The exam was a test, but the result was not good.

"What's the passing score?"

Nakano Miku struggled desperately.

"60 points, no, 50 points will do!" Uesugi Fuutarou quickly changed his words. This wouldn't be too bad, after all, Lord Nobunaga was watching. What if he got angry?

Oda Nobunaga didn't even raise his eyelids, as if he agreed.

"I understand." Nakano Satsuki put on his glasses and took the test paper.

"Come on, everyone!" Nakano Yotsuba was full of energy.

"Don't underestimate us!" Nakano Nino gritted her teeth.

"No way." Nakano Ichika sighed.


The black-haired man in military uniform fell silent with five test papers.

The atmosphere was so tense that the five Nakano sisters knelt down and trembled. Woohoo, they were really angry!


"Awesome! One hundred points... add them all up."

Uesugi Fuutarou tried to save his reputation. After all, if he didn't save his reputation, what if his students were killed by the furious Oda Nobunaga? How could he get five times the salary? !

Yes, it's only 100 points when all of them are added up. You know, there are five of them!

Nakano Ichika, 12 points.

Nakano Nino, 20 points.

Nakano Miku, 32 points.

Nakano Yotsuba, 8 points.

Nakano Mayu, 28 points.

It's unbelievable. As a top student, Uesugi Fuutarou couldn't believe it. Why would someone get a single-digit score? Even if they wrote it with their feet, it wouldn't be possible!

However, for the sake of the safety of the five people he was tutoring, and his dedication to this job——

"It doesn't matter!" At this moment, the only one who dared to speak was Uesugi Fuutarou. He clenched his fists, "Even if all five of you fail, under my tutoring, I will help you learn and improve!"

Stop scolding, stop scolding.

The five people's heads were almost lowered to their knees.

If only Uesugi Fuutarou was here, the five people would have found a chance to run away, but Lord Nobunaga was also there...

It was simply a public execution in front of the idol, and he would still kill your idol if he didn't agree with you.

"Then let's do it."

Oda Nobunaga spoke for the first time.

"Huh?" x6

Everyone was at a loss.

"What is your score?" Oda Nobunaga asked Uesugi Fuutarou.

"Of course it is-100 points!" Uesugi Fuutarou took out the test paper with unusual pride.

"Very good, since you are a learned person, you are qualified to be a teacher." Oda Nobunaga nodded slightly.

"Haha, no." Uesugi Fuutarou was a little flattered. Although many people praised his academic performance, this was Lord Nobunaga! The chance of being praised by him was even smaller than that of the Prime Minister... After all, there is still a chance that you can meet the Prime Minister. Lord Nobunaga is unique.

"No need to be modest."

Oda Nobunaga's eyes turned to the five girls who dared not raise their heads: "As my retainers, it is a great shame that you can't pass the exam."

After all, Oda Nobunaga made them retainers for two sides. He had already made it clear when he saved them at the summer festival, and it is impossible to regret it now.

And that might is just like substance. Oda Nobunaga's expression seemed to say that he would kill you if you failed the exam.

"Of course."

Oda Nobunaga changed his tone: "I am not an unreasonable person. I can forgive your mistake this time."

"Really?" The five Nakano sisters regained hope.

"Yeah." The man in military uniform leaned on the sofa, his legs crossed, and his scarlet eyes seemed to be burning with blood and fire.

"But since you know you are wrong, you must correct it, next time."

Oda Nobunaga said coldly.

"Pass me."

How can this be done? !

The five poor students cried bitterly in their hearts, but they still said respectfully on the surface: "Yes! Lord Nobunaga!"

So the five girls who felt that studying was extremely painful accepted the tutoring of Uesugi Fuutarou with a sullen face, and they couldn't be lazy, after all, Oda Nobunaga was watching them all the time!

Unexpectedly, Oda Nobunaga didn't play with himself, but took the textbooks of the five Nakano sisters and looked through them carefully.

Looking at his frowning brows, you know that he is definitely not just looking at it for fun.

After a long time, he closed the textbook.

"Any questions? Lord Nobunaga." Uesugi Fuutarou couldn't help but talk to him. After all, this is Lord Nobunaga, and talking to him for one more word is exciting enough.

"Well, I like new knowledge and power."

Oda Nobunaga showed his appreciation for the first time. He pointed to the mathematical calculation of parabola and said: "If I had such knowledge, I would

The matchlock team will definitely be better. "

"Does it belong to your musket team, Lord Nobunaga? That's right." Speaking of what he knows, Uesugi Fuutarou couldn't help but talk endlessly, "The curve of the bullet can be calculated using the xxx formula, and..."

Oda Nobunaga didn't think Uesugi Fuutarou was noisy, but listened very seriously, and even asked questions and discussed from time to time based on his own experience and knowledge. The atmosphere between the two was quite harmonious.

"It seems that the atmosphere is very good, um, I'm really unwilling!" Nino hugged her head. You know, Lord Nobunaga has never been so kind to them so far! What's the right of that stalker!

"After all, he is an excellent student." As a poor student, Nakano Ichika still admires this kind of person.

I will not agree with him!" Nakano Mayu almost broke the pen.

"I feel that Lord Nobunaga is actually very easy to get along with!" Nakano Yotsuba smiled, "Didn't you forgive my offense just now?"

"You still say that! You scared me to death!" Nakano Nino glared at her fiercely.

"Mikado, what are you thinking about?"

"I..." Nakano Mikudo lowered her head, her bangs covering her eyebrows.

"I just think that someone like Uesugi is the retainer that Lord Nobunaga needs."

"And can we really meet Lord Nobunaga's requirements?"

Nakano Mikudo completely lacks confidence. She is obviously Lord Nobunaga's contractor, but she can't even pass the study. It's really terrible.

However, she also knows that she doesn't like to study at all, and she is unwilling to study. The reason why she can get a higher score is because she relies on her familiarity with the Warring States generals.

In fact, she is useless, even worse than Uesugi. Is she really qualified to be Oda Nobunaga's contractor? That's Oda Nobunaga!

"How can I do it..." Nakano Nino was completely depressed. She really didn't like studying at all. On the contrary, May and Yotsuba were the kind of people who studied hard but still couldn't improve their grades.

Among them, Yotsuba was often asked by others because of her super physical strength, which also interrupted her own learning process.

"Why, do you think you can't do it?"

Is this... the voice of Lord Nobunaga? !

The five people quickly stopped talking and sat up straight.

I saw Oda Nobunaga standing in front of them, and his scarlet eyes couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry.

"That's right!" Nakano Nino mustered up her courage, even though her voice was still trembling, "How can I pass all the exams next time?"

Nakano Nino was right. After all, the five of them lacked too much. Even if they studied hard, the probability of failing was very high.

"Well, I've also considered this aspect." Unexpectedly, Oda Nobunaga was not angry, "You can't give your subordinates tasks that they can't complete, so after discussing with Uesugi-kun-"

"The task has been changed to, in the next exam, all of you have to reach an average score of 30 points in all subjects!"

"If you can't do this, then you will commit seppuku to apologize~"

The most terrible words were said in the cutest tone.

"Of course."

Oda Nobunaga changed the subject: "As a qualified lord, there are punishments and rewards."

"If you all achieve it, I will reward you to hold a secret Atsumori dance of mine, and then throw away etiquette and party until dawn!"

Oda Nobunaga seemed full of energy.

The five Nakano sisters: !!!

What? ! Lord Nobunaga's Atsumori dance? That's a dance that you can never see in your dreams, no matter how much money and how high your status is!

Damn, I want to see it!

The five Nakano sisters looked at each other and saw the blazing flames in each other's eyes.

Let’s do our best!

I must meet the requirements in the next exam!

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