[Shampoo your hair upside down, a cow batch]

[Forget it, forget it, the money you lose in the quiz is just like watching the breeder wash your hair upside down, not a loss]

【The anchor is so cruel】

The barrage expressed their admiration. At the same time, almost no one thought that Su Chen would pass the level.

Don't look at Su Chen's ability to deal with it now, but soon, the speed of spawning zombies in this level will be faster and faster, so fast that even the handicapped party can't catch up, and the screen full of zombies is beyond the reach of ordinary players .

But is Su Chen an ordinary player? Obviously not.

None of the traversers are ordinary.

Under Su Xiaoxiao's unbelievable eyes, Su Chen's hand holding the mouse reached a speed beyond common sense, and his fingers crackled and clicked the buttons of the mouse. The faster and faster zombies are hammered to death.

The level time has come to half, but none of the zombies can go to the lawn after five squares.

Some squishy zombies are mutilated and hammered to death before they even emerge from their graves.

The audience who heard the sound through the screen all felt a little palpitation.

What kind of hand speed is this damn, is it still human?


[This hand speed, at least twenty years of being single]

【Really, it's too fast, my eyes can't keep up with that hammer】

[To tell the truth, I can't do it if I go up]

【My roommate asked me why I watched the live broadcast on my knees】

【Too strong, the speed of the breeder】

[I recorded and broadcast the anchor, and I will post it on major video sites later]

The barrage exploded.

Even Su Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded.

The more she looked, the more she felt that her brother was a pervert.

Well, of course referring to perversion on the game level.

"Brother, have you... taken your medicine?" So Su Xiaoxiao tilted her head and asked tentatively.

Speaking of which, recently, the little girl feels that Su Chen seems to have changed for no reason. She suddenly started writing novels and became popular. Even now, her ability to play games with herself has greatly improved.

It's outrageous.

"Basic operations only."

Su Chen's wind was light and cloudless.

"I'm already very good at this level. I can only say that you made a good choice."

Although what he said was true, there was indeed an element of pretense in it.

Su Xiaoxiao: "..."

The little girl didn't know what to say, she could only watch Su Chen complete the level little by little.

The second half of the beta version of hammering zombies is simply not for people to play. Zombies emerge continuously, and each zombie moves extremely fast. If you don't pay attention, you may gg.

The King of Dancers, Catapults, Giants, Tall Nuts, and Iron Barrels are constantly spawned, making those audiences who have only played the original Plants vs. Zombies click their tongues.

Is this really the Plants vs. Zombies you are familiar with? Maybe what I played is a fake, is it definitely a fake?

The barrage thought so.

And Su Chen has now entered a state of absolute concentration.

The zombies spawned at an abnormal speed in the game, even he has to devote 200% of his attention, not to mention interacting with the barrage, he doesn't even have the time to talk now.

Regarding this point, players who have personally tried this level should have a deep understanding.

Su Xiaoxiao watched and held her breath.

This kind of hand speed is completely like a super boss. Even a game genius like her needs to be looked up to.

[The breeder is angry? 】

[My God, so cold and handsome] This barrage is probably either a pervert or a female fan.

[This hand speed... is impossible, why do I feel like cheating]

[I agree with the previous one, I also feel that it is a mouse linker]

[It is said to be on g, can't you hear the loud sound of the mouse? 】


The sound of the mouse can be pressed to that level, just try to imitate it】

[Don't bring the rhythm OK, the breeder will explain a wave]

[Take it hard, take it hard]

Even the discussion direction of the barrage has changed from worship to suspicion, and it is faintly developing in the direction of tearing up the war.

There is no way, because this man is too fast.

Almost to the point of inhumanity.

This is the case with playing games. When the value of a certain item of yours reaches the peak, the audience will think that it is abnormal, and suspect that you are playing by a script or something.

Su Chen is in such a situation now.

However, he devoted himself to hammering the zombie level, and he didn't pay attention to the discussion of the barrage at all.

But fortunately, Su Xiaoxiao noticed it.

As an "audience" with the best perspective, Su Xiaoxiao completely sees Su Chen's performance. The super high hand speed is something she wants to look up to and worship. This will see the rhythm of the barrage Deviations are naturally intolerable.

"Although I really hope that my brother loses...but I see that there are many barrages that are out of rhythm, so let's show you guys."

Su Xiaoxiao approached the screen unhurriedly, and adjusted the angle of the camera so that the camera could not only capture Su Chen's face, but also clearly show the hand holding the mouse.

The bony hand held the mouse, and it moved very fast, and the fingers seemed to be cramped, and they frantically hit the left button of the mouse at a very unimaginable speed.

After matching this screen with the game on the screen, the bullet screen was in an uproar.

Those voices of doubt just now disappeared instantly.


[My God, manual control means satisfaction] This seems to be the suspected female fan just now. There are many female fans in the live broadcast room who come to see their beauty.

[Fuck, this time I knelt down]

[Is it really not connected? 】

【Ghost Hand】

【Mom, it's too soon】

[Guimu Guima, is that you? 】

【Breeder, you are no longer a human being】

[This hand speed, Niubi, 666, I really can't think of any adjectives to express my mood]

[I will give you 82 points for this wave of hand speed, and I will send you the other 18 points in the form of three 6s]


Amidst the barrage of worship, Su Chen quickly finished the game.

Hammering down the last stupid sleigh zombie, looking at the trophy that jumped out, Su Chen took a deep breath, and leaned back on the chair in relief.

Not a single car was lost, like a game pervert, he passed this level perfectly.

Glancing at the barrage, the above has now all become:



[ohhhhhhh! 】

【Cow batch】

【All rise! 】

The corner of Su Chen's mouth twitched, and after stretching, he settled the quiz.

Immediately, those audiences who participated in the quiz, who were still somewhat resentful in their hearts, no longer had any emotions in their hearts.

They just want to throw their hands up and yell "Breeder Niubi!"

After slowing down for a while, and shaking his sore right hand, Su Chen turned his head and looked at Su Xiaoxiao who was fidgeting beside him.

"How about it? I won without losing a car. Is it time for someone to fulfill his promise now?"


The barrage also started booing.

[Chorus Chorus! 】

[Brother is cute, order a song! 】

[My request is not high, I just want to see the breeder put on six-centimeter high heels, and dance with Xiaoxiao to the Pure Land of Bliss and sing majesticly]

【Second by minister】

【Wonderful, wonderful】

[Are you all perverts? But this is indeed possible]

Su Chen: "???"


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