It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 370: The audition is over

"Are you joking?"

Glancing at Su Xiaoxiao's expectant baby face, Su Chen's reaction was not polite.

With Su Xiaoxiao's voice, it is absolutely impossible to be suitable for the voice of the heroine of "Morning Flowers and Evening Oath".

After all, this animated film is not a superficial work that needs cute female characters at all. The women in it are either majestic, gentle and considerate, or approachable.

As for the tsundere and cute one who shouts every day that there is no road to race... so that's a setting in a light novel, right?

The style of painting is completely different, okay?

"I haven't tried it yet, why are you so disapproving of me?" The little girl moaned dissatisfied.

So Su Chen also shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently: "That's fine, I'll give you three copies of Miss Aiyi's script, you can try it, if I am satisfied, the heroine will let you do it."

When he said this, he didn't think that Su Xiaoxiao was up to the role at all, and he slapped him in the face with his mouth twisted or something.

Damn, the other party is just a rookie who has learned a little, no, not even a rookie, everyone present, even if a newcomer voice actor comes out randomly, they are all professionally trained.

Everyone is also very clear that Rome was not built in a day, and the professional skills of voice actors cannot be acquired after learning a little casually.

Whether it was the voice actor or the staff present, they all thought that Su Xiaoxiao was not good.


When Su Xiaoxiao formally stood in front of the microphone in the recording studio, I don't know if it was because she was too confident, but the feeling she gave to everyone was different in an instant!

This invisible aura that emerges smoothly...

This depressing deep breath...

Could it be...

Is it a hidden bigwig genius when you open your mouth?

Su Chen gasped, with a strange expression on her face.

Then, Su Xiaoxiao lowered her head and stared at the script seriously, her whole body revealed incomparable concentration.

Raising her head, the little girl finally spoke out.

"Well, I'm a little nervous, can I go to the bathroom?"


Su Chen only felt his head sink and almost fell on the table.

All right.

I really believed in her evil, so I thought this guy was going to suddenly amplify his tricks.

"Don't you want to audition... Hurry up and come back."

After driving Su Xiaoxiao away, he was troubled by the heroine's voice actress again. At this moment, Sun Wujiang patted him on the shoulder.

"Teacher Maoxuewang, I have an opinion about the allocation of voice actors."

"What's your opinion?" When he heard that it was related to what he was worrying about, Su Chen became a little more energetic.

"I think it would be good for Ms. Aiyi to be the voice actress of Lelia, and the voice actress of the heroine Maquia. I can try to give you Bilibili's new voice actress, Yue Ling, a chance."

"You mean Yue Ling?"

Su Chen was taken aback.

Yue Ling has a good foundation and her voice is quite gentle, but in "Deathnote", the other party is only Mi Haisa who is not considered a heroine, and she has no experience in big occasions. Lord, is it really good?

Without the original voice actor from his previous life, he is very cautious in employing people.

Even Li Zhenshou, who has a good foundation, was obliged to throw him to the second male seat this time when the funds were sufficient. The male lead was handed over to the experienced front-line boss. The degree of caution is evident.

One more thing is...

"Ke Yueling is in my heart, the ideal candidate for Medomel."

Medomel is the princess of the country of Mesati, that is, in the later stage of the plot, Leilia is forced to marry the daughter of the prince, and she only has more than ten lines of serious lines throughout the whole process. She is a real supporting role tool.

"You mean the princess in the script?"

Sun Wujiang is also a person who has read the script thoroughly. After thinking about it, he pondered for a moment, and quickly said boldly:

"How about giving this role to Teacher Xiao Su?"


"Look, Teacher Maoxuewang, this princess is just a little girl's setting. Teacher Xiao Su's voice must be very similar to this... Plus the princess doesn't have a few too difficult lines.

Even with the background of Teacher Xiao Su, he can be competent, right? "

"...When you put it that way, I feel that this idea is really good."

After carefully weighing in her heart, Su Chen gradually agreed.

The two looked at each other and smiled, reaching an agreement.

Just at this time, it was said that Cao Cao and Lin Junjie had arrived, and Su Xiaoxiao also came back.

After symbolically showing the heroine's script to the other party for a try, the result was mediocre, and after feeling nothing at all, Su Chen also naturally rejected Su Xiaoxiao's request to be the heroine.

The second round of auditions is still in full swing.

Now that I have thought about the specific allocation in my heart, the next audition has become very clear.

During the whole process, intentionally or unintentionally, everyone was given their corresponding scripts, and Su Chen naturally didn't let go of the seiyuu who he defined as unsuccessful.

After careful study of each person's different voice lines and auditioning different scripts for each person, the audition is coming to an end.

"Too bad, I didn't play well in the occasion just now."

"Me too. Teacher Mao Xuewang has been looking at my face through the glass window, so nervous."

"Hey, what are you doing? I accidentally read it back when I went up to audition. It must be finished!"

"Well, don't worry about it."

In the lounge, Aiyi smiled slightly at the new voice actors who were talking quietly, which was very healing and comforting.

"When I first became a seiyuu, I was more nervous than you. You are all outstanding newcomers who have been favored by Teacher Mao Xuewang. With this experience, you will definitely be able to do it next time."

Hearing the words, the few newcomers who didn't perform well could only nod with their lips pursed, silently depressed in their hearts.

Time passed, at four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun gradually became soft and golden.

One after another, the voice actors entered the recording studio and then came out again, and the audition was finally officially over.

"Ahem, the audition is over, and the dubbing list of "Dawn Blossoms and Evening Oath" will be announced next. If you don't get a name, you can leave as quickly as possible."

A few minutes later, Sun Wujiang came to the lounge and informed everyone.

This list was completed by Su Chen.

Originally, I thought of all the candidates in my mind as if they were mirrors, so it didn't take much time to organize these names into a list.

"Wow, I was actually selected. I was worried before."

"Huh, I was also selected, although I was only responsible for the role of a hotel guest..."

"Come on, I'm also in charge of the extras, and almost all the important roles are in charge of the boss."

"I'm in charge of Barrow... Anyway, it's a character with a name, but I don't know how many lines there are."

After the unselected seiyuu left, the large lounge was quite empty, and a group of newcomers who were selected for the first time in an animated film were chatting with each other.


This also includes Su Xiaoxiao.


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