowing that we have passed by, you dare to be arrogant, I really don't know how high the sky is, and you don't put me in your eyes at all, Prajnaba is empty!"

Tang Sanzang flew up, golden light erupted all over his body, a big Buddha appeared in the sky, the sound of the Buddha pierced through the sky, Tang Sanzang stood on one of the Buddha's fingers, and singled out a seal.

"Thousand-handed Buddha."

As soon as Tang Sanzang's voice fell, thousands of Buddhas appeared behind the Great Buddha, and the Buddha had thousands of hands. These golden hands were transformed into various flames and descended from the sky.


With just one blow, the ground cracked, Pingdingshan and Lotus Cave turned into ruins.

The golden horn and the silver horn were defeated, tears of remorse shed, and he knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy.

Tang Sanzang took away their red gourd, jade vase, and seven-star sword, and by the way, plucked out their golden and silver horns.

Continue all the way west.

Zhu Bajie was very boring and asked, "Master, the monsters on this road are not easy to fight, they are all very weak, why don't we fly directly to the west?"

Tang Sanzang shook his head.


The golden savior of the Wuji Kingdom killed the blue-haired lion and got a sword in the palace.

In the Huoyun Cave of Dry Pine Stream, there lived a monster called Red Boy. He heard people say that eating Tang monk meat can make him immortal, so he transformed himself into a seven or eight-year-old boy, tied his hands and feet with ropes and hung from the treetops up, shout out:

"Help, help!"

Tang Sanzang and several people recognized him as a monster and were unmoved.

Seeing that he shouted so miserably, Xiao Longnv couldn't bear it and felt sorry for her, so she stepped forward and released him.

He wrapped the red boy's neck with a loose rope, tied a dead knot, hung him from the top of the tree, and left calmly.

Pippi boy + Pippi demon, you have to deal with it like this.

The red boy was angry.


The red boy was beaten into a black boy.

Sun Wukong set a fire, burned the Huoyun Cave, and got five golden circles.

Continue, all the way west.

Heihe fights the demon and gets a steel whip.

Che Chi country fighting method, in order to eliminate the tiger power, sheep power, deer power three demons, you have to move the jar, mortar and vases.

Tongtian River, the Temple of Inspiration, the King of Inspiration, eats a pair of virgins and virgins every year.

Tang Sanzang and the others just wanted to violently resolve it, when Guanyin Bodhisattva appeared, carrying a bamboo basket, and took away the lively goldfish, running fast without looking back.

In Jindoudong, you can get a diamond ring and a green ox mount.

Tang Sanzang carried a diamond ring in his hand and rode a green ox, on which sat Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing, and Xiaolongnu stood on the tip of the ox.

From then on, ride a bull to the west.

this day.

The four monks, master and apprentice, came to a crystal-clear river. Monk Tang was thirsty and asked Bajie to scoop a bowl of water into the river to drink.

Bajie was also thirsty, so he plunged into the river and drank happily.

Unexpectedly, half an hour later, Tang Seng and Bajie's stomach hurt and they were both pregnant.

The little dragon girl congratulated again and again.

Sha Wujing rolled his eyes.

Wukong asked everywhere, only to know that this is the country of daughters, and there are no men.

When a woman is twenty years old, she goes to drink the water from the Zimu River, and after three days she can give birth to a girl.

Tang Seng and Ba Jie heard the repeated screams of suffering, and Sun Wukong smiled and said, "Don't worry, there is a birthing spring at Juxian Nunnery in Xieyang Mountain, and you will be fine after drinking that spring water."

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Tang Seng and Bajie drank the spring water, and their stomachs rang for a while, and they were cured.

The next day, they rode oxen to the imperial city of the daughter country.

I saw that the street was full of women, and when I saw them, they all gathered around to see it.

Bajie hurriedly revealed his original face, causing the women to scream and run away.

It was not easy for them to enter the inn.

After a female official asked about their origins, they would be arranged to stay. He immediately entered the palace to report to the queen.

When the queen heard that Tang Seng was handsome, she decided to make Tang Seng the king and queen herself, and sent three ugly apprentices to study scriptures.

And such a good thing?

The queen asked Taishi to be a matchmaker and went to the post house to ask Tang Seng for marriage.

Tang Seng did not speak, and the Taishi saw that Tang Seng lowered his head and did not speak, thinking that he had agreed, so he left and went back to the palace to report to the queen.

After a while, the queen rode in the dragon carriage and came to greet her in person, worshipped the church, and drank wedding wine.

After a day and a night.

Queen sent.

Tang Sanzang rode a bull and left.

Halfway along the way, he was swept away by the banshee in Pipa Cave and said, "You and I are more free here than in the daughter's country as a husband and wife."

The banshee made a lot of dignified looks to tease Tang Sanzang.

Too ugly, one punch to death.

The banshee appeared, and it was a scorpion spirit. The girls in the cave, big and small, all knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. When I asked, I found out that they were ordinary people in the daughter country, and were captured by the banshee to be slaves.

Let them go and continue west.

Kill fake Goku.

After passing through Cuiyun Mountain's Banana Cave, I like to pick up the Banana Fan.

Fake Leiyin Temple, beat the yellow-browed monster, get golden nao, mace, and human seed bag.

Qijue Mountain, except for the red python.

As soon as I arrived at Qilin Mountain, I saw Guanyin Bodhisattva running all night with a golden roar.

move on.

Pansidong "stick" to fight spider spirits.

Shituoling beat up three monsters, and heard that they were relatives of the Western World, so a meal of braised lion heads was unavoidable.

The Bhikshu kingdom sent down demons to save the children and got the goose coop.

Sun Wukong enters the bottomless pit three times.

Moving on, it coincides with Fengxian County City praying for rain to save the people.

On this day, Tang Sanzang and others came to a city riding a bull. They saw a desolate scene in the city. There were many soldiers lining the street, and a few people who looked like officials were standing under the eaves. Give Way.

After inquiring with an official, I found out that this is Fengxian County in Tianzhu Kingdom. Because of years of drought, they posted a bulletin here on the order of the county marquis, asking the Master to ask for rain to save the country.

Tang Sanzang read the list, glanced at Xiaolongnu and said, "Are you going to rain, give them a rain?"

The Dragon Girl can't rain, so what is the Dragon Girl called?

In fact, the rain is just a small spell, she, Sun Wukong, and Zhu Bajie can do it.

But since Tang Sanzang asked her to take action, he didn't hesitate, and it rained in mid-air.

It rained heavily all day, more than three feet deep.


Going to Jinping Mansion, there is a Xuanying Cave on the mountain, and there are three fairies living there.

Beat three rhinos and get three pairs of rhino horns.

The next day before dawn, Tang Seng and his apprentice packed up, opened the mountain gate, and went away.

One evening, when their master and apprentice were preparing to sleep, they saw a large temple in front of them. On the gate of the mountain were written Dou Da's golden characters: "Bujin Temple".

Below the mountain gate is crowded with people carrying loads, carts, backpacks, and all kinds of pedestrians.

When they saw Tang Seng and his apprentice approaching, they immediately gave way to the front of the King Kong Temple.

An old monk came out to greet him. Tang monk hurriedly offered salutes and reported his origin. After listening to the old monk, he said, "Please come to the room for tea and dinner."

Tang monk asked the old monk, "Why are there so many merchants in front of the mountain gate?"

The old monk replied: "In front of Baijiao Mountain, there is a crowing gate. In recent years, centipedes have often appeared, blocking the road and biting pedestrians. Only when the rooster croaks in the morning and the centipedes escape, can pedestrians dare to pass."


Continue westbound.

Kou Yuanwai treats Saint Tang Monk with pleasure.

After saying goodbye to the bandits, Tang Sanzang rode a bull and continued on his way with his apprentice.

Less than half an hour later, he suddenly saw tall buildings standing in front of him, the Cloud Pavilion soaring into the sky, Wukong said:

"Master, this is at the foot of Lingshan, and the place to learn scriptures has arrived."

"Nine-nine-eighty-one difficulties, the place where we can learn from the West has finally arrived." Tang Sanzang stood on top of the green ox, the breeze was blowing his cheeks, his eyebrows were sharp.

Xiao Longnv reminded: "It seems that the eighty-one difficulties are not enough."

Tang Sanzang said, "It doesn't matter anymore, we will soon set foot in the Western Heaven World, and the secret I want to know will soon surface."

In front of the pavilion, a Taoist boy stood at the gate of the mountain and asked, "The person who came here is from the East!"

Wukong recognized him as the golden-topped immortal from Yuzheng Temple at the foot of Lingshan Mountain, and hurriedly told his master that Tang Sanzang stepped forward and bowed.

Daxian led Tang Seng and his apprentices into the temple, and asked the little boy to burn incense soup to bathe Tang Seng, saying that this would be the best way to ascend to the Buddha Land.

The next day, Monk Tang put on a cassock of Jinlan, and said goodbye to Daxian, who led Monk Tang to the Dharma.

Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice walked forward for five or six miles, and saw a big river rolling with waves, about eight or nine miles wide. There was a bridge in the distance. I didn't expect it to be a single-plank bridge. three words.

They directly rode an ox across the river, startling both the Daxian and the receptionist.

After crossing Lingyundu, boarded the stone road leading to Lingshan Mountain, and came to Leiyin Temple Mountain Gate.


East, heaven.

The Jade Emperor sat on the throne, and many immortals lined up in a series, and soon someone came to report.

"Tang Sanzang and others fought all the way. It took less than two months, and now they have reached the gate of Leiyin Temple in Lingshan."

"What do you think of the immortals?"

"Tang Sanzang, Sun Wukong, Longnv, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing all have problems. There must be someone behind them who is pushing all this."

"I have calculated, Lao Jun, but I can't figure it out."

"How could it not be counted?"

"He may not be in this world."

"How could it not be in this world, what does this mean?"

"Can he escape this world?"

"I don't know, I just can't find it. Maybe the people behind the scenes are watching Tang Sanzang all the way west."

"What is he planning?"

The Jade Emperor frowned: "Did he also discover that there is a problem in the Western world?"

Taibaijinxing said: "Nezha, don't you know the dragon girl, do you know the person behind the scenes?"

Nezha shook his head.

Everyone is silent. Who is interfering with this world? Is there a problem in this world, or is there a problem in the west, or is there a problem in the heaven?


Yunmeng Sect, the eyes of the immeasurable bowl converged on Tang Sanzang and the others, and faintly saw a very strange sky behind Lingshan.

The golden light in the sky appeared, mixed with purple air, and there was a strange power floating in it.

Like a broken world.

Hazy hazy can not see the real.

Li Ming wanted to see what was connected behind Lingshan many times, but he could not see through it.

It's as if Journey to the West doesn't exist.

Like the central area of ​​the sacred mountain forbidden area, it cannot be seen through, and it is full of mystery and unknown.

Li Ming wrote a line: "You have to ask where the Lingshan is connected?"

Standing at the gate of Leiyin Temple, Tang Sanzang and others nodded in succession. The purpose of their trip was for this, to find out what the Western world was doing.

Tang Sanzang stepped forward quickly and saluted: "The poor monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the east and went to the west to worship Buddha and get scriptures."

When the Four Great Vajra saw Tang Seng and were busy bowing, one Vajra said, "Holy Sangha, wait a moment, wait for me to go in and report to me."

After speaking, he reported to the second door.

The second door and the report to the third door.

Sanmen monks hurried to the Mahavira Hall to report to the Buddha.

The eight great bodhisattvas, the four great vajras, the five hundred arhats, the three thousand Jieji, the eleven great yao, and the eighteen garans, who lined up in two rows, gradually frowned.

"Tang Sanzang traveled all the way west, he and his apprentice were very brave, they really called, it was completely different from the set route, the fourteen years of study time actually arrived in less than two months, what should we do? ?"

In the Mahavira Hall, Guanyin Bodhisattva said.

This Guanyin Bodhisattva is the candidate Guanyin Bodhisattva who is often beaten.

At this time, she had no scars on her body, but her heart was full of scars, so tired.

What is Guanyin Bodhisattva doing?

Before she retreated ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, she called her who looked exactly like her, and said that she would replace her for a while and be a candidate Guanyin Bodhisattva, and when she came out of the retreat, let her be the real Guanyin Bodhisattva to gain merit .

Tell her not to tell anyone about it.

At that time, I was really afraid of being beaten by Xiaolongnu, and I shook it out with excitement.

But now the Bodhisattva hasn't come out, and I don't know where they went?

She couldn't talk about the grievances she suffered. She was doing the work of Guanyin Bodhisattva. She didn't get any benefits, and she was beaten every day.

If she doesn't come out again, she plans to stab the matter to the Buddha and let the Buddha dismiss her.

"Let him come in to learn."

The high-altitude Buddha made a loud voice.

Guanyin Bodhisattva wondered in her heart, she felt that Tang Sanzang did not come to fetch the scriptures, but to destroy the place.

The Tang monk and his disciples came to the Mahavira Hall and saluted: "At the will of the Tang emperor, come to worship and ask for the scriptures to help all living beings. I hope that the Buddha will be merciful and give the scriptures as soon as possible, so that I can return to the country."

The Buddha continued to follow the process explained by the Tathagata:

"Your eastern land, Tang Dynasty, is rich in sky, high in land, vast in property, and dense in people. You are greedy, murder, deceit, and deceit; you do not follow Buddhism, and you do not seek good karma. ; Killing life and killing life, creating boundless evil, full of sin and evil..."

Tang Sanzang saw that he was talking a little too much, and said, "Seek the scriptures."

Buddha: "Your Eastern Land Tang Dynasty..."

Tang Sanzang: "Get the scriptures!"

Buddha: "Your East..."

Tang Sanzang: "True Sutra!"

The Buddha looked at him, can you please let me finish the sentence, smash the scene, right? Staring at him, there are bursts of light in his eyes.

Tang Sanzang looked at him without fear at all.

The power between heaven and earth began to run wild, Lingshan began to shake, and cracks began to spread.

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